Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1736: Flame of Doom


Text Chapter 1736 The Flames of Doom

Looking at the door in front of them, the captain and the adjutant looked at each other, glanced at the players behind them, and the captain gestured for a temporary rest. Two team members are on guard near the gate, while the others rest in place. I don't know if it is because of being underground or because there is a steel gate at the end of the tunnel. There is a mysterious atmosphere everywhere. No one in the team talks, just silently drinking water and eating bread to satisfy their hunger.

"Captain, this is probably an old military base." After checking the situation near the gate, the black adjutant returned to the captain and said in a low voice: "The materials used in the gate, the design of the rails and other auxiliary equipment are obviously not ours. The current magic technology."

"An old military base?" The captain took off his helmet, rubbed his hair and said, "Well, let's see what's inside."

He stood up and said in a deep voice: "Everyone is up, let's go. Check your equipment, I need you to be able to fight at any time."

All the team members quickly carried out a self-inspection of equipment. The captain made a gesture to the adjutant. The black adjutant took a magic rifle from his back. This rifle named "Storm" can be used for rapid strike and fire suppression. The most appropriate cover is. The captain took out a magic pistol, activated the pistol, raised the gun and walked in the gap in the gate first.

Other people filed in.

The air behind the door is dry and the team members breathe smoothly, indicating that the air circulation in the base is good. Everyone's tactical helmets have enabled infrared vision mode, and no one dares to use the torch on the helmet in this dim environment. Otherwise, it is simply a moving target.

Entering from the gate is a downward-trending passage. The passage is very spacious. It cannot be seen from the road signs that this is a two-way passage that can accommodate four armored vehicles to pass side by side at the same time. There is no major damage to the structure of the passage. From this point of view, the quality of the military base is still very good. After all, the popularization of magic technology is only two hundred years ago, so it can be inferred that this base is a product at least two centuries ago, and the base environment can still maintain a rough appearance, which is already very rare.

There is no lighting in the base, like a dead grave. This kind of silent march, even these well-trained soldiers, are under tremendous mental pressure. This passage seemed to have no end. When the captain saw the road ahead, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The road post has been abandoned, and the electronic system has long since ceased operation. After crossing the road post, there is a platform behind it. Judging from the nearby signs, this should be a transit platform for cargo transportation. External materials are transported here and then handed over, and then transported by the base's internal vehicles. The platform has several passages leading to the car elevators, but without electricity, these elevators are naturally stopped.

After a while, the team found a staircase on the east side of the platform.

Standing at the dark entrance, the captain made a guard gesture, and then entered first with the adjutant. After walking for a while, there was a slight noise from below, and the captain controlled his head at the armrest. The picture below was displayed in the visor of the tactical helmet. Just below the stairs, a dark shadow was lying on the stairs blocking the way. It seemed to feel the captain's gaze, it moved, and then its head raised.

The captain drew back quickly, even if he was as sophisticated as him, his heart was beating hard. In the moment of looking at each other, he saw a monster, it was the monster that took away his soldiers, but it was not known whether it was the same one.

It is only certain that such monsters are hiding in this military base, and these beasts are definitely not natural products. Those cold eyes didn't look like beasts at all, but more like well-trained soldiers.

And it's the one trained as a killing machine.

The captain made a gesture to the adjutant, who knew it, and whispered to the soldier behind him: "Release the reconnaissance robot."

The soldier unloaded the tactical backpack and took out a box from it. Open it. Among them is a reconnaissance machine disguised as an insect. After activating it, the robot flies down the stairs and can see the picture under the stairs through the screen on the tactical board.

Sure enough, there was a monster lying on the stairs below, the size of a calf, lion-headed horns, and human-like arms. The muscles of the two arms are bulging, but the hind limbs are like ox-like legs with black and shiny hoofs. On the screen, the monster seemed to have spotted the robot. It looked up, and suddenly a ball of flame appeared between the horns of its head. Suddenly, the fire illuminates the screen, making it impossible to see, and then the screen loses its signal. It is obvious that the robot has been destroyed.

The captain was in a heavy mood, and the monster behaved like a sentry, destroying any suspicious things passing by. At this time, the adjutant bumped him, and the captain realized that there was a fire light under the stairs. He lifted the visor of his tactical helmet, and saw that the fire in the dim stairs was so obvious and brighter. After a while, a shadow appeared at the corner.

The monster is coming towards them!

The captain immediately made a retreat gesture, and at this moment, a scream sounded behind him. When he turned his head, he saw a monster jumping down above the stairs. The two corners of his head pushed up one of his soldiers, and the other soldiers raised their rifles and greeted the monster. The rain of bullets swept over the monster, shooting it to splash blood. But it didn't even scream, dropped the soldier, and burst out a ball of flames with its mouth open.

At this time, another monster under the stairs also appeared in front of the captain, and was flanked back and forth. The captain could only shout, "Kill these two monsters!"

The team was divided into two sides, about seven or eight people on each side, and focused firepower to shoot off these two monsters. The storm rifle in the hands of the black adjutant was even more pouring. A rain of light fell on the monster, the power of the magic rifle was obviously higher than that of ordinary firearms, and the monster shot into a sieve in a blink of an eye. But its vitality was extremely tenacious, and its whole body was dripping with blood, but it still rushed forward desperately. The black adjutant simply put away the rifle and roared vigorously. Two fists were entwined with a flowing cyan flame, and he greeted the monster with a punch.

This head smashed the monster's skull with a shattering sound, but the monster also left a few claw marks on the adjutant before his head dropped to death.

The adjutant backed back, blood dripping on his chest, and even a cut was made on his face. Fortunately, there was no serious problem. The captain patted him on the shoulder, then turned and killed the monster on the stairs. Under the cover of the team members, he hurried forward with his gun, and several blood-red source-power bullets fired continuously from the muzzle, blasting into the forehead of the monster's head one after another with amazing standards.

When he stopped, the monster had closed his eyes and died, but the captain was not happy at all. Seeing these two monsters covered in bullet holes, the captain felt uncomfortable. These things were terrible. They didn't know how to shrink, and their vitality was terribly tenacious. If there are more such monsters...

At this time the adjutant came over and said: "Captain, don't you think these monsters are the same as the Burning Legion that the lord showed us?"

The captain nodded and said, "We have to go back."

"Don't save people?"

"It can't be saved." The captain shook his head and said, "You have seen it, but we have to do our best for things like the two ends. God knows how much there is in this base. On the contrary, we have to send this message back, which is even more important. ."

The adjutant nodded, suddenly raised his rifle and shouted, "Who is there."

The captain raised his head unexpectedly, only to see a figure appearing at the top of the stairs, he turned on the flashlight on his helmet to shine. What appeared in the beam of light was a boy, twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a checkered shirt. Except for a smudge on his body, he is no different from the older children that are common in the country. The only difference is that he shouldn't appear in this tomb-like base.

"Are you from Yiwan Village?" the captain asked.

The boy didn't react at all.

The captain frowned and said, "We are here to save you, kid. Tell us, why did you come here? Who brought you here."

"He." The boy finally said.

"He? Who is he?"

The boy did not speak, but raised his hand and pointed at the back of the crowd. The captain turned around, and there was nothing behind. Looking back, I saw the boy twisted unnaturally. The thin body was swelling, and then it exploded like a balloon. Blood and tissue splattered all over the floor, and the captain and adjutant were all stuck with the boy's flesh. Then there was a monster in the place where the boy was, just like the monsters just now, but with a smaller size. The monster raised his head, a flame spurted out of the corner, and then leapt over silently.

The captain and lieutenant fired at the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Two magic weapons focused their firepower and strafed the monster down the stairs. After confirming that it was dead, the two exchanged glances.

"How can this happen, people have become monsters? Could it be that the villagers in Iwan Village have become monsters?" There was a bit of fear in the adjutant's voice: "Could it be that what we shot just now was actually from Iwan Village? Villagers?"

This is not impossible. The boy just now showed them how he turned from a human into a monster. If so, it would be terrible. What is there in this base that can turn people into monsters?

"That's right, soldier." A low voice rose under the stairs.

The captain and adjutant turned around and saw their soldiers lying on the stairs sometime. Behind them stood a man with a hooded head, and sparks scattered around the man with long black hair.

The man suddenly raised his head, revealing the dark red armor draped over his body. There were faces on that armor, and each face had a different expression, which looked very strange and evil. The man smiled and said, "As long as you touch my flames, no matter what kind of life you are, you will turn into a soldier of the Burning Legion. This is the flame of my doom, the mighty power of Kylistan!"

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