Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 675:  For personal gain

"Are you threatening me?" Catherine said coldly.

Kemeng laughed loudly: "No, no, no, I just remind you that this is a good word from a friend."

"Really, I've heard enough of your silly suggestions. By the way, if you don't get out of the way, be careful that I cut off your restless hands." Catherine didn't know when to catch the snake sickle in her hands. The constructed light sickle has been ejected. It was like a poisonous snake spitting out its fangs and hissing in the air.

Ke Meng exaggeratedly raised his hands and backed away. Originally, these hands were to be placed on Catherine's shoulders, but now Ke Meng wants to keep them as far away as possible from the girl in front of him. He stepped aside and said, "Oh", "I heard that you and one of Bethkod's guys were very close recently. What's your name. By the way, his name is Allen."

"What does that matter to you?"

"Of course it's my business, who doesn't know that I am pursuing you, this kid dared to intervene, I think it's better to kill him." Ke Meng said with a smile, deliberately looking at Catherine.

The latter looked nonchalant and said: "Whatever you want. But after that, I will be happy to collect the body for you. Let alone Alan is already a core member of Beth Kod, if you shoot him, it will be the Grant family. I can’t keep you. I think that the Alexander’s family has a precedent. It’s no good to irritate the old Horn. Besides, don’t forget that he has a teacher who is a marshal. Windsor Bello is a grudge. The little woman who must be reported, especially if you killed a student with great potential like Allen."

"It's scary, but fortunately I just talked casually." Ke Meng made a scared expression, but his eyes were extremely cold.

Catherine raised her cloak, passed by Ke Meng, and left the command room without a word. Ke Meng smiled dryly and said to himself: "You cunning woman, if you didn't care about that kid, how could you explain the murderous aura just now."

"Damn, I'm a major general of the Federation, and he is from a wealthy family. Isn't it like a stinky kid? I really don't know what you think, Catherine!"

He came to the tactical table, picked up a tablet brain next to it, and called up the battle plan from it. The items of information slid quickly in Ke Meng's eyes, and when the scroll bar on the screen came to the item of Free Hunting, he clicked in. Inside were the combat missions of various hunting groups tomorrow. Ke Meng sat on a chair with his brain, whistled and stroked his fingers, so the names of the hunting groups flashed in his eyes.

When I came to the name "Wolves", beside the hunting group, the head of the group was filled with the word "Allen" impressively. Ke Meng snapped his fingers and whispered: "I found you. Let me see, tusk, this task is too simple, right? No way, no way, how can a man whom Catherine sees is only responsible for such a simple task Let me see, or change it to this, um. Only then can you be admired. Of course, the premise is that you can come back alive, haha."

The major general's luck quickly changed Allen's mission objectives. After confirming and sending out the task, Ke Meng whistled happily. But soon a colonel rammed in. Seeing the brain in Ke Meng's hand, the colonel asked in a deep voice: "General, I just found out that the hunting regiment has a mission change. Could you please tell me what happened? "

"What's the matter?" Ke Meng stood up and circled the colonel three times: "Because I think that task is more appropriate. Why, do you doubt my strategic vision as a general?"

With the hat buttoned down, the colonel's appearance became a little ugly. He lowered his head and said, "Don't dare, since the general said so..."

"Wait. I know what you are thinking." Ke Meng whispered in his ear: "If you dare to tell Catherine, Colonel, I think you and your family can only go to another world to reunite. Up."

The colonel shrank his pupils and sighed, "The subordinates don't know anything. Is the general satisfied?"

"It's pretty much the same." Ke Meng patted his shoulder, shoved his brain into his hand, and left the command room with a whistle.

The colonel sighed and looked at the revised mission content of Allen's team on the screen. This strategic goal originally required a colonel, five majors, and a team of two hundred people to execute. But now, it was thrown to a hunting group of only five people. According to the rank of the members of this hunting group, this is simply sending them to death. The colonel clenched his fists, but he could only loosen it, shook his head and put his mind back to its original position.

Ke Meng and his family were not afforded by the colonel, and even if he felt uncomfortable, they could only pretend to be deaf on this matter.


The tactical brain sounded the notification tone of receiving the information, and Allen held it up, and an envelope icon flashed on the screen. Click to open, it turned out to be a task change issued by the military. Allen went through it, keeping all the information in mind.

"What's the matter?" Lucy asked next to her.

"It's nothing, the military department revised the content of the mission."

Lucy frowned: "Tomorrow is the day of the general attack. It's a bit of a play to change the task now, right?"

"Who knows, but it's okay, it's all tasks. After the battle of Frost, we should go to the Garden of Eden. Lieutenant Colonel Ned told me that the information provided this time was enough to exchange for a second-class military merit. The battlefield is our real stage!"

Lucy shook her head and sighed, "You men..."

At this moment Regis yelled: "We have arrived at the front camp, you see, there is already a war here!"

Allen looked up, looking through the starship's front window. In front of the fleet is a camp that has been cleared from the forest. On the camp, temporary fortifications are neatly arranged like pieces of tofu. In the meantime, starships lifted up and down, speeding cars came in and out, a busy scene. And in the distant mountainous area, there are constantly exploding fires and flashing flames of various sources of energy, and occasionally fireballs fall into the air, which are small flying ships that have been shot down.

From the several war zones in the mountain area, it can be seen that the Federation has drawn an arc-shaped line of defense to resist the offensive of the Yorton alien race. The scene of the battle was full of enthusiasm, and they could not wait to squeeze into the battlefield immediately. At this time, the starship's radar sounded an alarm, and on the radar, a red dot marked out an arc-shaped trajectory and quickly approached their fleet.

"Enemy attack!"

The pilot roared, outside the window of the starship, a rugged Catto ship could already be seen rushing towards the fleet. The ground air-to-air system was immediately activated, and the smart turret blasted out the fire like a long whip, woven into a firepower net in the air. The enemy airship rushed to the midway and was swept by artillery fire, exploding countless currents of fire, and the hull quickly fell like a ball of fire, exploding on the ground, and the impact of the explosion even affected the fleet in midair.

After a while, the hull remained stable again. At this time, the ground control tower had transmitted the landing coordinates, the pilot changed the course, and the Aurora and other hunting group starships followed the instructions and stopped at the designated location of the front camp. After the hull stabilized, Allen released the seat belt and brought the members of the hunting group from the lift deck to the ground.

Walking out of the starship, the ears were full of rumbling cannons, and there was a faint smell of burnt in the air, which was the smell of the battlefield. Allen raised his head, and the sky was cut into countless pieces by the fire from the anti-aircraft turret. There are still enemy ships constantly trying to dash through this anti-aircraft firepower net, but unfortunately all of them turned into blazing fireballs and fell to the ground. At this time, a speeding car came to the apron, and an officer jumped from the speeding car. It is not difficult to tell from his epaulettes that the opponent is a lieutenant colonel. He enthralled his energy and said loudly: "Everyone who participated in the free hunt, please come with me. General Catherine wants to see you."

He yelled three times in a row, and the screams suppressed the sound of the cannon. Everyone could hear it very clearly.

Two personnel carriers came nearby, and under the instructions of the lieutenant colonel, everyone got into the personnel carrier. Allen took his own people and sat down in a corner. Lucy said next to him: "That Catherine is here again!"

"Don't worry, she won't bother me again." Allen smiled.

Lucy looked at him suspiciously: "Why are you so sure?"

Ellen hadn't figured out how to explain to Lucy the complicated relationship between him and Catherine at the moment, so he had to say: "This is a frontline camp. Is it possible that the Federation Major General can still chase me down?"

"She is not the kind of woman who can be measured by common sense. If she knows how to scruples, she won't do it to you in the mine that night." Lucy wrinkled her nose and said.

"The situation is a little different. Don't worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a while, the troop carrier came to the assembly point. Alan followed the crowd out of the car, and under the instructions of the lieutenant colonel, the crowd swarmed into a clearing. The place was already full of people, and it seemed that hunting groups from various bases had gathered here. When they first entered the Frost Star, these family fleets were blocked by fire from the Yorton aliens. Thanks to Allen and Reyner. Together, they killed the Dark Titan who was in charge of the command.

The performance of the two at that time is still fresh in everyone's memory, and both of them have their own characteristics. So not long after entering the field, he was recognized. Many people took the initiative to say hello to the two of them. Most of them were very friendly, but there was no lack of fear or even jealous eyes. Allen always smiled to face every person who came forward to his heart, while Reina was the same, with a stern face as if no stranger would get close.

At this moment they came to the field, and an officer on the high platform in front roared: "Silent, silent!"

Everyone saw that a black cloak was fluttering in the air. When Catherine wore the general's cloak on the high platform, people seemed to see a dark flame tumbling endlessly. There was no need for the officer to remind them. Everyone held their breath, out of awe of the superior. Catherine walked to the middle of the platform and stood straight, with her hands folded, her eyes swept across the faces of everyone on the stage.


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