Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 874:  President

Earth, Babylon.

The floating island is as prosperous as it used to be, and it coincides that the death ring that has been held every few years will be held again. The nobles on the island are also lively to watch. For them, the war in the outer domain is not as exciting as the death ring in front of them. Coupled with the propaganda that the committee that organized the arena spared no effort, so the interest in the arena on the floating islands has increased a little bit, and the things that the nobles talk about on weekdays are gradually changing from which team in the Garden of Eden has achieved new results. Which district the candidate is worth betting on.

It's just that most discerning people can see that there is a lot of suspicion of distracting people's attention from the mass publicity of this death ring. It's just not known who instructed it.

There is a White House in Babylon.

The style of the White House is based on the building of the same name in the old era, but its scale has been greatly reduced. After all, even the President of the Federal Republic cannot squander it freely in Babylon. On the contrary, it is necessary to show the public in an image of diligence and thrift in order to win public support. The Confederation has been up and down for hundreds of years, and successive presidents have different styles. This year's president, Mobit, even gave people a hard-line image of the army. Mobit, who was originally from the military, wore military uniform no matter what occasion he took over. He vigorously promoted the military power of the Confederation, and persuaded the Council to win the support of many wealthy aristocrats with the viewpoint of "how can a country be strong if a soldier is not strong". During his ten years in office, the Union force has advanced by leaps and bounds, and even such a talented person as Windsor Bello has been born and shines on the chaotic battlefield. These ten years are destined to be a brilliant decade in the history of the Federation!

Today, Mobit's term is approaching. On the impressive floating island, in the political arena, there has not yet been any rookie to succeed. So if there is no accident, Mobit will succeed him for ten years. This means that the president's team can continue its glory. In the brilliant light, Idalian was convinced that she had a place.

Adarlene is the chief secretary of the presidential cabinet. She is tall, blonde, **** and beautiful. Kesheng was cold, and there were a lot of people who pursued her, but she always turned her away thousands of miles away. No one in the White House knows the beauty of the iceberg, but she is cold to cold, and those veterans of the flower bush know that such a woman is cold outside and hot inside. It is a special feeling when she gets in bed.

This woman is of civilian origin and has no family background. People like this, even in the White House, had already eaten some big shots of her. But who made her the secretary of President Mobitt? This big president was also a civilian and took great care of those who were also civilians. Although the President does not have a family backing, his influence in the army is only under Caprow. With millions of troops as his backing, who would be so stupid to provoke Mobit, but only taste the iceberg beauty The moving taste?

Obviously not.

Furthermore, the president who is still in his prime, and the young and beautiful secretary. If there is nothing personal between the two, who will believe it? Even Mobitt himself does not believe that the president has been married until now and has never heard of a partner. Even if he is more diligent in political affairs, some physiological needs will always be vented. So having a few secret bed partners is not a big deal.

And here, Erinda is undoubtedly the one who has won the most favor and the longest time.

At this moment, the secretary was looking bored at the propaganda on the light screen for the new death ring. Inside, a young man from District 7 made her feel more energetic. The young man named Abby was tall and magnificent. The well-defined muscles and mermaid lines intensified female hormones. Elenda's tightly closed legs tightened a little more calmly, but on the surface they were still expressionless.

It was because she always looked so cold that Mobit couldn't put it down in bed. Even when the woman was in bed, her body cooperated fiercely, but her face was indifferent. This contradictory appearance creates a huge gap, enough to make any man go crazy.

Elenda turned off the light screen.

Although that boy was good, he was at most a toy. Besides, no matter how strong he is, Elenda doesn't believe he will be stronger than the man in the room. She had experienced Mobit's toughness more than once, that man seemed to be made of steel all over, even there. She can't remember how many times under Mobit's attack, she passed out at the happiest time. But when she woke up, the man was still conquering her body, and then she fainted again in a new round of happiness.

In short, every time after spending the night in the presidential bed, the next day in the White House, I would never want to see this iceberg beauty.

Now, thinking of the president's taste, Erinda only felt soft, her heart beating fast, her legs close together, and there was no gap in sight.

Suddenly the phone at the desk rang, it was an internal call from the White House. Erinda quickly answered, and without any surprise, Mobit's voice came out: "Miss Erinda, please make me a cup of coffee."

"OK, just a second."

Elenda got up, and after a while, she walked into the office with a cup of fragrant coffee. The windows of the office were open, and the wind poured in. It was a cold winter, and the wind was not at all comfortable. Elenda was just an ordinary person, and her face turned white from the wind. I'm afraid that if the window is not closed, she will become a real iceberg beauty.

The overbearing figure standing by the window moved, Mobit closed the window and let out a sigh of foul air from his mouth.

Elenda put down the coffee and said, "Mr. President, your coffee."

Then stand still.

I have been with Mobit for a while, and Erinda knows very well that the president is upset at this moment and wants to find someone to talk to. But she would not take the initiative to ask, that would be too unwise. So she just stood on the side, and if Mobit wanted to speak, she would listen. After listening, she will forget everything when she walks through this door.

This is her strength. She can stay with the president for so long, not just relying on the bed.

Mobitt walked back, sat on a big chair behind his desk, took a sip of coffee, and suddenly said: "Lookson talked with me for a long time, hey, it's time for Bethcod to show his face again this time. "

Elenda raised her eyebrows and didn't say anything.

Mobit seemed to be accustomed to this kind of self-talk, and then said: "It turns out that the Garden of Eden is just a cover. The real purpose of the alien coalition invasion is to cover the so-called Death Star plan. It's a big hand, so deep. A round of the game. The Grameen and the Catu people alone can't make such an arrangement. Behind it, there is indeed the supreme Agares manipulating behind."

"Hey, he played a good game. It's a pity that the chess pieces off the board broke up the layout, and it fell short. How to say, we are still a little lucky. As for Beth Kode, it is luck. "Mobit put down the cup, tapped his finger on the tabletop lightly and said: "Allen from Beskard has done a great job. Rusen asked me what military merits I have to award. Elenda, what do you think?"

Elenda shook her head. The water in the Federation and the Nobles was mixed and deep. She was a smart woman, so she would not intervene in this. What's more, Mobit is the one who really makes the decision. It would be okay for her to say that the President's mind was in the mind. If you make a mistake, this is not asking for trouble?

Mobit didn’t care and didn’t give a promise. Instead, he jumped to another matter: “I heard that Old Horn went to the surface and traveled secretly. But on the way home, he was attacked. The other party used Yanxing. Missiles, a boy named Black Knife Mayphy was also dispatched. That boy is good enough to be used against Old Horn. It's a lot worse. Do you know who did it?"

The blonde secretary didn't squint, she didn't want to know the secret. For ordinary people, the more they know, the faster they die. Although by Mobit's side, probably the dirty water that the nobles hated would not spill on her, the lovely Linda was still shocked. Even she knew that Old Horn and Marshal Caprow were both legendary figures of that era.

There are people who dare to deal with such a legend on the surface, and that courage is no longer daring to describe it.

As for whose idea it was, Elenda didn't want to know, let alone know.

But Mobitt still said: "No accident, eight out of ten, nine should be Beth Cordery's old Bell. That old boy had some ugly use with Mayne before, but it was a pity that Anna broke it. Not long ago in the Garden of Eden, Mayne even shot the little guy Allen, causing Fording to go solo. The big thorn spoiled the Alexander’s turf, causing the alliance between Des Moines and the Smith family to be forced. Suspended. Hmph, it's a taboo against the heirs among the nobles. Maine is also ruthless, but unfortunately he still owes some luck. This time, I will see who he wants to wipe his butt."

Elenda almost wanted to seize the door, and Mobitt said a few things at the moment, which one is not a mystery. Nothing in this should be known to ordinary people like her, but your Excellency the President just said it to her, which made Elenda wish she became deaf.

Mobit went around again: "If nothing happens, Bethkod and the Alexander family will go to full-scale war sooner or later. But with the old Bell, I guess Horn will solve this family internal conflict first before considering dealing with it. Alexander. At this time, Allen made a great contribution again. Since Rusen asked me what merit should be given, I thought it would be better to send him a first-class military merit. That resource-rich numbered planet should fall into Bethkode’s. On the head~www.wuxiaspot.com~Elenda, what do you think?"

The blonde secretary forced her composure and said, "Okay."

"Okay?" Mobit shook his head: "I don't think it is good, at least for Beskod. They have attracted much attention in recent years, plus this numbered planet, Beskod should be enough to threaten He has arrived at the top three giants. And in this way, Old Bell should be more jealous of the position of the Patriarch, the old things may be tossed more noisily, Horn may have a headache. Because at this time, the threat to the three Big giants are not conducive to the development of the family. But what does it matter to me? So this first-class military merit is still to be sent out, so in the next period of time, the nobles will probably be very busy. So you see, no plan can keep up with this. The time has changed. I don’t do anything, just push the boat along the water and let the chess pieces fall as I want."

"When the nobles are in a mess, there will probably be some guys who will lay down and take the initiative to cooperate with us. After all, there is already a Maine before, and those old tunes can also be broken. Erinda What do you think is the idea of ​​reshuffling the relationship between the nobility and the Federation?"

This time, the secretary dare not say a word.


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