Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1800: Eta Castle

"Stranger, who are you?" Winter made a quiet gesture, and several of his subordinates naturally dispersed, and then pointed a gun at the uninvited guest.

But these thugs soon discovered that the gun in their hands was shockingly hot, and the barrel even showed signs of melting, and then a few groups of dim flames exploded on their guns, sparks fell on them, and they immediately burned their skin. Sizzle.

"Damn it!"

"what is this?"

The mob threw away the gun and slapped the fire desperately. Although only the humble sparks stuck to them, they are extremely difficult to extinguish. Those sparks have been buried in their bodies, burning their flesh and blood, and quietly spreading a force of power.

"You... who are you?" Winter raised a gun and pointed it at the mysterious man, but this gun could not give him the slightest sense of security.

The man took off his cloak, and his black hair was casually draped over him. He had a vicissitudes of life and looked like a middle-aged man on the surface. It's just that he was wearing a dark red armor, with strange faces all over the armor, which made the man look a bit gloomy, like a demon crawling out of hell. He spread his hand and smiled and said, "I am Calistan, the flame of disaster, so, what else do you want to ask?"

"Where are those people, where are those people in this town?" Winter asked.

"You mean...they?" Keristan looked behind the man.

Winter looked back, not knowing when a strange beast was standing behind him. It has a head like a lion, but with a pair of corners, and flames burn between the corners. The humanoid arms were on the ground, but the hind legs were artiodactyl like oxen. Winter felt familiar, as if he had seen such a monster somewhere. Then I remembered that when the man named Allen directly cast images in their minds, there was such a monster in them.

Then Winter was thrown down, and the flaming horned devil opened his mouth and was about to bite the man's neck. One hand lightly blocked in front of it and patted the flaming devil's head. So the monster spewed two hot smoke from its nostrils, then turned around and stepped back. Winter saw the same monsters constantly crawling out of those mine tunnels from the depths of the mining area. They stared at Winter quietly with cold eyes.

Winter trembled all over, and saw the man named Keristan approaching him and smiled: "I happen to lack a guide here. I wonder if you are willing to serve me?"

"Of course." Winter laughed and hugged the man's feet. "As long as I don't kill me, I am willing to do anything for you, my lord!"

"Then tell me where there are human settlements here. Small towns, cities, whatever. As long as there are people."

"Yes, there are. Going north from here, there is a city a hundred kilometers away, Boduo City. It was named after the city’s lord Boduo, and that city has at least tens of thousands of people. , Three hundred kilometers south, there are several towns, they are next to each other. Do you see the mountain to the west, my lord. There is also a city behind the mountain, where there are several mines working... "Winter hurriedly shook out what he knew, in exchange for the qualifications to survive.

Kiristan was very satisfied, nodded and said: "Then you will lead the way. I need to accumulate strength for my master. The more people I need, the better. If this is the case, you will take me to that city of Bodo first.

"I am happy to help you." Winter jumped up and bowed exaggeratedly.

Kiristan snapped his fingers, and the sparks that were constantly invading the human body quietly disappeared. Although Winter's men had burned a few wounds, fortunately their lives were saved. Winter knew that this was a deal.

Deal with the devil.

But he couldn't help but not accept it.

When he returned to his team with Kyristin, Winter's men looked at him unkindly. Winter cursed secretly and said loudly: "This is Lord Kiristan, now we are all serving the adults, have you heard clearly!"

Since the boss said so, of course the mobs have no objection. Winter respectfully asked Keristan to get on a modified off-road vehicle, but Keristan didn't refuse, so he just sat on it. Winter was the driver himself and drove the car around a corner out of the town. Behind him, nearly a hundred thugs in various modified vehicles followed him.

Their goal is obvious, that is, to go to Boduo City, which is more than a hundred kilometers away. This distance is just over an hour.

Bodo City is a small city built on the ruins of an original city, and it is organized by a warlord. Bodo is both the lord of the city and the leader of the warlord. He has an army of 800 soldiers. Compared with the violent bandits, Buduo's army is obviously stronger, and the city under his rule. Residents in the city have to pay a lot of taxes, and Bodo only leaves them for three meals. Other than that, there is nothing extra. But relatively, the residents here are more stable than other small towns, at least you don’t have to worry about rioters patronizing.

There is a tall building in the city, which is the base camp of Bodo's army. They occupied the building, and only some big figures in the city were qualified to live in it. Bodo’s army protected the building and separated it from the rest of the city with a high concrete wall. Therefore, the boundary between the rich and the poor in this city is very obvious. Inside the high walls are the rich areas, and outside the high walls are the places where the poor stay.

On the periphery of the slum, Bodo blew up some streets, making them a natural obstacle. Then, at the only exit, a road leading to the outside of the city, roadblocks and guards were set up to ensure the safety of the city.

The slums are concentrated in one block, where people set up various stalls to form a lively market. There are even bars here. In addition to the poor, the soldiers of Budo often come here to have fun. After all, the consumption in the rich area is not something that an ordinary soldier can afford. The things in the slum area are good and cheap, so they have become the first choice for soldiers.

A fighting match is being held in the bar, the bartender is walking around, and guests place bets at will. In the open space isolated by a circle of barbed wire, the two sides of the game were pushed in. It was a man and a woman. The man was as strong as a bear, but the woman was very petite. The two contestants of very different sizes immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the audience. They shouted when the bell rang. The man rushed up fiercely, and the woman slid flexibly between the opponent's legs and stabs the man's gear with her heel.

"Oh, it hurts."


The audience exclaimed, while the male contestant knelt down while clutching his gear. The woman who slid behind him jumped on his back, with her hands in her eyes, piercing the man's tears. The man was beaten out of ferociousness, reached out his hand to catch the woman's hair and lifted her forward, and the woman fell to the ground for him. The man raised his foot and stepped on it hard, and the women rolled away. In order to make the game more exciting, many props were placed next to the stadium. The woman picked up one of the folding chairs and slapped it **** the man's back, causing the man to stagger and fall to the ground. The woman took the opportunity to knock him on the head, and after a few strokes, the man lost consciousness.

The woman threw away the deformed chair and spat at the man.

At the end of the game, the woman left the field. In a small alley behind the bar, a black man took out a few banknotes and stuffed her chest, and said: "Sally, if you are willing to sleep with me for one night, I promise you will earn It's more than this."

The woman named Sai Li snorted and said, "Your little thing can't satisfy me."

"How do you know if you haven't tried."

"Don't try, because when you want to, I will kick it off." The woman raised the bill and left the alley.

The black man cursed a few words and went back to the bar.

Sai Li walked through several alleys, bought some food by the way, and then got into a building. Several children in the building were skateboarding. Sai Li found one of the eight-year-old boys and dragged him away.

"Where are we going?" the boy asked.

"I have made enough money, go, we will leave here today."

"Why? Where are we going? Lord Bodo said it's dangerous outside."

Sai Li stopped and looked at the boy and said, "No, he is lying to us. He wants to hold us firmly here, to be his slave and his dog. Do you want to do this? Jie?"

The boy thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't want to do this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so come with me."

They walked through several alleys into a repair shop, and there was an old man lying on a table. Sai Li took a few banknotes to the table and said, "Laugen, get up quickly, is the car I want ready?"

The old man opened his eyes, looked at the bills on the table, and silently put them away. Then I lazily pointed to the back and said, "What you want is over there, go get it yourself. But Sally, I don't think you can get out of the city."

"Let's take a look."

After a while, a modified locomotive drove out of the repair shop. Several rucksacks were tied to the back of the locomotive, which contained enough supplies for the two to live for more than a month. Sai Li drove towards the exit of the city and saw Lu Gang and a few soldiers far away. The soldier asked her to stop with a gun on his back, and then said blankly, "Do you have a permit?"

"Yes, please see." Sai Li took out a crumpled ID, her expression nervous. It was a forged document. The soldier looked at it and walked back into the guard.

"Listen, Jie. Hold me tight, we may have to be brutal to leave." Sai Li just heard the sound of the locomotive engine in front. She looked up and saw that a convoy was driving towards this side. She had a good look, and saw that the fleet was all modified vehicles, and they were all equipped with weapons, which didn't look like a team from Bodo City.

The soldiers on Lugang couldn't care about Sai Li any more. They shouted on the radio: "This is Boduo City. Please indicate your identity. You need to pay taxes to enter the city."

Sai Li whispered: "Our chance is here."

She accelerated suddenly, and the locomotive roared out of the road. The soldier cursed, someone raised his gun and planned to shoot. Suddenly an abnormal noise came out from a car on the opposite side. A rocket launcher passed by Sai Li, fell into the road, and exploded a ball of fire!

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