Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 844:   war of fear


The light sound of electromagnetic firearms firing bullets sounded in the power room. This kind of firearms propelled by electromagnetic energy does not have the rough sound of gunpowder firearms. They are quieter, and only those with excellent ears can catch that inaudible sound. But the sound is not loud, but it does not mean that they are weak. On the contrary, driven by magnetic energy, the velocity of the kinetic energy bullet reached three kilometers, and the range was two kilometers. It can easily penetrate the mainstream armor currently used by tanks within a kilometer distance.

The electromagnetic kinetic energy gun equipped on Glen's Dark Trial still used armor-piercing bullets. This prismatic bullet is more powerful and will cause an implosion when it hits the target, thereby expanding the breakdown surface. The stray bullet that Catherine was scratched not long ago was actually scratched by the implosion shrapnel when she bounced the bullet.

Of course, in the previous shot, Karin poured his energy on the bullet, and the shrapnel was qualified to injure Catherine. Otherwise, it is just an ordinary shock. Even if the major general is in a period of weakness, it will be difficult to break through the two barriers between her body protection and her own strong body.

At this moment, Karin fired with an electromagnetic kinetic energy gun. A round of kinetic energy bullets with a faint blue light drew a ray of blue lines in the air, sweeping out a fan-shaped cover to the position of Alan and Catherine. The range of the kinetic energy gun is extremely long, the distance between the two sides is less than 100 meters, and the kinetic energy bullet is almost in the blink of an eye. Alan and Catherine were in a tacit understanding, they touched lightly, but suddenly separated.

Allen leaned forward, his upper body almost parallel to the ground. He dragged his knife and flew, his posture like a wolf running full of tension. All the kinetic energy bullets passed over his head, and apart from sweeping a few strands of his hair, they didn't hurt him at all. Karin's figure was reflected in Ellen's red eyes. Whether it was sight or perception, Allen had locked her firmly.

Immediately, Karin felt tremendous pressure. That was the pressure Allen exerted on her through will, Karin snorted, the muzzle was lowered, and the barrage followed the hood. But Alan disappeared. Almost the moment Alan disappeared, Karin used all his strength to jump up desperately. And close the arms, bend the legs, and shrink the hit surface to the greatest extent. In the previous matchup in the Canyon, Alan's thunder made her suffer. There is no need to deliberately recall, Karin's body has already remembered the painful memory on its own.

So when Allen disappeared, she almost instinctively chose to avoid it.

But even so, there was still a shock from the right arm guard. The kinetic energy of the impact knocked her whole body into an uncontrollable volley, and when she became over and under her feet, she saw a **** light band across her body. On the other end of the light belt, Alan dashed forward, and then the sonic boom was late. Karin's arm armor made a continuous smashing sound, pieces of armor shattered, including the electromagnetic gun equipped on his forearm. The kinetic energy gun and the armor exploded into a metal particle and sputtered away, reflecting the blue streamer in the power room, and suddenly flickering, like rain falling.

At this time, Catherine's figure quietly floated in her eyes. Then the scorpion spear in his hand was lightly clicked out. The spear did not smell of firework, and it was as light as a willow branch. Karin felt a icy cold, and she suddenly let out a silent scream. The two beam knives on the outside of her legs fell into her hands like magic, and then turned into two cold gray light **** to face. Catherine's battle gun.

Styx waves in Catherine's eyes

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The light suddenly sank, and a cyan torrent spewed from the tip of the gun, which hit her sharply faster than Karin expected. The light of the knife disappeared immediately, and Karin flew out. The tall body rolled around in mid-air with unusual flexibility, and then fell to the ground. Then there were two slight explosions in his hands, but the two beam knives exploded at the same time.

Catherine also fell to the ground, her face changed slightly, and she took a few steps before she stopped. The gun was pointed diagonally, but the other hand was on the handle of the snake sickle. After another shock, the smooth surface of the sickle condensed by the source force bounced out, buzzing in the air.

Karin found out at this moment that he was exactly in the middle of Alan and Catherine. This position is not very good. She squinted her eyes slightly, her gaze fell on Catherine’s distinctive ponytail, and then said: “General of the Federation, don’t you think you are too nosy? I don’t want to You are the enemy. If you leave now, I will not stop you. Otherwise, wait for the destroyer to arrive. I think it will not be so easy for you to leave this mothership."

Catherine couldn't find a trace of change on her small face, and she said calmly: "Then don't leave."

Karin couldn't help but snorted. In her opinion, Catherine couldn't be stupid to choose so. This major general doesn't need to fight against himself and lose both. One more Catherine, Karin knew how much more resistance she would have to kill Alan!

At this moment, Karin felt an aura rising behind him. The air seemed to warm up a lot, even Karin's forehead began to sweat, such a vision, all affected by that momentum. This momentum was not strong when it first started, just like a ball of flame. But in an instant, this group of flames blazed ablaze, like the brilliance of burning everything, began to fill every corner of the power room.

In Karin's perception, it was like a flame falling on the sea. In an instant, it turned into a sea of ​​flames. In the sea of ​​flames, there was a pillar of fire rising into the sky. The suffocating breath almost didn't make Karin scream.

She knew very well that Allen had seen more diligence than when she met before, and nothing was more terrifying. Because Allen is getting stronger every moment, and she has been standing still for a long time.

Then she heard Ellen's voice, his voice almost without a trace of emotion, and said coldly and indifferently: "Kalin, there is always only one of us who can survive. Just let's decide the winner today!"

Karin turned her head in amazement. A phantom gradually rose behind Alan. It was a sign that the original ancestor projection was about to take shape. She couldn't help but said: "Are you crazy? If you go to war with all your strength, Ohm will be attracted. Take destruction!"

"Even so, it's after you died." A smile broke out from the corner of Allen's mouth: "I only ask you, can you dare to fight?"

Karin finally replied, and there was a feeling of rising momentum from Catherine's direction. The Federation Major General's flames gushing out, the heterochromatic horsetail is raised without wind, and his clothes all over him are hunting and hunting, obviously he has to do his best. At this moment, Karin knew that she had no hope of winning. Not to mention that Allen has a federal major general to help out, just to see that these two people put aside all their scruples and make an all-out effort, and she has to take into account the attention of the expellers. In terms of momentum alone, they have already lost to these two people.

Karin screamed, and the energy gun on his shoulder blasted a green light bullet in the direction of Alan, and the person rushed towards Catherine.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Lun lifted the knife and cut away, and a stream of air under his feet went straight, hitting the light bomb and detonated it in midair! The light bomb burst into a blue fire, and immediately turned the power room into a terrible green. These blue flames fell on the ground, and the metal ground immediately eroded and melted for a few minutes without sound.

Karin handed over to Catherine, her two beam knives were completely destroyed, and she did not have the wheel saw she was used to. He had to attack with his bare hands, but Karin's fist surged with the source of power, and the power was not much worse than the weapon in his hand. Whether it's slashing with palms or fists, Karin has a huge source of power, and every blow is comparable to a heavy bombardment. Even Catherine must be very careful to parry so as not to get hurt.

The two fought a dozen times in an instant, when Karin heard the wind surging behind him, knowing that Alan was chasing. Don't hesitate any longer, put your hands together for a point, and a little brilliance lit up between your palms. This gloomy light spread rapidly, forming a blade of light in an instant. This light blade looked like two half-moon blades connected together, and Karin reached out to hold the middle section of the light blade. As soon as the man turned around, he threw the light blade towards Catherine.

The light blade whirled wildly, dancing into a light wheel and swept toward Catherine. The sound of breaking through the air was extremely sharp, and when it was three meters away from Catherine, he suddenly changed direction, circled to the left of the major general, and slammed back again in a fierce round. Regardless of the track and angle of the movement, they are extremely strange, making people unpredictable. This is Karin's real fighting skill. Catherine's rich combat experience can't see what changes will happen to this light blade in the next moment. Having to point to the ground, people move in the opposite direction. At the same time, the snake sickle shot and drew an arc on the light blade.

When the snake sickle hit the light blade, Catherine's face was slightly surprised, as if she didn't believe that she hit it so easily. Then the feeling of emptiness from the snake sickle, her sickle didn't even hinder the cutting from the light blade. The light blade flashed twice and disappeared, and there was no phenomenon of a source force collision. Catherine immediately realized that the light blade was nothing but mere appearance!

Sure enough, Karin made a false move to the major general, but grabbed the opportunity to pass by Catherine. By the time Alan approached, she had already rushed through the tunnel in the power room. With a virtual finger in the direction of the door, the brain on the armor sent a set of data streams to the door. The door suddenly started and separated, just opening a slit for Karin to pass through. Catherine covered her face with frost, so she wanted to chase, but Alan grabbed her hand.

"Don't chase ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ now I don’t have time to take care of her. In fact, this result is better for us." Allen shook his head and looked at the power reactor: "Compared to Karin Come, it's much easier to blow up this stuff. At least, it won't resist."

Catherine squinted her beautiful eyes: "After this is over, you have to tell me, what is the relationship between you and the giantess?"

Allen laughed: "In short, it won't be what you think."

"Do you know what I think?" Catherine snorted, then looked up at the metal cylinder of the reactor: "How are you going to blow it up? If you attack it directly, it will involve us too. Wouldn't you, great Is it time to sacrifice yourself?"

"That's not enough." Allen put the blood hidden on the ground: "In fact, we can make some delay bombs ourselves."

Catherine spread her hands and said, "What about the materials?"

"On the road." Allen replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)


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