Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 854:   running dog

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was just right. Seeing the golden rays of light reflect the snow, looking from the sky, it seems that the earth is covered with gold. At this time, a drone fell from high altitude. There were no signs on the aircraft, and it was surprisingly clean. An electric eye at the bottom of the plane was turning, scanning the ground. Soon, a lone speeding car entered the detection range of the electric eye. The electric eye adjusted the focus, so the screen was zoomed in, and the speeding car was clearly projected on the terminal screen in a distant place.

The drone immediately confirmed the target, and a green crosshair suddenly appeared in the electric eye, and the speed vehicle on the ground was inserted into it. The Yanxing particle missiles suspended on both sides of the wings immediately separated, fell freely for a certain distance and then ignited at the tail, and then used the electric eye to aim and lock, and dived precisely toward the speeding vehicle on the ground. The Yanxing particle missile explodes after hitting the target, and the inner core warhead will spray countless heavy metal particles. These particles will melt and liquefy after being warmed by the brakes of the explosion. The high-heat liquid produced can melt a main tank into an iron frame in just a few seconds, and its density comparable to mercury will also make it difficult for the source force’s defense field to completely block this high-temperature molten metal. The damage caused is really a unique weapon on the battlefield.

Don't have two Yanxing, even if it's just one Yanxing missile. If it hits, the speed car is also destroyed. When the missile strikes, the drone operator has almost declared the death penalty to the speeding car and the people on it in his heart.

But at the moment the missile ignited, a door on the left side of the speed car suddenly opened. Then such a picture appeared in the electric eyes, and a woman jumped out of the car. She dexterously rolled on the ground and stabilized her body, then bounced from the ground, and pulled out two black pistols with huge calibers behind herself. Slightly aiming at the missile in the sky, the woman fired awe-inspiringly. From that large-caliber muzzle, jets of dark red source-force bullets were ejected, and the bullets flowed like a whip, which accurately swept two flame stars nearly 1,000 meters apart. So the missile exploded in the air, and after the second detonation, the inner core warhead exploded again. In the originally orange-red fireball, a darker fire cloud spreads out. It is a liquefied high-heat melt. After they spread, they rapidly stimulate the high-altitude cold gas, producing a large water mist.

The water mist obscures the image of the electric eye, and the electric eye is still switching the observation mode. The screen suddenly lit up, and then a piece of snowflakes remained on the screen. In a far corner, the pilot of the drone was stunned for two seconds before he could react. The drone exploded and was destroyed by the woman with two pistols at an altitude of thousands of meters!

Anna snorted, and her head was blown back by the blast of hot wind. She put away the two pistols, put them back into the staggered gun case behind her waist, and then walked towards the parked speed car. Behind her, the drone dragged a flame tail, fell behind a hill, and instantly shot up a fireball.

In the car, Horne leaned his hands on his crutches and said to Anna: "That's Yanxing missiles. Each missile can be expensive to build. It's also rare for someone to pay a big price to use this strategic level. The weapon to deal with me."

"The Yanxing missile is not qualified to threaten you yet." Anna coldly snorted.

"Indeed, so you see, people still have a back." Horn smiled slightly.

Then the roar of the locomotive engine rang, and Anna raised her head and looked straight ahead. The ground is not flat, just in front of a low slope, a few shadows suddenly jumped out of the sunlight. Those are three heavy-duty locomotives, each with wheels the size of a truck. There is a small automatic cannon on both sides of this locomotive, and three small missiles are hidden in the front of the locomotive. There were two strong men in the car, three locomotives were six people.

Then another heavy truck jumped out in a rampage, following three locomotives. The sirens on both sides of the cab screamed like crazy, and the menacing look knew it was not a good crop. From beginning to end, Horn had a faint smile on his face, as if watching a farce. Anna covered her face with frost, her brows were stern. As for the butler who also serves as the driver, he is indifferent. It seems that even if someone kills the door, it doesn't matter to him.

It really didn't matter to him. It was Anna's responsibility to protect Horn, and he was just a housekeeper. So Heising sat in the car, Horn continued to watch the show, and Anna closed the car door and walked towards the convoy.

At this time, Horn in the car suddenly said "Huh" and said, "It seems that the other party has placed a big bet."

Hessing looked at his master through the rearview mirror in a puzzled manner. Horn said calmly, "There is a person hidden in that heavy truck, probably Anna can't deal with. It's more expensive to be able to hire such a person. Yan Xing is much more expensive. Things are getting more and more interesting."

The butler smiled politely, but didn't find it interesting. He looked at his watch and thought that today is too late to go back at the scheduled time.

Then he was interrupted by the roar of missiles.

The first three locomotives shot the missiles into the air in an instant, and these missiles with red marks on their warheads slammed to the ground and blasted in the direction of the speeding car. Anna's eyes stunned, two pistols jumped into her hands, and then the rough shots rang out. Along with the roar of a beast, a dark red elemental bullet shot away, intercepting and detonating the missiles one by one. Anna's hand is stable and strong, and the shooting trajectory is even more chilling. Within a hundred meters, the diameter of the bullet flow is no more than centimeters, which makes the bullets almost converge in a straight line. After sweeping up one missile after another, they fired at the heavy locomotive.

Fireballs bounced one after another on the ground that instantly turned into a battlefield. Anna held her guns in both hands, slammed into the fireballs and rushed out again. The flame hadn't even lit her head, and there was no other threat except for a few white smoke rising from her body. The men on the heavy locomotive were all chills, but they did not prevent them from moving the automatic cannons on both sides. The man sitting in the back row even raised his assault rifle and swept his body, and for a while, the bullet rain covered the sky.

With a sneer on Anna's face, she rushed up against the rain of bullets. She used irregular movements to dodge the powerful bullets of the machine guns, and for the threat of the rifle, she bounced off directly with the source force barrier. She was like a vigorous female leopard, instantly leaping towards the front locomotive. Two pistols were thrown up by her, Anna jumped up and slammed her knees. He drove the knight and his companions in the back row into the car.

She turned upside down in the air, but still caught the locomotive with both hands under her head and feet. When it was turned over, the locomotive weighing several tons was thrown out by her swiping in a circle on the head, and smashed onto the heavy truck behind. When the locomotive was rolled into a heavy truck, it immediately exploded, and the violent vibration caused the heavy truck to even lift up on one side and almost roll over. The driver of the car hurriedly slammed the steering wheel, only to let the hanging side of the truck fall to the ground, shaking up a row of dust and smoke.

Anna on the ground reached out and grabbed two pistols, then pounced, turned, and glided. It crossed with two locomotives that crossed right and left. The two pistols roared, and each shot a stream of dark red bullets to catch up with the locomotive and explode them on the spot.

At this time, the door of the truck was pushed open by a huge force, and it flew high and high, striding over ten meters before falling to the ground. Then jumped out from the carriage with naked-chested men. These men were painted with paint on their bodies, hung with bullet chains, and carried rifles and even bazookas in their hands. Thirty or forty people jumped off the heavy truck and yelled at Anna. Suddenly a voice rang in the truck: "Shut up! You idiots, even if you swarm them, you won't be opponents, so just shut your mouths for me!"

It was obvious that the man leading the car jumped out of the car, and two men bent down to take their steps and let him walk onto the snow. The man was unexpectedly thin, wrapped in a long coat. The black high-necked long dress was hunting in the wind, and the man with a knife in his arms looked at Anna from a distance and said, "You are very good, woman. But you are not my opponent, so let's call your master out."

Anna fired at each other, the man was in his thirties. He was very young, but his body was full of blood, and it was obvious that the other party was a figure who walked out of the sea of ​​blood in the mountain. The source force aura on his body is very violent, but there is a little less heavy feeling of precipitation, and he knows that this body source force is all killed. Just like a sharp sword, even if it is sharp, it will always become dull if it is not polished from time to time.

People like this have limited growth potential. Despite the rapid progress in the initial stage, it will soon hit a bottleneck and it is difficult to make progress. But this man is indeed not weak, Anna roughly estimated that the combat power should be around the twenty-sixth level. This is already equivalent to the strength of the major general level. There are few people on the surface with this general level of combat power, and they are not controlled by the Federation. Coupled with the appearance of a man's appearance, Anna flashed a person's information in her mind, and then said: "Are you Mayphy the Black Knife?"

The man was a little surprised, but nodded: "It's me."

"When did Black Knife Mayphy become someone's running dog?" Anna sneered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mayphy said without changing his face: "As long as people can afford it."

"Oh, then do you know, who is the one you are going to draw against?"

"I never don't care who the target is." Mayphy said impatiently: "I don't like to do unnecessary things. You are not my opponent. Go away or die by my knife."

Anna tightened her guns. Among the secret warriors, she was not good at fighting. But even so, no one would be able to move her away from Horne unless she stepped on her body. But at this time, Horn's voice came from afar: "Come back, Anna. As this Mr. Mayphy said, you are not his opponent, let me do it myself."

"But master."

Horn had already stepped out of the speed car, leaned on crutches, smiled and said, "It's okay, anyway, I haven't exercised for a long time, just treat it as an activity."

Mayphy's face was gloomy, and it took a long time to grunt.


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