Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 818: Call of the Wild (2)

By the time Les was standing next to Dill's headless body, it was already ten minutes later. He really chased it so far that it took a lot of effort to turn back after hearing Dill's warning. In the eyes of ordinary people, ten minutes is about the time to smoke a cigarette, neither long nor short. But for characters like Rice, ten minutes is enough to complete a battle and decide the outcome.

The dimension of time is always different from person to person.

Seeing Dill's head and body separated, Les thought he would be furious. But he didn't. Instead, he was surprisingly calm, as calm as a wolf with prey on his head. Looking back now, this whole incident was a trap. From attacking and killing the non-commissioned officer to attract the attention of himself and Dun En, to the man and woman deliberately diverting himself. After that, Dunn and Maria were led away by others, which led to the death of Dill, who was finally alone.

This trap came for Dill, and if you think about it further, you will realize that this trap may have been laid a few days ago. During those three days, the other party not only consumed their physical stamina, but also successfully stirred up the flames in their hearts, so it was so easy to fall into the other party's plan today.

"Buy him," Les said. Dill was a disgusting guy, but also a good adjutant. Losing him at this moment, Les was a little sighed, the humanity that he thought he had forgotten, even raised his head slightly at this moment.

Then on Dill's head, two eyes suddenly turned out: "Please wait..."

"My mother!" Dunn next to him jumped up: "It's not dead yet, is this ghoul originally a monster?"

Dill's eyes rolled towards Dunn: "Don't make a fuss. I feed on the human brain. It is normal for the brain to be stronger than normal. However, I cannot maintain this situation for long."

He looked at Les again: "Sir, please be careful. It was the Hulma woman who attacked me. She has grown a lot in just three days. I have proved by myself that the target's hands may have motivated creatures in a short time. Things that have evolved within. If this is the case, the previous combat power data can no longer be used as a reference..."

Dill said more slowly, and his eyes gradually became blank: "I have reached the limit, and the service I can provide you ends here. Finally...thank you for bringing me out from the death camp, so that my life will be more. A wonderful time. Please... take care..."

Then there was no sound, Dill's eyes lost focus, his lips opened slightly, and his expression was permanently fixed on the scene. Les sighed, squatted down to help him close his eyes, and said, "Although you are a perverted fellow, I admit that there is no better adjutant than you. I will kill the woman who killed you. Dug out his heart and put it on your tombstone in honor of you, Lieutenant Dill."

He stood up and waved. Several non-commissioned officers transported Dill's body to a hill, where they dug a pit and filled the corpse road. Les personally picked a fairly square rock and erected it in front of the pit as a tombstone for Dill. On this tombstone, Les used the finger knife on his iron glove to engrave a line on it: There is a ghoul lying in it, to my best adjutant, Dill.

Then he stood up and shouted at the distant mountains and peaks!

"This scream is really noisy." Hubble raised his head and frowned. A few dusts were spilled from the cave above, which made the big man dust it away in disgust.

In front of him, in the most spacious part of the cave, Lola was showing her attitude of killing Dier to Talikova. The young girl of the Hurma tribe kept squeezing Lola's fur-growing arm and the long leopard tail with a surprised look. That is Lola's new ability after becoming a follower, the call of the wild. At first glance, she, like Hubble's fallen body, has the ability to change her posture.

But it is different from the fallen body.

The calling ability of the wild is to awaken Lola's distant ancestor genes and make them dominant. To put it simply, this is somewhat similar to the path of ancestors after the 30th level of the source, and both are phenomena of returning to ancestors. In her current wild posture, all the physical values ​​of Laura have been greatly increased, whether it is strength, degree, or physical strength.

This is slightly different from Belmod's focus on power, while Hubble's attack and defense expertise is slightly different. The first two followers are focused on their strengths, as for Laura, they are all-round exhibitions. Even in the power assessment, comprehensive means mediocrity, but it is not without merit. At least, the fully developed Lola can do more jobs, and there are more battlefields suitable for her than the two of Belmode.

And like the Black Devil Wing, Call of the Wild belongs to an ability that can be promoted. This is another difference from the fallen body.

With the improvement of Lola's own power, the Call of the Wild can also be promoted to the call of the ancestral spirit, and finally the call of the ancients. The ability at different stages allows Laura to show a higher level of posture. Even if the latter two postures are also a comprehensive improvement, the increase that it brings must not be underestimated.

Seeing Talikova almost spinning around Lola, Allen shook her head and said, "Lola, release the call of the wild. Maintaining this posture for a long time is also a drain on your physical energy."

Laura hummed, closed her eyes, after a few breaths. The hair on her body began to fall off, and the animal patterns on her face changed from deep to light, from light to light, and finally disappeared. Even the leopard's tail behind the hips kept retracting. When Laura opened her eyes again, the previous beast pupils returned to their normal appearance. As a result, the gradual beast aura on her body also disappeared without a trace. This magical change made Talikova next to her amazed.

The girl even looked at Ellen unkindly. The latter understood the meaning in her eyes and waved her hand quickly: "No, you definitely don't want me to use Lara's method on you."

Talikova obviously wanted to go wrong, her small face, which was already pale red, suddenly became flushed. She looked at Alan, then looked at Laura, then snorted but didn't dwell on the matter. Alan shook his head and laughed, and didn't want to explain. Anyway, the things that the follower had reformed shouldn't be revealed to the girl. It would be better to let her misunderstand her, so she could cut off her thoughts, so that she would also want to fight the wild call.

What's more, what kind of abilities will appear after the follower is transformed is not within Allen's control. Even if Lola and Talikova were of the same race, the former would call out wildly, and the ability of the latter would be completely unpredictable.

He clapped his palms and attracted the attention of everyone in the cave, and said: "Well, now the opponent's sniper is killed by us. Then, the next step is the war of attrition. We have to kill the opponent's other forces, including their supplies. , Personnel, etc. In the end, I found the two leaders among them. This is the safest tactic. But I am curious, who are they?"

"It looks like they don't belong to the Golett family or the Maine family. Moreover, they have a clear division of labor and orderly actions. They are more like an army with the logo removed." At this point, Allen was moved suddenly and lost his voice. Said: "I know who they are!"

Among the four Belmods, Lola and Talikova had no knowledge of Ellen's previous events. Hubble is a careless person, and only Belmode can grasp Alan's meaning. He nodded and said, "Inner ghost?"

"Yes, it must be the fact that the ghosts in the Federation were smashed into the Frost Star before, and now they have been found out. Since these assassins are here, then..." Allen smiled wryly: "Lieutenant Colonel Ned is probably in danger. ."

He didn't know that Ned was not only in danger, but had been killed by Les.

"Is Maine related to them?" Belmode frowned.

"It shouldn't be. Maine just shot me out of his own purpose and ideas. If he is related to this group of Federation ghosts, he shouldn't show up when Toure is unfavorable. He can use the Alexander family's elite to drag him. When these killers come behind us and let them come forward, then Maine doesn’t need to be exposed. I can be sure that Uncle Roddy’s actions to the Alexander family have already paid off, and this process will continue for a long time.” Allen decidedly Said: "If Maine still has the hidden card of the inner ghost, he can play it at that time."

"That is to say, those people are from the other side. It's really a headache. I just know now that getting too many people's attention is not a pleasant thing." Belmode shook his head.

Allen is confident: "Now that their snipers are killed by us, it will be very beneficial to our next actions. At least we don't have to worry about threats from far away. Going further here will be the withered wasteland. Once we enter the wasteland. , Our goal is too obvious. So my plan is to fight against each other in this mountainous area."

"Motion warfare?" Belmode nodded, "Indeed, with the terrain here, we can avoid the opponent's high-level powerhouse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and specifically target their low-level fighters."

"Yes, after polishing their minions, you can attack their leader. The guy who hurt you is not easy. I think at least he has the strength of the general." Allen said: "A general, a colonel, Plus ten lieutenant officers or non-commissioned officers are good. If this combination works well, it is likely to kill us. Fortunately, they don't seem to have a tacit understanding, and these people are full of blood, they should be murderous guys."

"I know very well that such guys have no patience. People who have no patience often expose their fatal flaws." Allen began to draw some simple lines on the ground, and soon a few people realized that these lines constituted A brief map of the mountains where they are located. What is surprising is that Allen remembers such a complex terrain, every important mountain range, every sinister canyon, they seem to be engraved in Allen's mind, and they are only reproduced through his fingers.

Allen drew a line on the map, this line will be their trajectory, and at the same time, on this trajectory, Allen intends to polish Les and their minions. Just as Allen explained the details of the complete plan, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded outside the cave.

That is the sound of the spaceship engine!


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