Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1763:  Outside the valley

When the team stopped, in front of the team was a green lake. Tracking experts found traces of lizards entering the water on the shore of the lake. A woman in the team, with short hair and flamboyant personality, Kira stroked her forehead and said: "No way, are we going to dive?"

"It seems so." The black captain shouted, "Take everything down, take off the combat uniform, and pack it in a waterproof bag. Adjust your tractors and don't let them strike in the water."

While talking, Ruijin had already taken off his equipment and combat uniform, including a multifunctional tactical helmet on his head. All these things are stuffed into the waterproof bag. His cannon itself has a waterproof design, but it is not afraid of being exposed to water. After doing all this, he adjusted the traction device around his waist, and then the waterproof bag floated up and hovered beside Ruijin within the range of the traction field.

The two female players took off their tactical uniforms, revealing their rugged figures, which caused the male players next to them to whistle. Ruijin rolled his eyes and said, "Gentlemen, we are not out for an outing, we are quicker."

After a few minutes, everyone was ready. Ruijin took out an oxygen mask and put it on his mouth, and then dived into the lake. Other team members followed suit, and after a while, all team members dived into the lake. There are many green duckweed floating on the surface of the lake, and the lake is clear. Sunlight came in from the surface of the lake, drawing beams of light under the lake. Ruijin made a gesture to indicate the lake. Very deep, everyone should be careful. Pointing to the tracking expert again, Debon nodded and swam ahead.

Diving is very boring, especially when they keep diving towards the bottom of the lake. When the sun can't get here, the lake is dark. From time to time, certain underwater creatures swim by, all of which have never seen before, and they look different. Fortunately, they are not aggressive, otherwise they will affect everyone in the lake. Soon I arrived at the bottom of the lake. The bottom of the lake was covered with a layer of soft sand and scattered with many boulders.

Debang led the crowd forward, suddenly gestured, and pointed at the big stone next to him, beckoning everyone to hide. Ruijin immediately caught Kira swimming next to a large rock covered with green moss, and the others also shrank. After a while, I saw a rapid rush of water, and obviously something was swimming. After a few seconds, everyone's head went dark. Ruijin looked up, only to see a huge creature passing by. It is not clear from this angle, only a piece of the neck covered with nails, each with a natural pattern. Large and small pieces of armor wrapped the big guy tightly, and a figure that looked like an island quickly passed over their heads and gradually moved away.

Everyone was relieved and moved on. Soon the water in the lake was no longer calm, and a suction pulled them forward, with a deep shadow in front of them. Ruijin swims to the tracking expert and gestures for inquiry. Debon pointed forward and nodded vigorously, meaning that the lizards were heading in that direction. He took Ruijin to swim to a large rock, and the green moss on the rock was obviously marked by sharp objects. The front is deep and the back is shallow. Obviously, the lizard is using its claws to grasp the force on the stone. Only the lizard prancing forward will leave these claw marks.

Ruijin nodded and gestured to everyone. The team swam to the shadows, and when they stayed close to those shadows, the suction suddenly increased. Everyone curled up and released the source force to protect themselves, so as not to hit something when they were brought to the end of knowledge by the current. The process was short and intense. Ruijin only felt that after passing through a cave-like place, the water flow suddenly slowed down. He opened his eyes, and there was a faint light above his head. Looking around, the team members were nearby, and they pointed upwards, so the team swam upward.

After a while, the black captain took the lead to open the water, and the bright sun immediately made him unable to open his eyes. After getting used to the light, he found himself in a huge valley, and they were still in a lake at the moment. Behind is the towering mountain peak, the sky is floating with clouds, the sun is pouring down, and it falls on the plain in front of the lake. There are many unnamed moves on the plains, some are as big as chariots, and some are as small as hunting dogs. As for the end of the plain, there was a cloud of clouds and flames, and I didn't know what was there.

The team went ashore and rested. Ruijin gave everyone ten minutes to rest. They opened the waterproof bag, took out the supplies, and took food and water to eat. Ruijin, who put on his combat uniform, walked to the tracking expert. But it didn't seem to go well. The black man sat down and asked, "How is it?"

"No? There is serious interference here and poor signal transmission." Debon shook his head.

"Damn it." Ruijin looked up, the clouds on his head were light and breezy, not at all disturbing. But he knew that nothing was impossible in the Garden of Eden, even if this planet was jointly developed by the Earth Federation and Idahuaxing. But until now, there are too many areas they don't know. This mysterious valley is one of them. As for the sky where the interference is not visible, there may also be energy particles invisible to the naked eye. Things like this are not uncommon in the Garden of Eden.

"Eat something to replenish your strength. It seems that the lizard's nest is not far away."

"I hope so."

Ten minutes later, the team continued to set off. The lizard snakes on the plain left clear enough traces that the team knew where to go without even being tracked by Debon. The team stopped from time to time, Ruijin's face became heavier. Not only is the signal disturbed here, but the magnetic field of the planet is also abnormally chaotic. Coupled with the landform of the plain, it is difficult to find a reference object. Survival can be inferred from the shadow of the sun. But as the sky is gradually surrounded by thick clouds and the sun disappears, even when the sun is invisible, the team will have difficulty arguing.

"Head, maybe we have to go back." said a white colonel with a beard. He held a good gun and was called the sharpshooter Yoda by the team.

They were almost at the end of the plain, with a deep forest in front of them. A sharp mountain peak is inserted in the forest from time to time, the top of the mountain is hidden in the low-hanging clouds, and the flickering thunder light is exploded from time to time in the dense clouds that are pressed down. The whole forest feels very bad, and there is no vitality in the dark. Especially at the edge of the forest, the green grass that was originally covered with the plain has disappeared there, thus forming a dead zone.

"Perhaps, but don't forget our responsibility." Ruijin said loudly. The wind is breathing here. It is impossible to convey his own voice without raising the volume. "If this task is simple, then what will General Rusen want us to do. It is because this task is very difficult. Difficulties, so we can reflect our value. Gentlemen, there are two ladies, the lizard’s nest is there, and it is not far from success. Want me to turn back here? No, I can’t do it!"

Yoda shrugged, looked at each other, then raised his hand to Ruijin and said, "Well, you are the head, you have the final say."

Ruijin nodded, but he was not a reckless person. Intuition told him that the forest was not safe, so he asked the players to prepare and rested for ten minutes before entering the forest.

Not long after entering the forest, the light became extremely dim. Looking up, the forest sky was blocked by the black canopy of trees, leaving only fragmentary gaps. Every tree and plant here showed some maliciousness. As if the forest is alive, it is watching these uninvited people. The lizards still left enough traces in the forest. It seemed that they had passed through the forest, so the team hardly stopped. Following these traces, they also went deep into the forest.

After two hours, Ruijin had to stop the team to rest. After entering the forest, the oxygen is obviously much thinner than outside, and there is a faint mist in the forest, which makes the direction of the forest even more difficult to discern. Fortunately, there are traces of lizards as a signpost, otherwise they have to get lost here.

While taking a break, the sharpshooter came over and squatted beside Ruijin and whispered: "Something is wrong, head. It's too quiet here. Do you remember the plain we passed by when we came? There are many animals, but there seems to be one in the forest. There are no animals either. Except for the traces left by the lizards and snakes, there are no traces of other animals' activities."

"I also found out. Don't think about anything now. The ecology of the forest will be left to the experts to study. Our task is to find the lizard's nest and retreat. It's that simple."


There was a scream suddenly.

Ruijin and the sharpshooter raised their heads at the same time, and the voice came from another female member. She pointed to a tree in front and shouted: "Someone, I see someone on it."

"Illused you?"

"I didn't see anything."

Several team members shook their heads, and they saw nothing at all on the dim tree branch. At the end of the speech, a black line suddenly shot from above the forest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With a loud noise, Yoda roared and quickly pulled the gun and shot. A source-powered bullet accurately intercepted the black line's motion track, exploded a spark, and something fell on the grass. It is a black bone spur, mixed with metal particles, making the thorn extremely hard, otherwise it would not even be blown up by the Yuanli bullet.

There was a rustling sound in the forest, and it sounded like something crawling on a tree.

Ruijin raised the machine gun and gestured, and the team members immediately gathered. Everyone back to back, forming a defensive formation.

"We need a little light." Rui Jin said deeply.

Debon immediately adjusted the appearance of the magic pistol, and then ejected a glowing light. This light bomb shining brightly over the forest, the luminous body can last for about an hour, an hour, enough to solve a battle.

In the light, there are many strange sounds around the forest, which are caused by rapid syllables. Ruijin's face was gloomy, it was obviously some language they didn't know. At this moment, a few leaves fell from the top of his head. Rui Jin suddenly raised his head and saw a person climbing down the tree trunk quickly.

In other words, it is a snake man!

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