Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 790:  Captive

After calming the turbulent blood, Talikova grunted from her nostrils, and she was about to bow and chase. The wrist was suddenly dragged by Lola, and the girl turned her head and revealed two small fangs: "Let go of me!"

Laura shook her head: "Don't chase, Aliman is right, that man is very powerful. Even if we join hands, we may not be able to beat him. And..."

There was the sound of bombing explosions from the base, shaking off the dust. Laura said, "Look, we have already fought humans. There are no hostages in our hands, I'm afraid we have to be taken away. Aliman has to be taken care of, you and I go back!"

"Then let them go like this?" One hundred and twenty girls were unwilling.

"There will always be a chance, let's go." After dragging Talikova's hand again, Lola ran back first. She helped up the injured compatriots who fell to the ground and yelled for them to retreat. Talikova's eyes darkened and she had to give up.

After 45 minutes, Allen returned to the ground. The post-breaking method that was originally prepared was left unused because the Hurma did not catch up. It was a waste of those time bombs. When returning from the underground waterway to the surface, Lieutenant Colonel Xiao had already sent someone to respond. Several armored personnel carriers and medical vehicles were already on standby, and the rescued hostages were taken away by soldiers in batches. After arranging the three engineers, Lieutenant Colonel Xiao stepped up to hold Allen's hand and said, "Good job, Mr. Allen. Thanks to you, we don't have to agree to the harsh requirements of Chi Gui."

"Your task has been completed, let's take a good rest. As for the work of eliminating the red ghosts, let us handle it." Lieutenant Colonel Xiao raised his head and looked forward.

Allen also turned around, at this moment the Federation has launched an attack. The soldiers were covering each other and were attacking the Hulma line of defense. The tribal warriors of the Hulma are superior to the Union soldiers if they only look at their personal qualities. But if the equipment is also included, this gap will almost be wiped out. What's more, there are many people in the Federation, and they are good at tactics, and there are chariots and flying ships. Without the scruples of the hostages, the Federation defeated the natives of these planets steadily.

At this time, a few momentum rushed from the direction of the base. These auras have different backgrounds, or they are blatant, serene and generous, or domineering and violent, each with its own characteristics. It was obvious that the opponent's strong finally took action, and the Federation was unwilling to show weakness, and a wave of momentum rose to the sky. Several of them were condensed and powerful, and they should be officials at the rank of school officials.

Once the strong on both sides enter the battlefield, it means that the war will soon be decided. Without thinking about it, Allen knew that the Federation could not lose. Regardless of the number, equipment, or the number of strong people, the Federation will steadily eat the Hurma. These natives are only expelled. Judging from the momentum that has appeared on the battlefield, the Federation has a lot of masters and fierce people deployed in Takasugi City. With these people, why do they need to issue missions to the hunting group?

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility. Probably to win over the nobles, or to be more precise, to give away a military merit for Allen to earn. In this case, Alan is also uncertain whether Capulo was instructed. He hadn't forgotten that this legendary marshal meant to recruit himself.

At this point, the task was completed, and Allen and others arranged to a hotel in the city that had ceased operations. Most people went to their rooms and fell asleep. Only Hubble had been drowsy for a while, but now he was in good spirits and caught Alan for a drink. Alan was not well, so he had to send someone to Lieutenant Colonel Xiao, and finally brought back two bottles of spirits.

At least one and a half bottles entered Hubble's stomach, and Allen drank a small half. Not knowing whether it was the alcohol or the drowsiness, Allen fell asleep on a chair in the hotel lobby. Hubble slapped his mouth and spit out a strong scent of alcohol: "I'm boring."

The more he drank this wine, the more energetic he became, and he couldn't help but want to go to the battlefield to find someone to fight hard. But in the end, he picked up Alan and sent the person back to the room, then simply sat in the corridor outside the room and took a nap. The next day Allen woke up. The rain last night stopped early. There were still raindrops hanging on the window edge, and the sun was shining colorfully. Alan opened the room, saw Hubble lying down, couldn't help but smile. He woke up the big man and said, "Why didn't you go back to the room to sleep?"

Hubble sat up with his head and said, "Aren't you drunk? I'm afraid you'll be killed, so I'm here to guard. Anyway, the bed in the room is too small, so it doesn't matter where you sleep."

"Who would kill me? At least not in Takasugi. As for going out of the city, it's hard to say." Allen said calmly, remembering the Golett's house that had been hanging behind the team.

Hubble's eyes in the helmet lit up: "Is there a fight for you to hear?"

"If there is no accident, someone will come to trouble us when we go back."

"That's great." Hubble jumped up and the entire corridor swayed. "When will they come?"

"I don't know, but it will come." For this, Allen was confident. According to Touré's temperament, it is impossible to follow him all the way without doing anything.

"I'll be here," Hubble said, shaking his head, "Then let's go back. But your trouble is more than that."

Cato wanted to point out, and bought Guanzi for the first time without telling Alan why. Allen shrugged and didn't ask. After eating breakfast, he bid farewell to Lieutenant Colonel Xiao. Lieutenant Colonel Xiao slept at the end of the night, but was full of energy. Last night it was a severe cut to the Hurma, and it was full of the frustration that was threatened before. Two strong men from the opposing team died on the spot. More than two hundred Hurma fighters were killed, and about seventy were captured.

The remaining Hurma left the battlefield when the rain increased last night, and Lieutenant Colonel Xiao did not intend to pursue them. After leaving Takasugi City, there is a virgin forest, where there are many roads and dangerous cliffs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Hulma people are very familiar with the terrain. If they chase rashly, they will only get the other side cheap.

The conflict between the two sides came to an end.

After the captured Hulma were taken back, there will be someone in the Federal Army to teach and domesticate them, even if the red ghosts are stubborn. The Federation can also make a sham shot, create smoke, and then release them back. However, it will be difficult for these Hurma who regained their freedom to regain the trust of their compatriots. The Federation's move is no different from a trick to divide the internal forces of the indigenous people.

This strategy has been used for a long time, and many natives who choose to be friends with the Federation have experienced the same thing before. After the internal contradictions appeared, the Federation took advantage of the emptiness to enter, and by supporting some of these natives, they eventually became their allies. Allen knew very well about the federal program, and the mentor of Dawn College had said it. Although this approach is a bit more insidious, it is better than meeting each other, bloodshed and sacrifice.

After bidding farewell to Lieutenant Colonel Xiao, the team of the hunting regiment left Takasugi City. At the same time, the Federation will also cover and **** them to transport vehicles in batches. In this process, a pretty figure will always attract the attention of soldiers. When Allen's speed car passed by, a pair of golden pupils stared at the speed car with Beskard's mark.


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