Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 797:   wake up


"You pigs! Fools! Rice bucket! Just be careful. The stuff in there is broken for you. Even if you cut you apart and sell them, it won't be enough to compensate!"

"Why, stare at me with such fierce eyes! Your courage is commendable. ≤, do you still want to kill me? Of course, as long as you can bear the anger of Master Karin!"

In the starship, a short, thin figure was jumping up and down, yelling at a dozen Catu people. Regardless of his small size, he screamed very loudly, at least in the aisle of the starship, he could be heard from any corner.

Youss took a breath and waved his short, but sharp whip, driving the Catu people like cattle and sheep to carry mouthfuls of boxes into the medical room. Seeing these clumsy Catu people from time to time knock the boxes on the wall of the passage, or hit between the handrails, Yous's eyelids kept jumping. He muttered: "It's all bad for Karin, she shouldn't have used the slave group clean. At least those guys work much better than these stupid pigs, hey."

He sighed.

Suddenly hearing a rapid sirens, Youss was startled: "What's the matter? Master Karin is about to wake up? Why so soon."

He rushed into the medical room in twos or twos, squeezing past the heavy body of the Catu. In this medical room, a cylindrical culture tank stands in the middle. The vessel was filled with nutrient base liquid, and a woman's body was curled up inside.

It was Karin.

She was severely injured for Fording that day, and after escaping back, she entered the training tank to heal her injuries. Fording's shot was more than just blasting one of her arms. The violent energy contained in the sniper shell washed through Karin's internal organs. At that time, Karin forced her injuries to escape. After entering the training tank, all his body injuries were violent, and Yus didn't know how much precious medicine he had used before snatching this woman from the brink of death.

According to Wisdom’s calculations, it would take Karin at least three days to regain consciousness. But now, on the brain screen under the cultivation tank, the head of the human figure is flashing red and green, which means Karin is beginning to recover consciousness.

As a result, the female body in the training tank gradually unfolded and no longer hugged her knees. Karin was naked, and when she relaxed her body, she also showed the infinite beauty of her body to the eyes of Catu people. With a bang, a Catu man put the box on the ground again, while the man looked at Karin in the cultivation tank and swallowed. Especially when he saw Karin’s huge double peaks and the secret place between his legs, the Catu roared and rushed to the cultivation trough, rubbing the cultivation trough with the already incomparable great thing. .

Youss screamed: "Bold, get out of me, you idiot!" He waved his whip and drew a blood mark on his thick leg, but the Catu seemed irrational and kept constantly Panting, and hitting the culture tank.

Immediately afterwards, two or three Catu people joined the ranks of love. They are like beasts, unabashedly showing their male characteristics to Karin. At this time, the woman in the training trough opened her eyes, and immediately closed the ugly scene. Karin smiled without anger and winked at Yous.

Youss shook his head and murmured: "Idiots are idiots. Since you are going to die, don't blame me for not reminding you first." He shook his brain on the screen, and the bottom of the cultivation tank immediately opened a circle of water. Hole, the nutrient base liquid inside is quickly sucked away. Then the trough rose up and Karin walked out naked. The Catu people immediately rushed to her side, hugging her and kissing and kissing.

Karin chuckled lightly and reached out to hold one of the giants, the Catu man immediately wanted to push Karin madly, so as to pounce on the female giant to lose his animal desires. But no matter how hard he tried, Karin stood up like a mountain. As he felt confused, he suddenly felt that the strength in Karin's palm was getting stronger and stronger. Only then did he understand the fear and wanted to leave, but saw Karin sneer.

She suddenly gathered her fingers, and immediately there was a sound of squeezing the water bag. The Catto made a scream, but the scream stopped suddenly, but Karin reached out to his chest, took out a fat heart, and then threw it to the ground and stomped it. Karin sneered: "You idiots want to **** me too? What a joke, now I give you two choices. One is to kneel down and lick my feet and beg me for forgiveness. The second..."

She looked at the blood on the ground, and the meaning was very obvious.

Those Catu people I see you, you see me. In the end they all knelt down and desperately licked Karin's feet. Karin frowned and kicked them away: "Enough, it's disgusting, you guys get out."

"Have you heard, Master Karin tells you to go away!" Youss also opened his throat and shouted.

After driving away the Catu people, Yous complained: "Master Karin, you woke up too early. This is not good for your injuries. Look, you still have a few hidden injuries that have not healed."

"I can't sleep anymore, Youss. There is something important to do, damn..." Karin cursed inexplicably.

Yous was confused when he heard it, but he didn't know it, because of the entanglement of the road of burning blood. There is a subtle connection between Karin and Allen. When Allen had to explode when facing Thun, Karin sensed Allen’s breath through that connection and indirectly vaguely perceives his opponent. Powerful. There is another reason why Karin has to wake up early, and there is another breath hidden on the battlefield where Allen is.

The breath was strong enough to kill Allen.

This is something Karin cannot allow.

The voters of Burning Road can only die in the hands of the voters, and his power can be inherited by the other. If killed by outsiders, then the power of voters and even the inheritance of the road to burning blood will dissipate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are seven voters in this generation. If you can’t get the power of the remaining six, it will be the end. Full work. Even if it's only so close, I don't want to sit on the throne at the end of the road!

"Dress." Karin drank softly.

Immediately the ceiling was opened, and the robotic arms protruded down, each holding a piece of armor components, and they quickly assembled the components on Karin. So after a while, Karin's body was wrapped in this simple and flexible armor. When another brand new wheel saw was brought to Karin, take it off and Karin was about to leave.

"Wait, Master Karin. The mechanical prosthesis purchased from the Kidd has been delivered, don't you plan to install it first?" Yuss shouted.

Karin looked at her remaining arm and frowned: "How long will it take?"

"About minutes."

"It's too long, I'll give you half an hour." Karin snorted, put down the wheel saw, and sat down on a large chair nearby.


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