Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1742:  Flame Front Samurai


Text Chapter 1742 Flame Front Warrior

The village of Yiwan, now in ruins, was cleared of a large area in a day or two. Military vehicles continued to enter the village, carrying regular troops of Golden Lions. The army set up a camp in the village, set up a cordon, and poured temporary fortifications, with great plans to transform it into a stronghold. In addition to the army, military equipment, tanks, and supplies are also constantly being sent. If there are surviving residents in Yiwan Village, then he will definitely not believe his eyes. The small village before has become a military base.


In a makeshift military camp, someone was wiping a gun. Hearing someone outside the barracks calling his name, a man named Toman came out. It seemed that he was a little uncomfortable with the outside sunlight. He blocked it with his hand before putting it down. Then the sunlight shone on his face, and he was the captain who led the team into the underground base. It's just that he is the only one in the whole team to return to the surface, making this man named Toman really depressed.

Seeing that it was his immediate boss, Toman made a military salute. His boss put his shoulders on his shoulders and said, "Want to avenge them?"

Toman's eyes lit up, and the man who hadn't said a word since reporting to the headquarters that day opened his mouth hoarsely and shouted, "Yes!"

"Then you have a chance now, and Marshal Capro will be there later, and he also brought a big man with him. If that person wants to see you, you can ask him to take you to that ghost place. If you still want to If you go."

Toman nodded and asked, "Who is that person?"

"You'll find out later."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two heard the howling of the spaceship. Looking up, a few flying ships passed the village, and after one circle, they landed in the burnt farmland outside the village. Toman was pushed by his boss, and the two left the village together.

In the field outside the village, three flying ships stopped. The spaceships all had the flag of the Federation, and people came down one after another on the spaceships, and one of them was Capulo walking in front. Marshal Mad Lion is wearing a straight military uniform and a fox fur cape. He has a steady pace and a strong aura. Once down, it became the focus of everyone. Then behind the marshal, Toman saw a young man. That man was younger than him, and seemed to be in his early twenties. In the sun, his broken silver hair seemed to float out a little bit of starlight, and his handsome face had a pair of red eyes that were impressive.

Toman immediately knew who he was. In fact, few people now know who he is.

"It turned out to be him?" Toman whispered.

"Yes, it's him!"

When Alan and Capro stepped off the spaceship, the two soldiers greeted him. They talked with Capro. The old man pushed one of the soldiers and said to Allen: "This is Lieutenant Toman, and the only one who survived from the underground base. Your Royal Highness, if you have anything to ask, there are still three before we start. For an hour, I think there should be enough time."

Allen nodded, and under Caprow's arrangement, he and Toman walked into an armored command vehicle. With the two of them in the car, Allen asked Toman how to underground the base and what he saw in the base. Toman answered all the questions and answered every question, and after answering them carefully, Allen probably understood the situation of the base. He nodded and said: "You see the man with the so-called flame of doom. He is a king. However, a king who can directly transform lives is rare. It is basically certain that the base has become the lair of the Burning Legion. Thank you very much. Everything provided, Ensign."

Allen stood up to leave, Toman stood up suddenly, and said solemnly: "His Royal Highness Allen, I want to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"Please take me with me. I want to go back. In the end, I was the only one in the team I led. I should have died there too, but I have to bring this out. Now I have no regrets. , I want to go back to that place again!"

Allen looked at the ensign and said, "Did you figure it out?"

"Yes, I figured it out clearly."

Allen nodded: "Then when you start, follow me."

"Thank you very much, my lord!" Toman yelled, even the corners of his eyes moist in excitement.

Allen patted him on the shoulder and said, "Then get ready and go together when you start."

Leaving the command vehicle, Alan saw Capulo, who had just ordered the Golden Lion to prepare for departure. In the new White House in Caesars City, after Mobitt announced the twilight signs, the Federation and the Golden Lion quickly reached an agreement. Both sides will send troops to the underground base, but because Sirius has other tasks to do, this joint operation will be under the full command of the troops. As for Allen, although he is the same, his main goal is to put on Archimedes.

Talking to Toman just now, he confirmed again that the one who appeared in front of the ensign was a king. This king who possesses transformable creatures and turns soldiers and even villagers into a burning army cannot appear out of thin air. In other words, there may be a flame gate in that underground base. More likely, the Twilight Son whose instinct has been re-awakened is there. Regardless of whether it is the Son of Twilight or the Gate of Flames, Allen must go through this trip himself. The Flame Gate needs to be destroyed. As for the Twilight Son, there may be an inevitable battle!

At this moment, the Confederate army arrived in Yuanyuan by transporting airships. Because the battlefield may be in an underground base, the various land combat vehicles of the combat spacecraft are not useful. The army transferred this time is the army of Sirius. These fighters are proficient in ground combat, and even if they are underground, they will perform well. There were two major generals from Sirius who came with the army. They were in charge of the army, but they obeyed Kaprow's dispatch.

Everything is ready.

Three hours later, this huge army of up to 7,000 men began to set off. The Tactical Department has planned a detailed route based on the information provided by Toman. The army only needs to follow this route. Even on foot, it can reach the entrance of the base at noon tomorrow. Allen and Caprow were among them, and beside them, there was another Ensign Toman.

This time, in the lineup of the strong, it was not as luxurious as on the heavenly stars. However, for the time being, there is only one king in that underground base, and it is not a problem to deal with a high-ranking king with Kaprow's strength. As for Archimedes, of course Allen will handle it. This is a very straightforward strategy, king versus king, and soldier versus soldier. As for the Burning Legion, it was left to the coalition forces to deal with.

As the army set off, located in the deepest part of the underground base, in that huge underground hall, the man sitting on the throne finally opened his eyes: "He is here, I can feel the call of destiny, Right here, let dusk and dawn make a knot."


The flames of doom walked out of the shadows, knelt down on one knee, and the black-haired man bowed his head and said: "Kyristan obey your instructions, Your Highness.",

"Start the activation process, let our army wake up from sleep, it's time to fight."

"As you wish."

After a while, the lighting in the lobby was turned on, and the power system of the base was running at maximum power. The signal lights of the culture tanks are on, and the culture medium inside is almost boiling! At this time, in one of the training tanks, a man with a perfect body suddenly opened his eyes, and then everyone in the training tanks opened their eyes. The culture solution was pumped out and emptied, the wall of the tank rose, and men and women walked out of the tank.

Their eyes were filled with doubts, as if they didn't know where they were now, let alone what they were. Thousands of people like this!

"Feeling lost? It doesn't matter, soon, you will know the meaning of your existence." Keristan's voice sounded in the air, and when people raised their heads, they saw the man floating in the air. In the armor on his body, those faces seemed to come alive, and countless eyes on the armor lit up, and suddenly sparks spurted from the mouths of those faces.

Countless sparks spread out, covering the entire hall, and part of the sparks drifted down. A part of it rises up spiritually, gets into the various ventilation ducts in the hall, and rushes towards the rest of the base. Kiristan kept spewing out sparks ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tens of thousands of sparks lit up the hall, and in this dazzling fire, the sparks falling downward penetrated into the confused people on the ground.

After a while, they began to make painful screams, and the painful screams of thousands of people gathered together to form a sharp howl that shocked the soul!

In the howl, their bodies twisted and swelled uncontrollably, and then exploded into blood mist. In the blood mist, a pair of eyes lit up. From one of the blood mists, a tall figure strode out. It was a full-body man, but soon the dark red armor floated from the surface of his body, he quickly equipped with the armor, and drew a pitch-black sword from behind him. A pattern on the big sword lit up, and flames were emitted, so the warrior holding this blazing big sword made the first roar in the air that came to the material world.

Flame front samurai, this is a combat unit equivalent to the flame knight. The only difference from the Flame Knights is that the Flame Front Warriors lack mobility. In contrast, their ground combat power is higher than the Flame Knights. These warriors are protected by heavy armor, and the burning sword can easily split the enemy's body. In a blink of an eye, the entire hall is full of Flame Front Warriors, and in this base, all the Kronites of the old age have been transformed into combat units. They roared, they looked forward to it, this army is waiting The coming of mankind.

The war is on!

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