Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1752: daughter

Bang bang bang.

The firewood makes a cracking sound in the flame, and the smell of the firewood is mixed with other things, such as the fragrance of fish. Allen watched "self" catch a few fatty fish in the stream, lighted a fire, washed the fish by caesarean, and then pierced them with branches and grilled them on the fire. When the fish was cracked, Lan Jie took out a porcelain jar from his arms and sprinkled some salt on the fish, so the fragrance of the fish became stronger.

The unconscious girl finally woke up, she got up and looked around in a daze. Finally, his gaze fell on the grilled fish and did not leave, Ranjie snorted, picked up one of them, and threw it in front of the girl together with the branch. The girl went to pick it up immediately, but shrank from the heat. Now she learned how to behave, picked up the branches, and carefully blew the grilled fish. When the temperature is not so hot, bite down.

As a result, this freshman snack consumed all the grilled fish, and the girl also ate two. She seems to cherish the food very much, and will carefully remove all the fish, and finally the fish bones thrown on the ground are particularly clean. After eating, he sucked on his fingers one by one, and finally went to the stream to wash his hands.

Back where he was, Ranjie was putting a cloak on the ground, he lay on his side, looked at the girl and said, "What's your name, kid."

"Alice." The girl said in a very low voice.

"Alice, I thought you were a dumb man." Ranjie said, "I have invited you to eat too. Can you go now?"

The girl shook her head.

"Hey, don't be too much." Jielan sat up and said loudly: "What are you doing with me? I don't know how to raise children!"

"I...nowhere else to go."

"Idiot, find someone to adopt at random."

"I don't want it." The girl lowered her head.

"You little devil speak some truth." Lan Jie stood up and walked over to find the little girl.

The little girl suddenly pulled off her clothes, revealing her green body. Lan Jie covered his eyes and said, "What are you doing, I'm not interested in little ghosts, so hurry up and put my clothes on. Huh..."

Then he discovered that the girl's originally fair body was covered with various scars. Lan Jie couldn't help but squatted down and looked carefully: "This was pulled out with a whip, this was a burn, this was cut out with a sharp tool..."

He looked up, his face a little ugly: "These guys did this before?"

The girl nodded.

"Damn, these perverts. I hate this scumbag the most. I knew I shouldn't have killed them with a single sword. I should chop off their fingers one by one and feed the dogs!" Ranjie cursed, then sighed: "Little devil, I sympathize with your experience. But as you have seen, I am not a good person. People like me can lose their lives at any time, and it is too difficult for me to carry an oil bottle. Let it be, I promise. Find you a good family to adopt you..."

The girl bowed her head, stretched out her little hand to catch the corner of Ran Jie's clothes and said, "I have... I can no longer trust other people."

"Please bring me, no matter where you go, I will follow." She seemed to be sobbing, liquid dripping on the stone, the splashing water reflected the crystal light under the firelight: "I can work, you want I can do anything, let me follow you..."

"You kid..." Lan Jie sighed, rubbed her head and said, "Well, let's talk about it first. You have to do a lot of work. And don't be lazy, and, Those without wages... because I am also very poor."

The girl raised her head with a bright smile and nodded desperately.

"It's late, go to bed." Lan Jie picked her up, put it on the paved cloak, dressed her, and took a blanket from the horse to cover her. Seeing the girl go to sleep, Lan Jie shook his head, sat down at the firepower, and made the fire more vigorous. After a while he grabbed his head and said, "Lange, Ranjie, you should hate more. What the guy who can't support himself is doing with an oil bottle..."

A few days later, they appeared on a high slope. Alice was sitting on the horse, and the girl was wearing Langer's cloak, which looked a little unfit, as if she was holding a quilt. Lan Jie took the horse, looked at a town high underground, and said, "My home is there. Welcome to Moonlight Town. You must be wondering why it is called because this town is very poor. Most people have rooftops on their homes. It's very broken, so you can see the moonlight every night, hahaha..."

He laughed loudly and led the horse towards the town.

There is a river across the front of the town, and there is an arch bridge over the river. On the other side of the arch bridge is the town wall and gate, with guards standing beside the gate. They are soldiers in the town, directly following the orders of the mayor. It's just that these guards don't look much better than the homeless. Most of their armors are rusty, and their clothes are covered with patches. As for the weapons, except for one of the men with a long sword hanging from his waist, the others were all sharpened wooden guns. The force of these weapons can basically be ignored, and they are more about identity and intimidation.

When they saw Ran Jie from a distance, they whistled, "Who is that, isn't that the hapless Ran Jie? I said, kid, I didn't see you back for two months, I thought you were dead."

Lan Jie scolded, "Shut up, God **** Rock, you still owe me money for wine."

"Is there such a thing? I don't remember at all."

"I said Ranjie, when did you start human trafficking?"

"Fart, I won't do that kind of thing. This is my daughter, come on, Alice. Look for these faces, and when I see them in the future, I will kick them in the **** because these **** owe money. Pig!"

"Who do you call a pig."

"Get in there, Ranjie."

Alice was a little surprised. These people verbalized each other, but there was no malice in their eyes, instead there was an indescribable kindness. She rode on a horse and followed Ranjie through the dark arch to the town. The entrance was a road paved with gravel. There was someone selling slaves nearby, and a woman in revealing clothes shouted at Lan Jie, "I'm cheap, buy me, sir". On the left is a group of people passing by, all seemingly farmers, carrying farm tools and dragging cattle. This reminded Alice that there was indeed a field outside the town, and she saw a scarecrow on the way here.

At the end of the gravel road is a small square, the square is very lively, people come and go, from time to time sounded horses and cows. Lan Jie pointed to a bar on the west side of the square. There was a sign on the bar with the words "Liema" written on it: "Did you see it, Liema bar? The proprietress Susie is a woman with many styles. When you get to me, come to this bar to find me. Generally speaking, when I am in town, I spend a lot of time in this bar."

The girl nodded.

Lan Jie led his thin horse through the streets and finally stopped in front of a two-story building. Lan Jie grinned: "This is our home, kid. You will start working when you come back. One piece of work is to clean it up for me."

He took Alice off the horse, and kicked the door open. A few mice ran through the door, and the air was dull. Ranjie hadn't returned for two months, and this place was almost becoming a paradise for pests. He patted Alice and said with a smile: "I'll leave it to you here. I'll go to the bar to drink, and I will bring you back food later."

He threw a dagger to the girl again: "If anyone who doesn't have eyes comes in, you just use it to fart. Stabbing your eyes."

The girl only nodded while holding the dagger.

Ran Jie rubbed her head, tied the horse and headed to the town square.

It seems that it was the reason for the day. There was no one in the bar. A woman on the bar was wiping the glass of wine. She heard the door opening and didn't lift her head. "Now there is only ale. I want to drink another night."

"Dear Susie, can't I do anything besides drinking?" Ranjie said with a grin.

"For example?" The woman who heard the voice raised her head, her eyes full of smiles.

Ranjera sat down in a chair, craned her neck and whispered, "For example...fuck you."

The proprietress of the bar is not young anymore, but she can still tell that she was a very beautiful girl when she was young. Now time has taken away her youth, but it has given her thousands of styles. Especially the bulging chest and the deep groove squeezed out made Ranjie's mouth dry. Susie put down her glass, looked around, and said bitterly, "Come with me."

In a small room on the second floor, Ranjie experienced a big battle, and the battle was as fierce as fighting with a dozen murderers. After the war, Susie was resting on his arm, and Lan Jie grasped the magnificence on the woman's chest with one hand, and said, "Dear Susie, you are big here again."

"Stop talking nonsense, where have you gone in these two months? I thought you died on the belly of a woman."

"Don't say that, Susie. If you want to die, I will die with you. I have tasted your taste. Other women are dumbfounded."

"Hmph, my mouth can talk, but it makes me very happy."

"Just happy. I said Susie, do you have something to eat here?"

Susie squeezed him hard: "I knew you, it's fine when your mouth is sweet. Wait, I'll see if there is still white bread, and I will give you a piece~www.wuxiaspot.com~I want Two."

Susie frowned.

Lan Jie said, "It's not for me to eat, that, I have a daughter."

"Illegal daughter?"

"No, it's a long story. Anyway, I will stay in town for a while. I will tell you slowly. Compared to this, I recently thought of a new posture. Let's try it."

Alan was a little speechless, this Ranger's life was completely different from Taylor's. He looked at "self" sitting up, and his eyes were full of plump women's bodies, and he wanted to close his eyes right now. Then the picture dimmed in front of the eyes, and even the hum of the woman seemed to be coming from far away. When the picture appeared again, a sword was cut to the face!

The girl's exclamation sounded in his ears, but Lan Jie turned sideways and let the opponent's sword cut into the air. He took the opportunity to flash forward, and the long sword in his hand carried the opposite man's neck, leaving a wound on his neck.

A fatal wound.

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