Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 799:  3 battlefield (2)

[Thanks, King of Skeletons, Brother Xiang, Su in the War, those years of love, Feng Mu Chunjiang, just for the monthly tickets of the brothers who read books! New January, continue to ask for support! ]

This is someone Toure expected.

At the same time, it was Alan who was unexpected.

He was standing on a hillside with his head slightly lowered, his dark suit screaming in the wind. There was a cigarette between his mouth, and the **** of the cigarette flickered a little red. He reached out and clamped the smoke, flicked the soot, and stepped on the void in front of the hillside. Then people appeared at the foot of the mountain, and the whole process in the middle became a huge blank in everyone's eyes.

&nb[猪_猪_岛] novel w.zhhuo.msp; The man raised his head, his sea-blue eyes looked straight away, his eyes were like a wave of blue tide, and everyone in the room had difficulty breathing. When the wind blew, the black and white striped tie at the neckline was raised restlessly. But suddenly, as if being caught by an invisible hand, it returned to its original place convincingly. But when the wind stopped, it became more urgent.

Even though they were far apart, Allen could recognize the man opposite. He shouldn't be here, but he just appeared here, so the significance couldn't be more obvious. Allen laughed: "Should I feel honored to have troubled Mr. Maine to go there for me?"

Maine, the head of the Alexander family, is known as the "sly fox" man. He should have stayed in his own family defense zone, but now he appeared thousands of miles away, which surprised Allen. What surprised Allen even more was the magnanimity that May showed at this moment, that is the magnanimity of the top power. The aura on him at this moment is by no means comparable to a master of Toure's series.

He doesn't need to move, only one look in his eyes is enough to crush everything.

Suddenly Allen understood that this man was at least Rusen's powerhouse, and his level should have crossed the 30th level. Level 30 is an important watershed in the source power system. Whether it is to further enhance the power of engraving to become the dominator, or to put it into memory, awakening the original ancestor gene and becoming an ancestor is no longer comparable to the power below the 30th level.

The most representative symbol of this level of power is the engraved weapon of the dominator or the original ancestor blade of the ancestor. The former tends to be defensive, while the latter specializes in attacks, far surpassing all magic weapons, and only inferior to the source weapon.

It can be said that the strong at the stage of the dominator really squeeze into the forest of the top strong, the number of people at the top of the pyramid. Everyone has the strength to sweep an army of ten thousand people, and since Maine is here, Toure and others immediately become a display. While he is there, unless Fording comes in person, or Horn is present, no one can check him.

It's just that Maine has always been like a businessman and politician, more than a strong man. He didn't have the illustrious deeds of Horne's military exploits. When people knew him, it was also when Beskod was in a trough, this man took the Alexander family into a sudden attack. From politics to business, he overwhelmed Beskod in one fell swoop, thus squeezing the old family.

The Alexander family, who has become the upstart of the family, has officially entered the list of the top celebrities in Babylon since then.

However, in less than ten years, Horne who had revived himself, coupled with the brilliant Allen, made this old family alive. The rise of Bethkod corresponds to the fall of Alexander. In just three years, the Alexander family no longer had the arrogance of the upstarts of the past. The reason for this was naturally the result of Maine's move to Allen.

Maine had a venomous look and determined that Allen was the target that needed to be cut off. Only when the Dawn was attacked and lost in the vast star road. After that, Horn got the evidence and retaliated against the Alexander family one by one. In the end, it was President Mobit who came forward to mediate and finally let the two families go to war. But anyone with a discerning eye could see that even if the war went all out, it was Alexander who eventually lost.

Beskard’s background is there, and the head of the strongman sword demon that Horn killed in the past is still made into a sign and hung in the castle. There is a family like Fording, a master and strongman who aspires to the marshal. Except for the three giants, the rest are hard to come by. This is especially true for the Alexander family, so many people ignore Maine's combat power.

Including Allen.

After all, after knowing about Maine until now, Alan has never heard of him, not to mention his shots. But at this moment, the man was standing on the other side of the battlefield. He was dressed in dark clothes and almost blended with the dark mountain peaks. But everyone who saw Maine would never see the mountain behind him. At this moment, Mayine's invisible sense of oppression made him the focus of his sight, the center of the world.

Until this moment, Alan knew that everyone underestimated Maine. Maybe Horne won't, so his revenge is restrained to avoid too much loss, and it also restrains Maine invisible. However, many people still underestimated him. Maine’s information about the position of combat power was really covered by another layer of his identity as a businessman and politician, so that it almost made people forget every family head, regardless of other aspects. What is his ability, first of all, he must be a strong person who is hard to beat by ordinary people.

Strength is the foundation of each family. Without tyrannical power to back up, it is like the Mosen family, relying on business and long-sleeved communication to become a celebrity, but even a new family such as Golett dares to make its idea. The bottom line is that there is no daunting force in the family!

"You don't have to feel honored." At this time, Maine spoke. He looked up and his eyes were indifferent: "Everything I do is just what I should do. It's like eating when I'm hungry. I don't think of food. I feel honored to be eaten by me. But no matter how unwilling they are, they can't change their destiny."

"Alan..." Maine raised his leg and started walking. He doesn't walk fast, but every step he steps out, he must move more than ten meters, no one knows how he did it. But it seemed normal to Maine, so he walked in leisurely: "Allen, Allen, Allen..."

"This name is like a curse, you know? Everything I have to do, everything. In the twenty years since I became Patriarch, everything, every decision has not been made a major mistake. But just in You, I can taste a broken halberd."

Allen shrugged: "If so, I'm sorry."

"No, you don't have to apologize. On the contrary, I have to thank you." Maine smiled: "You may not feel anything right now, but when you are like me, like General Ruson, and even your teacher Windsor Bellow stepped in. At the 30-level mark. You will find that the changes in the world are not without trace. Whenever major changes occur, it will leave clues in a mysterious way. Yes, we all call it intuition."

"When I saw your information back then, my instinct told me that I can't leave you alone. Old Horn is still the first person to be worthy of Bethkod, but he will always be the past. He will be the one in your family. An alternative glorious past. But you are the future, which will give Beskod an infinitely possible future. Crowd into the giants and sweep everything, who knows? So I must get rid of you, without you, Beskod Although it won’t end here, its future will no longer be dazzling. Maybe it can last for decades, but after a hundred years, it will definitely fall!” Mayne said solemnly: “This is the overall situation, every family’s To be a family, the plan is not a one-day event, but a long-term plan. Every move and every move is related to the family's century-old foundation!"

Allen smiled bitterly: "Perhaps you are wrong? Even I can't believe what a glorious future I will be. At least by my side, Reina is not much worse than me, and Regis. I think they This is the future of the family."

"They are indeed good." Maine surprisingly did not object, and nodded and said: "But they are the cornerstones at best, so I never thought about shooting them because they don't have that kind of value. I don't like to do business at a loss. People, so I only choose valuable people to shoot. You have that value, but you have not yet seen it. But I believe that Old Horn has discovered this, otherwise he would not bite me like that. The more he is like this, the more he proves that I am right. And I am very stubborn, as long as it is the right thing, even if it hits the head and bloodshed, I have to finish him."

"So I am here now, and the only purpose here is to kill you and everyone present." Maine's voice became very cold: "Including the noble Royal Highness, and old Kate's favorite granddaughter."

Alan squinted his eyes.

Maine was outspoken in front of so many people, showing how cold this person was, and at the same time, seeing his determination.

He is very similar to Touré, and he is very careful. But there is a difference between him and Toure, the difference is that when it is time to go, Maine will not keep a hand. As he said at the moment, it would be so cruel that Lucy and Adele should be removed by name~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

An aura suddenly broke out!

But it was not Maine, but someone else.


At the feet of the Catu people, Tiefang had fainted. A bit of iron teeth in this strong man's mouth knocked out most of Hubble, and I am afraid he will be called toothless ever since. Hubble's muscles trembled, and the armor on his body shook loudly. After a few seconds, one piece of armor was finally bounced away, followed by the second and third pieces. The armor covering the whole body was pushed away by the dark red thorns rising from all over the body. When the helmet also flew out, Hubble's whole body hair grew exponentially, almost like a demon, but the original Catu was not seen. Look like.

After all, there is no Catu with hair as blood, armor thorns, and spars like him. This sudden change surprised Celine and the others. Even they didn't expect that the big guy who had been with them was a human-shaped beast under the iron skin. Even Maine was surprised. At this moment, Hubble was so murderous that even he felt a slight tingling sensation.

In other words, Hubble at the moment at least has the strength to hurt him. Maine happily said, "It's really rare that you even have a pet."

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