Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 804: Mystery

Stepping barefoot among the many sharp bumps on the ground, this picture looks so thrilling, but Talikova is all right. Even though he rushed from Takasugi City to this point, he did not see any stains on the barefoot. The soles of the feet that were gripped with fullness, and the breathtaking legs became a seductive scenery on this battlefield.

The girl was searching for something, when she heard Laura's voice, she couldn't help but sigh softly. She ran into the female warrior of this tribe not long after she left Takasugi City, and Lola was no less than her brother a strong female. Her temper was as hot as her figure, she would take Talikova back as soon as she appeared, and Talikova was naturally unwilling to go back like this. After cheating Laura with some tricks, she ran away using her speed advantage.

But Lola was very stubborn, biting her back and chasing after her. The two chased for nearly two hundred kilometers, but Talikova also failed to get rid of Lola. This time she had no strength to run anymore, she had to look at the figure in the distance expanding step by step like her life, and then Lola's figure full of wildness and maturity hit the girl's eyes.

"I won't go back!" Talikova called: "Unless..."

Laura stopped, and the wind danced her long hair. Her wild body blends perfectly with this desolate landscape, and Laura said in an angry manner: "Unless something? You little girl dare to play with me again and see if I don't teach you."

"Unless you let me find that person and avenge me!" Talikova was also very stubborn inside. She stood up and said: "Otherwise, you can only interrupt my hands and feet to take me back. ."

Laura raised the great sword, eager to shoot. Talikova opened her small mouth and she didn't think that Lola actually wanted to do it. She just wanted to retreat, but found that layers of invisible force fields were covered, and she didn't give her room to dodge at all.

However, the giant sword was never photographed.

Laura sighed and said, "To be honest, I think it's more convenient to slap your hands and feet. But let's forget it. Even if you break your hands and feet, you may crawl away. And I promised Ali. Bringing you back in good condition is a breach of promise."

Talikova's eyes lit up: "Lola, do you agree with this?"

"First of all, I probably won't be able to beat that man. I followed you just to make you give up. I will judge according to the actual situation. If necessary, even if I really slap your hands and feet, I will take you away." Laura released the giant sword, and the rough blade sank into the ground. She dissipated the force field, then frowned and looked at the land: "What happened here?"

"A big battle." Talikova squinted her eyes and said: "But I can smell him. Although it is very weak, he does appear here."

"Your nose is really good." Lola walked over and slapped the girl's buttocks.

The girl jumped up like a frightened rabbit, the pale red complexion on her face turned crimson: "What are you doing!"

"Praise you." Laura said solemnly.

Rubbing her painful buttocks, Talikova showed her two fangs to Laura: "Next time I put my hands where they shouldn't be, I will bite you!"

Lola looked up to the sky and gave a haha, clenching her palms and said, "Little girl's **** is quite elastic."


"Okay, okay, let's be serious. Just smell it and see if that guy is dead here. If that's the case, everyone will save a lot of time." Laura is not joking, even though the time has passed. For several hours, the traces of battle left on the battlefield fell in the eyes of experienced fighters like her, and she could simply but accurately infer the level of combat power that appeared on the battlefield at that time.

Judging from the huge and incredible blasting crater and the wreckage of some fuselages in the distance, the combat power that once appeared here is probably beyond her cognition. With such a terrifying power, it is not surprising that Talikova's confession target will die here.

It would be a shame if he really died. Laura's mind started to digress.

Tarikova was earnestly searching for the traces of Ellen. This girl was obviously good at tracking. She lay on the ground from time to time, holding the sand and stones on the ground with her hands and sniffing between her nose. Sometimes he would stick out his tongue and lick it lightly, and then move quickly as if he found something. It looked like she was spinning around, but if Allen was here, she would be very surprised, because the trajectory of Talikova's movement was all the places Allen passed during the battle.

The girl stopped in front of a pile of dark mud, she picked up the pile of mud and sand, and then picked out a small piece of metal fragments inside. Then he stretched out his tongue and licked the end of the tongue lightly on the fragments, and a bitter taste filled the lips and teeth. At the same time, there was a flower in front of the girl's eyes, and there seemed to be afterimages around her, with chaotic ghosts flashing. She opened her eyes wide, unwilling to let go of any details.

After a while, she suddenly stood up, stretched out her hand and pointed in the direction of the north: "He went there."

"Are you sure?" Lola asked back.

Talikova snorted and said, "Don't you believe in my ability?"

"Mystery recognition doesn't come to light anytime, you have said that every time there is a half chance of getting it wrong." Laura said with a smile.

Talikova blushed and paused and said: "But this time I feel very strong, but I tasted his blood directly, so the chance of mystery identification this time is at least 70%. Will you come? I'll go by myself if I don't come."

After talking about it, you must rush. But the neck was pinched to Lola~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Talikova lifted it up, she was relatively petite, like a little girl in Lola's hands. He had to show two small fangs and threatened: "Let me down, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, how?" Lola threw her to the ground, stretched out her hand, and the huge sword buzzed and bounced automatically. A series of heavy black shadows fell into Lola's hands, and Lola used the huge sword to make a few false shots: "I just want to remind you that if you play tricks on the way, I will beat my sister. your."

She looked at Talikova's **** fiercely, and the girl immediately screamed and bounced from the ground, and then said in a reply: "If you are willing to help, I promise that I won't treat you like I did before. Take the ancestral soul oath."

"Okay, then I'll just trust you kid again. Lead the way, I hope your mysterious recognition won't be mistaken this time." Lola dragged the giant sword and walked towards Talikova.

The girl showed a mischievous smile: "You have to keep up, you have to lose it, it's not that I'm playing you."

Then she ran out in a hurry, Lola was taken aback, and cursed for a moment: "Dead kid."


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