Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1920: Endless journey

Mubesi star field, Ronan star.

Under the lights, a pen fell on the paper, writing the words of the earth one by one. There was a rustle in the room, and there was a sense of tranquility. The light shone on a young man's face. He had silver-gray hair and a handsome face. Under the shining of the fire, the golden pupils seemed to shine, emitting a brilliant light. He was writing in his diary, and the diary wrote:

The twenty-third day of leaving the earth.

Today, I came to Ronan Xing based on clues. I'm sorry, father, did not attend your wedding, but you are right, your journey has come to an end, and I should start my own journey.

It seems a bit digress.

Ronan star, humans also live on this planet, of course it is still different from the humans on earth. The civilization of this planet is still very lagging behind. At this moment, I am staying in a city. There is a legend in this city. It is said that there is a giant snake sleeping deep in the city. It is the patron saint of the city. Once a disaster occurs in the city, it will wake up from its deep sleep.

I have collected a lot of information about this legend, it looks a bit like my race, I decided to stay here for a while.

The universe is vast, and I believe that in a certain corner, my race must still survive.

At this point, the young man stopped and closed his diary.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside, and human voices gradually became noisy. The young man hid the diary, and walked out of the room to the street outside. From a distance, you can see the fire coming from the direction of the city square. He grabbed a passing person and asked, "What happened?"

"Something happened." The middle-aged man said: "Someone entered the underground palace without permission from the lord. The lord thought she had offended the patron saint and wanted to burn her to death. What's more hateful is that this woman was full of nonsense. She said the underground palace. There is no guardian **** at all, only the devil and its guards. Now, the devil's guards are about to destroy the city. This is terrible, this kind of woman deserves to be burned to death!

He ran away after speaking.

The young man squinted his eyes: "Demon? Guard? Interesting..."

He also poured into the crowd.

The city square is brightly lit, and a high platform is piled up in the middle. The high platform is made of wood and has been sprayed with fire oil. A tightly tied woman was lifted onto a high platform by two strong men, and then tied her to a wooden pole. It was a young woman. She obviously knew what fate she would encounter next, but she didn't have the slightest fear on her face. She said loudly: "You must believe my words. After burning me, please leave this city immediately. The guards of the devil are ready to move. They will come to the ground at any time. When the time comes, the city will flow blood into a river. They will Eat and kill babies, and will not let go of any human beings. Please trust me!"

"A lot of nonsense!" said the lord wearing a gorgeous costume sitting on the tall horse: "Immediately burn this woman to death!"

An archer lit a fire on the arrow, and then shot an arrow on the pile of wood, and the high platform made of wood suddenly burned. People shouted in excitement, "Burn her to death", listening to these voices, a sad expression appeared on the woman's face. Suddenly, the color of the flame changed from fire to blue, and then the high platform and the flame became frost. Such a vision shocked people. I don't know who yelled "the devil is coming", and people around rushed to flee the square.

Even the lord left under the guard of the soldiers.

When the square was empty, someone walked up to the platform. It was the young man with silver-grey hair. He reached out and pointed at the rope on the woman's body. The rope froze and then broke. The woman regained her freedom and looked at him in amazement.

The young man smiled and said, "Come with me."

The two went out of the city and came to the small woods outside the city. The young man took off his cloak and spread it on the ground, saying, "You can sleep here."

"Who are you?" the woman asked, and then said, "My name is Roland."

"You can call me white." The young man smiled and said, "Then Miss Roland, have you really been to the Underground Palace?"

Roland sat on the cloak and nodded and said, "Yes, I have been there. My family has a detailed record of that underground palace. There is no patron saint in that underground palace, only a demon. My ancestors fought against this demon. We passed and captured it. But we couldn’t kill the devil, so my ancestors built the underground palace to seal the devil deep underground forever. After that, our family took root in this land, where there was nothing at first. Later it formed The village, and then the small town, will have a city like this after hundreds of years."

"It seems that your family has withered."

"Yes, hundreds of years are enough to make a prosperous family die out. I am the last member. Recently, the city has been threatened, and the lord used the legend of the patron saint of the underground palace to appease everyone, even to the guardian. The sacrifice. This is extremely stupid. They sent food to the devil. With food, the devil will become stronger again. I was worried that the underground palace could no longer block the devil, so I went down to confirm it. Sure enough, the devil’s The guards have begun to wake up, but the people on the ground don't know it!"

Bai patted Roland on the shoulder: "You take a rest, then take me to see. If there is a devil, I will help you get rid of it."

"You?" Roland obviously didn't believe it. She shook her head and said, "You can't do it, sir. You should leave here quickly."

"how about you?"

"I plan to go back and have a look. If there is really no way, then I will blow up the underground palace. Fortunately, our ancestors foresaw such a day, so we prepared some necessary institutions in the underground palace."

Bai Dan said: "Perhaps you don't have to do this. Anyway, you should sleep for a while. I'll get some things. When we come back, let's go to the underground palace."

He went back to the city to fetch his suitcase, and when he came back, the woman was nowhere to be seen. Bai shook his head, smiled, his eyes lit up. After a while, he found the woman's footprints and followed it to the foot of a mountain outside the city. There was a cave at the foot of the mountain, and Bai walked in and went deep into it.

He came to an underground palace. The entrance of the palace was two sculptures. The sculpture was a monster. The human body and the snake's head were stunned for a moment, which was a bit beyond his expectation. He went deep into it, and soon he had seen a hall. There was a woman's scream in the hall, and the white figure rushed, and in a blink of an eye she saw a monster attacking the woman. It was a giant monster, several meters high, with three snake heads, holding a battle axe and giant sword in his hands, and was chasing Roland.

Seeing that Roland was about to be cut by the giant sword, Bai Shan walked up to her, reached out his hand, and supported the sword. Then at the point where the two touched, the giant sword quickly spread a piece of frost, and finally the giant monster was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Roland looked at Bai in shock and said, "Why haven't you left yet."

"I'm leaving, you are dead." Bai stretched out his hand and pulled her up: "Let's go, let's see the demon you said."

They went deep into the underground palace, passed many institutions, and encountered various monsters along the way. Finally, they came to the depths of the palace. This is a hall, but in the middle of the hall is a huge skeleton. Judging from the shape of the skeleton, it is exactly the same as the sculpture outside the palace. It has a human-like body, but the skull is obviously snake-shaped.

This skeleton is still locked with a thick iron chain, which is tied around the hall. After a long period of invasion, the iron chain has been rusty.

Bai said: "It seems that no matter how powerful the demon is, it can't beat the invasion of time. It is already dead. As for the guards, it may be the mutant descendants of it and the underground creatures."

"Dead..." Roland was a little lost, then laughed: "The devil is dead. What we want to protect for generations, is it a skeleton?"

Bai patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be sad. Knowing the answer may not be a good thing. Look, at least you don't have to stay here anymore, you can look around."

"But I don't know where to go?"

"Well, I will travel everywhere, if you want, we can be a company."

"Can it? If it is so, that would be great."

It was already morning when they left the underground palace, and explosions and firelight came from the direction of the city. Roland said: "Here, it is the army of the Masi people. They finally attacked the city."

Roland looked at the cave at the foot of the mountain again: "Unfortunately, their patron saint did not appear in the end."

"Let's go, it's no longer our business here."

The two left facing the rising sun.

One night, Bai took out a diary. Roland is cooking broth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She said strangely: "You still record?"

"Yes, my father said, record things along the way. When I no longer travel in the future, I will reap extremely precious memories." Bai smiled, opened the diary and began to record.

In the third week of Ronan Xing.

I was looking for a legend about the patron saint in a city before. I thought it might have something to do with my race, but unfortunately, even if it is really a king of snakes, it has become a skeleton. Yes, it's dead, dead under the murder of time. I looked at the skeleton and wondered whether my race has become like this, am I the last member of the king snake clan?

This is an unanswered question, unless I go to every corner of the universe and confirm that no other king snakes exist, can I come to this conclusion?

But it was not without gain, at least, I met Roland, a pretty good woman. I will travel with her on Ronan Star for a while. Now I heard that there is a country that worships giant snakes in the depths of the desert. I want to go there and see.

Father, maybe Lei An will have grown up when I go back. But as you said, this universe is so vast, and there is a universe outside the universe. It seems that I will travel for a long time.

"The soup is ready, come and drink it."

When I closed the diary, I heard Roland yelling, and Bai smiled and stood up and said: "After drinking, hurry to sleep. We are going to the desert tomorrow."

"What are you looking for?"

"I don't know, but one day, I will know. But before that, there are countless adventures waiting for me."

"You really like adventure."

"This is what makes life so attractive, isn't it?"


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