Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 809: Choose a battlefield

When Alan climbed halfway up a mountainside, the sky was already bright. The soft morning light poured down, leaving a contrast of light and shadow under the mountains.

As the Twilight Continent goes northward, the mountains gradually increase and the temperature gradually drops. The creatures living here are mostly cold-blooded and hardy species. These creatures are very stoic. They can lie in the soil for many days without moving, and will only rush to eat when prey appears. At this moment, Allen just squatted down, his heart moved. Turning around suddenly, the Burning Flame pistol was raised, and a source-powered bullet blasted out behind him.

The Yuanli bullet without activation ability hit a black shadow that flashed out of the cave, and the bullet exploded a ball of flame. The high-temperature flame has a little stickiness, sticking to the black shadow and burning it sizzling. As a result, a weird creature like a thick tree trunk fell to the ground, high temperature and flames are still fatal to common creatures, especially the source force bullets excited by the flames, which can reach high heat of more than a thousand degrees.

Even without the spread of the flaming bullet and the high temperature of two thousand degrees, it is deadly enough for this creature right now. After twisting it a few times, it completely lost its breath, and the flame gradually extinguished, revealing its straight face. It looks a bit like a giant leech, but the skin is covered with many rough textures, and the color is almost brown, which is deceptive. Eyeballs are irregularly distributed all over the body, and a mouth full of nest teeth is exposed at the front end.

Its body is full of elasticity, and its bizarre muscle distribution allows it to have multiple power nodes, and it can quickly launch raids in hiding places. Regardless of the bite force of the mouthparts, the impact of the projectile alone is enough to break a boulder. Ordinary creatures are hit with full force, and even if they are not dead, they will fracture and be seriously injured.

In the federal data, this creature is called a giant wood worm, because it looks like a dead tree when it is not moving. Giant wood worms usually hide in caves, and the most indispensable thing in this vast mountainous area is caves. Those caves of various shapes and oddities, large and small, are simply natural nests for creatures in the North. Some mountain ranges even have intricate passages that connect many caves to form unique mountain mazes.

At this moment, Hubble is hiding in a natural cave not far away.

This is the third day since the attack on the Golett family. Allen took two followers all the way northward and entered this mountainous area yesterday evening to get a chance to rest. Hubble was seriously injured, but the speed of recovery was equally astonishing. This is due to his deep foundation, but also the credit of his ethnic genes. With the body's resilience not inferior to Allen's evolution twice, Hubble's injury is at least 70% better today, he can already participate in the battle, and has the opportunity to fight with all his strength.

Looking at the direction of the road in the distance, a feeling of solidity was looming in Allen's heart. There is no need to pass the hint of the blood path, Allen also knows that it is the feeling Karin gave him. After chasing them for the past three days, Karin seemed to have made up his mind to kill Allen this time. She is like a lover who will never leave, always chasing after the tails of the three. The giantess is not good at speed, and the huge body consumes more physical energy under the planetary gravity than Ellen and others, so until now, Karin can only maintain a clinging pattern, but has not been able to catch up. Three people.

But Allen decided not to escape.

Three days of straight flight, let him confirm one thing.

Maine didn't keep up.

For Allen, Maine is the real enemy. Even if Karin is a **** voter, it is very dangerous, but compared with Maine, the danger is not in the same order of magnitude. Maine represents the power that Allen is still insurmountable at this moment, which is the power of the upper level of the source power system pyramid. Even though Maine may only belong to the marginal role at that level, for the current Allen, Maine is already too strong to defeat.

If it were Maine, Allen would have caught up as early as the day of the attack. But three days later, only Karin was hanging behind. Then things became clear, and Maine did not follow. After discovering the traces of the Golett family that day, Allen notified the family camp, and Roddy transferred Fording to support them. So Alan waited without fear for Toure's door, everything was in control. But he never expected that Maine would put aside all scruples and come forward to kill him.

If it hadn't been for Karin to intervene, maybe there is nothing wrong with Alan in this world now. After that, Allen put Maine and Karin together to induce them to fight. He took Belmode and two of them out of the battlefield, intending to distract the most dangerous two. Judging from the current situation, when Fording arrived in time and forced Maine away, Karin was the only one to catch up.

Although Karin is also very strong, she is not so strong yet desperate. Alan has fought her several times and already has a general understanding of her strength. The fighting power of this giantess should be similar to that of Sergris. On the day of heaven, Allen faced the fully capable Sergris and almost killed her. However, he has grown a lot now, not to mention there are two followers. Hubble, in particular, had the ability to challenge Karin when he started the killing stance.

The only thing to worry about is Karin's ability.

The scene of the annihilation of the Red Warriors is still vivid, especially the head of the Kupang who was mercilessly killed by Karin. At that time, Kupang's bones seemed to grow wildly uncontrollably, twisted and deformed, and finally turned into a weapon to kill himself. Needless to say, it must be Karin's masterpiece. Afterwards, Allen tried to analyze Karin's abilities and came to the conclusion that when facing the giantess, he must avoid being injured by her.

Her ability seems to be to injure the target, and then transport a certain medium into the target body, thereby controlling the target's bone, making it alienate and deforming, and finally killing the target from the inside.

Therefore, to deal with Karin's weird ability, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous. To kill her, you have to strike at a distance like Fording. But there was no sniper among the three, and there was no Fording's strength, and they could not give Karin a fatal blow. Then you have to use the thunder method to pour your combat power in the shortest time to achieve the effect of quick battle and quick decision.

Allen could only choose the latter.

So while he is here, observing the terrain, countless combinations are constantly flowing through his mind and screening them one by one.

As time passed by bit by bit, the pressure in my heart continued to increase, which meant that Karin was approaching. Allen showed the calmness he had never had before, focusing only on what he thought he should do. When the time came to nine o'clock, Allen chose a battlefield. At the same time, an action plan was also decided. Even if it looks imperfect, it is the most suitable solution right now.

So Alan left the mountainside, leaving only the charred giant wood worm.

A moment later, a penetrating roar sounded from the rolling mountain. Hearing this long howl, Karin stopped in stride. For three consecutive days, the long-distance raid almost did not stop, Karin's face and body have been stuck with a light gray. The monster purple hair that was as high as a snake also fell down, and their texture became heavy and unassuming.

Karin let out a long breath and wiped the sweat from her face. The towering chest was heaving up and down, and the heart was constantly beating like a bellows with full power. Karin knows her state very well, to be honest, she is not in a good state now. Fording had never healed from the hidden injuries she had previously caused, and then he had another fight with Maine three days ago. Even though Carlin was never injured in that battle, the collision with Maine's power deepened the unhealed injuries.

Although Karin did not forget to rest during the three-day raid. He can rest and recover at most part of his physical stamina, but he has not had enough energy to recover from those hidden injuries. So they are becoming more and more serious, it's not that Karin never thought of giving up. But Allen was right in front of him. Missing this opportunity, Karin didn't know how long he would have to wait for another chance, and he didn't know if he could wait.

So she didn't give up.

Hearing Ellen's howling at this time, it was obvious that he wanted to lead her to a duel. Karin snorted, Allen’s move was undoubtedly a provocation, and even more contempt for her.

She couldn't ignore it and was ready to fight.

Even if the state is not perfect, so what. But three bugs, Karin thought.

It's a pity that Karin came later that day. If one or two minutes later in the morning, he saw the scene of Hubble attacking with the rage gun, then Karin would not think so now. But there will never be a if in the world, so Karin swept forward, deep into the mountains, and arrived at the battlefield designated by Allen.

Karin frowned when she saw Alan. This is a long and narrow valley between two mountain ranges. The width of this canyon is only about 20 meters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On both sides, flying cliffs are tall and long, with dangerous rocks towering, irregularly distributed with different sizes. One of the caves. The ground of the valley belt is also uneven. The high and low ground is strewn with huge boulders, and occasionally one or two deep gullies cross the ground, just like ugly scars on the earth.

For Karin, this battlefield obstacle designated by Allen is not ordinary. Especially for her huge creature, there are many restrictions. Karin stared for a moment, and after remembering the topography here, he uttered two words from her mouth: "Superficial."

In her opinion, Allen intends to use the terrain here to weaken his combat power. It is wise from a strategic point of view, but it also depends on who it is. If it were Karin, then these obstacles, Karin could use her tyrannical power to flatten them, and she was born in the valley and stepped on a smooth path. So such a terrain environment is meaningless.

If you insist, it would be more troublesome than in the plains.

Karin opened her lips and raised her volume: "So, this is the cemetery you chose?"

At the other end of the valley, Allen said calmly: "Maybe it's yours."


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