Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1899:  Deep and Sad Songs (1)

Chapter 1899 The Demon King (1)

The son of Twilight squinted his eyes and used the Baidi sword. He had already seen it in the earth's underground base that day. Compared to the intact style at the time, the momentum is now even more majestic, the sword intent is full, and when it breaks through the sky, the awe-inspiring sword intent has already nailed himself to death.

But even so, he still laughed: "Although the momentum has grown again, but the same style, do you think it is useful to me?"

After that, the momentum soared, his clothes fluttered, and the armor on his body showed a faint yellow light. The Son of Twilight rushed to the sky, and the sharp blade pointed at the root of the sky, like a moth to the fire.

"It's useful or not. If you try it, you'll know." Alan's steel wings spread out behind him, his knees slightly bent, and he rose up into the sky, chasing the Son of Twilight, trying to be in front of the Baidi sword that fell in the sky. A flanking attack.

The Twilight Son didn't even look at Alan, and sprinted at full speed, trying to break the Baidi Sword before Alan, and then turn the sword to suppress Alan with the new vigor.

At this moment, the Baidi sword suddenly gave birth to countless lines as thin as hairsprings, a large light pattern flickered, and the huge sword the size of a mountain suddenly disintegrated into tens of thousands of gray-white blades with only blades and no handles. . Thousands of swords are scattered all over the sky, like hanging a white waterfall. Although the shape is scattered, the majestic sword intent has not diminished by a point, but has risen to another level. That invisible pressure made the Son of Twilight feel even more uncomfortable.

The white waterfall fell again.

A faint yellow sword light countercurrent.

When the two collided, countless gray and white sword blades exploded, bursting out groups of gray and white flames, spreading out in the mid-air, like a gray cloud.

The son of the evening was determined to charge wildly, and that day the white waterfall exploded from bottom to top. The magnificent sword intent and the majestic aura were all crushed to the Son of Dusk. When he rushed out from the top of the white waterfall, a ring of shock ripples spread out, swiftly tens of thousands of miles, and then the bursting Qi source force shot away, suddenly the surrounding mountains fell, the earth boiled, and in a blink of an eye the mountainous area measured in kilometers Boundless Jianyi Jianqi cut into flat ground.

Although still destroying the Baidi Sword in one fell swoop according to the original plan, the process was much easier than the Twilight Son had imagined. The Baidi Sword was destroyed by him, but he was also consumed violently, unable to use the sharpness of the sword to suppress Allen in turn like he thought before. So, this gave Alan a chance. At this time, Son of Twilight's breath fell back, and it took a process to return to the peak.

This process is a neutral position.

Taking advantage of this gap, a golden crescent moon rose, breaking through the sky, and blasting towards the son of dusk.

The Twilight Son took another breath, and instead of retreating, he moved forward, cutting off the top of the middle moonstring with a sword.

The string of the moon bends like a new moon at first, and it is held and bent by the long sword of the son of twilight until half a moon, and at the end the arcs at the two ends are almost touched, like a full moon!

Pulled by the Zhantianyuexian Qi machine, Allen opened his eyes sharply, thrusting his sword forward, and snorted softly: "Broken!"

The full moon exploded!

The sky is bright, and then a large golden flame spreads, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, where there is the figure of the twilight son. With a long roar, Alan crashed into the sea of ​​flames, and out of the sea of ​​flames, he saw a dark shadow in the distant sky. That was the Son of Twilight for Boom, but he obviously flew too high and far. Allen knew well that he was simply taking advantage of the impact of the full moon explosion to stretch the distance in order to restore his source power.

Sure enough, a large group of dim light suddenly appeared at that black spot, which directly illuminated the sky like the setting sun, and the son of twilight suddenly overflowed, so the black spot expanded, and he fell from the sky, and a sword swept out a sudden and boundless sword. Behind Alan, the steel wings spread wide, holding him into the sword shadow, the ashes hymn draws out the magnificent flame belt, opens and closes, shatters countless sword shadows.

The two started the second round of fierce battle at high altitude!

Here is the black world.

This is the world of black weapons.

However, this world has now been occupied by half of the world by the light that broke through the sky. More and more beams of light were cast diagonally from the black sky, and the beams of light were closed to form a light spot, and a large area of ​​light spot illuminates the world. Exposing to the light, whether it is the dark buildings, mountains or the black silhouettes of walking dead, they all sizzle in the light, emit green smoke, and quickly disintegrate.

A long roar sounded deep in the city.

A black weapon with the same body as Allen fell on a tall building. The long sword in his hand was exactly the opposite version of the Ashes Anthem, a long sword burning with black inflammation. He panted, looking at the priest who came by. Milo didn't walk fast, but no matter where he went, a beam of light fell on him in the sky and followed him. So where he walked, the world was wiped out.

Milo didn't have a sword in his hand, but there were cold flashes around his body, as if an invisible long sword was hanging there. Then he waved his hand in the direction of the black weapon at will, and a light flickered away, and the light intermittently appeared in the air finally passed the building, and the dark building collapsed suddenly. The black weapon leaped up, leaped down from mid-air, raised his sword of burning fire with a roar, and slashed down.

The priest stretched out a pointer, when four or five rays of light crossed in front of the black flame sword. The sound of gold and iron mingled in the air, and black flames splashed on the sword. With a flick of Milo's finger, the rays of light bounced away with the bend, and the black weapon was lifted. The rays of light passed over him, adding a few more wounds.

The black weapon fell heavily, as if the sword just used up all his strength. He was lying on the ground in a big font, and the black flame long sword rolled from his palm and gradually disappeared into the air.

"Don't fight anymore." The black weapon panted.

Milo walked towards him.

"Kill me." The black weapon looked at the sky gradually illuminated by the light, and said: "Anyway, I am tired of staying in this place. If I can't occupy his body and get out of this world, I will be there again. What's the point?"

"With the eternal darkness, I would rather disappear completely."

Milo stood next to him and said, "If you want to leave this world, I have other ways."

The black weapon looked at him: "Are you kidding me? Just now it was aggressive, but now tell me there are other ways?"

Milo smiled and said, "If you didn't do that, would you give up like you are now?"

"Old man, what do you want?"

Milo said solemnly: "You should also know that there is one final stage in the devil's praise."

"You said the deepest swan song?" Black weapon laughed: "Unfortunately, he will never be able to awaken this final stage. The source weapon needs the soul to be able to use it. If I die, even if you replace me as the soul, I guess , There is still no way to awaken to the final stage..."

"Yes, because I am not a complete soul."

"Then you want me to go back?"

Milo shook his head: "Of course not, I know you too well. If you leave here and return to the source device, you might turn around."

The black weapon laughed: "You know me, old man, what are you going to do?"

"I want you and me to become one, so that you can leave this world, and I will be intact. In that case, Deep Dark Juesang should be awakened."

The black weapon sat up: "What kidding, let me merge with you. Then what is the difference between me and disappearing!"

"Of course." Milo said: "I won't let you disappear completely, just confine your consciousness. If this battle can be won, then I will disappear by myself, and you will become the only soul of the source. . There was no Twilight Son at that time. As for whether you are willing to use it for Allen, I don’t think he cares anymore."

"Sounds good, but how can you guarantee that you will disappear?"

Milo laughed: "Because when the prison was broken, part of my will disappeared. Even if I didn't do anything, I would naturally dissipate after a while."

The black weapon was startled: "So your strange country was created with part of your own will?"

"If this is not the case, how can you trap the Twilight Son."

Milo said solemnly: "How about it, make a decision quickly, I don't have time to spend time with you here. If you don't agree, then I have to give it a try to see if I can temporarily awaken the source device with my own strength The final stage."

The black weapon spread his hands: "Since you have said so, what else can I say. If there is a chance, who wants to disappear."

"I... also want to live..."

"In that case." Milo squatted down, put his hand on the chest of the black weapon and said: "Then become one with me."

The black weapon closed his eyes and muttered, "It's really bad luck. Although it's temporary, I feel uncomfortable at the thought of fusing with an old man~www.wuxiaspot.com~."

Then the whole person showed a dark light, and finally the body disappeared, leaving only a light ball the size of a glass bead. Milo held the ball of light with **** and threw it into his mouth. The ball of light entered the body, and immediately a gray hair turned black, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared one by one. In a blink of an eye, Milo regained his age and became a young man in his twenties. His left eye gradually turned black.

Those are the eyes of the black weapon!


Under the clouds, fires overflowed, like a grand fireworks. The two figures separated quickly, one on the left and the other on the right, separated by kilometers, standing in mid-air facing each other.

"Why, after merging the will of Twilight, do you have only these tricks to come and go? This is not enough, Alan." The Twilight Son said solemnly: "I thought you could give me a better performance, no I thought that you were just like that. Or, you haven't really gotten real yet, what else do you want to keep?"

Allen watched him spit out a word: "The Creator."

The Twilight Son was startled, and then laughed: "I see, you still want to keep a little bit of strength to meet the Creator, are you really so sure of killing me?"

He shook his head, and then said solemnly: "I said you, don't look down on people so much. If you don't give me your best now, I bet you don't even want to see the Creator."

"I think so too." Allen's mouth curled up: "I originally thought that you should be able to take care of you in the current state. It seems that you are better than I thought. I have seen you and Ofascius fight, so I should be able to suppress it. You are right. Then there is no way, I..."

Suddenly, Allen looked at the ashes hymn in his hands fiercely. From the center of the gray-white long sword, a black energy quietly jumped up.

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