Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1744:    enter the base

On a photon imager, a three-dimensional map is rapidly being constructed. Allen looked at the constantly forming model on the imager, with no expression on his face. Capro's expression became deeper and deeper. He said: "I didn't expect that there would be an old-time military base in this place, and in terms of scale, it belongs to the kind of large-scale base that integrates military and research."

It was noon, and they had arrived in front of the cave leading to the underground base. The army had not yet entered the cave. With Kaprow’s assistance, hundreds of aircraft entered the base first and used laser scanning to build a model of the base in order to determine an attack plan.

Now the first and second floors of the base have been constructed, and the third floor is still under construction. Judging from the two floors that have been constructed, the first floor is the accommodation area and the activity venue for the base personnel. You can see the dormitory, square, stadium and other buildings. There are many large spaces on the second floor, which looks like a material warehouse, but the three-dimensional model is composed of lines, so it is impossible to make a clear judgment.

Some light spots began to appear on the base of the third floor. Those were thermal reactions, and reactions like this were distributed in the base of this floor. Although it looks sparse, but if you consider the area of ​​this base, it can be roughly estimated that there are at least three or four hundred thermal responses.

Soon the fourth layer of base was built on the imager. This layer of base was in a honeycomb structure. Except for the blank center area, dense dark red spots appeared in other segmented areas.

Capello explained: "These thermal energy reactions will be distinguished in color according to the magnitude of energy. The higher the energy, the darker the color. Regardless of whether the reactions in the four layers are machines or organisms, the energy reactions they present must Much higher than the third floor."

"It should be a mid-to-high-level combat unit in the Burning Legion. Judging from such a density, it is estimated that it will not be a large combat unit, but a humanoid fighter." Allen whispered.

Capro's face is solemn, if every reaction is a soldier, then this fourth layer is enough to have an army of more than 10,000!

When the base of the last floor was also presented on the imager, Capro was completely silent. The base on this floor has an unusually huge space, which is equivalent to the area of ​​two football fields if calculated in proportion. In this space, the dense dark red light spots are telling Capulo that there is also a large army on this level.

Capro stood up, adjusted the three-dimensional model, and enlarged the fifth layer. It can be seen that there is a door in that space, and in front of that door, there is a light spot with a heat response close to black. Capulo looked at Ellen, who said lightly: "It's the Son of Twilight. He is waiting for me."

"Then do you go down first?"

"It doesn't matter, since he plans to wait for me there, let him wait a little longer."

Capro nodded, and with Allen moving with them, the soldiers' lives would be much more secure. He immediately called in several generals, including his own general of the Golden Lion and two major generals of Sirius. Caprow asked for federal support, and at the same time he also issued an order for reinforcements to the Fort of Helm. Their coalition forces are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, and at least 50,000 troops are needed before they can hope to eat this base.

He sent the three-dimensional model of the base and related data to the Federation. As long as Mobit's head is not broken, the Federation should know what to do. Of course, Capulo did not intend to wait here, he decided to organize this coalition to attack the base first. At least the third floor must be cleaned and the fourth floor sealed off. Otherwise, the army under that land would rush out, and his consular area would suffer first.

The Burning Legion must be suppressed in the base!

After the order went down, the coalition forces began to divide and reorganize in accordance with Kaprow's orders. Regardless of Golden Lion or Sirius, all five soldiers form a group. In this group, there are two melee fighters, two fire fighters, and an action team leader. This is the standard squad action mode. Each team will be managed as a combat unit, which can facilitate the flexible command of the commander. Especially when large-scale operations cannot be carried out in the complex environment of the base, the team mode is more conducive to the development of the battle.

After grouping quickly, the coalition forces began to enter the base.

Allen walked in the forefront and walked along the tunnel to the transfer platform at the entrance of the base. Once there, the army followed Caprow's order and some teams began to enter the next floor through the elevator that had been suspended. Others go to the entrance gate.

The entrance gate was closed, but the armored gate with a width of 30 cm could not stop the coalition forces. The engineers in the army used laser cutting to quickly create a gap for the army to pass through. After entering the door, the army dispersed, searching every place carpet-like, trying not to let a monster pass.

At this time, the teams that had slipped down from the elevator shaft had directly reached the third floor. They opened the elevator doors and drilled out, deepening through the passages.

In one of the teams, Toman is among them. He got Allen's assurance to be able to return here, and volunteered to participate in the mopping up of the third floor base.

As the action leader, Toman takes the lead. Holding a rifle quickly advancing, this rifle has two shooting modes, one is the physical attack mode that uses the old gunpowder bullets, and the other is switchable to magic shooting. These rifles are now the standard equipment of the federal army, which can not only use physical strikes in normal times, but also switch to magical shooting when needed, which largely meets different combat needs.

Suddenly two red lights lit up in front of him as he advanced, and Toman suddenly stopped and shouted in a low voice, "Ready to fight!"

When the voice ended, there was already a vicious wind rushing over there. A flaming horn demon rushed, and the machine guns of Toman and the two firearms roared, the tongue of flame illuminated the dim passage, and the bullet tore the air, leaving a fiery red line. The other end of the stitch points towards the fire horn demon, this fire horn demon is constantly splashing big flowers of blood all over the body, but it does not mean to stop at all!

"Melee control, other people attack with me in a roundabout way!" Toman quickly said, Flamingo can kill with bullets, but it needs more ammunition. However, the coalition forces brought sufficient ammunition. Compared with bullets, the soldier's source power was limited, so Toman did not want to waste the soldier's source power for a flaming horn.

Two melee fighters drew out standard big swords. These big swords made of Valle blue steel showed a pale blue body. Both their sharpness and hardness surpassed ordinary alloys. The two Vale great swords made blue sword trails. The two melee fighters had obviously received special training, and they showed a joint attack situation when they shot. One cut towards the head of the Firehorn Demon, the other cut towards its arms.

The fire horn devil opened his mouth and bit a big sword, while holding a fist with the other hand, he slammed the second big sword, smashing the big sword away from it.

The warrior who was bitten by the sword did not panic. He twisted the hilt and drew another thin sword from the big sword. It pierced the firehorn demon's eyeballs and pierced it from the back of its head. . The Firehorn Demon roared and let go of the big sword, and raised his hand to pat the warrior. The other person rolled over, slashing the Valley sword in his hand, and then cut off its arm. At this time, Toman and the two firearms, who circled to the side of the Firehorn Demon, focused their firepower and fired. Hundreds of bullets crazily shot at the Firehorn Demon, eventually killing the beast.

The warrior walked over, picked up the sword body, and put back the rapier and the hilt.

Fights like this have already started on the third floor one after another, and the ones who stayed in the third floor base are basically the Fire Horned Demon. When these fierce beasts are alone, a small team can quickly kill them through cooperation. But when there are two teams together, even if the two teams cooperate, it may not be so smooth. Fortunately, the spacious space in the base is limited, most of which are passages and small rooms. Such an environment is equivalent to the division of the fire horns, and the human action team quickly suppresses them through the effective cooperation of their members.

Toman's team has already killed the five flaming horns, and they are now resting in a material warehouse. The warehouse space is much larger than the previous rooms. The warehouse is full of boxes, and Toman is not interested in opening the boxes to see what's inside. He was wiping his face with a cloth strip, his face covered with the blood of the Fire Horned Demon. The team members are showing fatigue, and you can see how powerful the monsters are from another side. In fact, the fire horned monsters are terrible killing weapons, their vitality is extremely tenacious, their bodies are strong and powerful, and they can breathe fire. More importantly, they don't understand fear at all.

Toman is thankful that this is in the base. If it is in an open place like the plain ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, if the Firehorn Demon forms a scale, the impact will be terrible. At least, it is difficult for human infantry groups to reach the group impact of these monsters, even armored combat vehicles, I am afraid it is difficult to stop them.

When thinking this way, Toman heard footsteps. It was the sound of the armors tapping each other lightly, and then there was a fire light from a distance, brighter and brighter.

"Get up, get up!" Toman called, and the soldier who was resting quickly got up.

Toman raised his gun and saw that behind a shelf the fire became brighter and brighter, dragging a black shadow on the ground. After a while, a figure swayed from behind the shelf, Toman shouted "Attack", three rifles were fired at the same time, and the bullet hit the figure with a sound like a steel embryo. The heavy armor bounced off. The visitor let out an inhuman roar, the sword in his hand spewed out flames, and the dimly illuminated warehouse also lit up. In the flames, a warrior wearing heavy armor and holding a large flame sword strode.

Flame Front Warrior!

"Huh?" Capulo stopped, at the moment he was standing at the entrance of the second floor base. The tactical board in his hand showed that dark red light spots were pouring towards the base on the third floor. He immediately roared: "Immediately order the teams on the third floor to retreat, and the enemy is starting to fight back!"

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