Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 891:  1 knife

People of the older generation know that when Horne entered the Pluto star, he cut off the first level of a ten Titans, using a handful of Qiuyan. The origin of this famous knife with an obvious oriental color has been unproven. All I know is that this famous knife looks like a broken blade without a flange, but it actually extends from the white broken blade, but it is another blade that is thin as a cicada wing.

The blade is as transparent as it is, and it has to be seen from a specific angle to vaguely see the slender blade that resembles a stream of autumn water.

Qiuyan now reappears, and the whole hall is full of sword spirit. Although Qiuyan had only one handle, everyone in the hall, especially those with good combat power, could even feel that the entire hall was filled with huge energy. This Qi machine did not twist into a single strand like an ordinary powerful one, but was finely shattered, like thousands of sharp blades whistling and whistling. The cold face, even the thick-skinned Edric, could not help shivering.

Fatty couldn't help but Anqing just now that he was finally on the wrong side, Qiuyan was so prosperous that he was watching this. The fat man didn't dare to imagine what Walshine would be like when he took the brunt of it. He asked if Ruo and the killer changed positions. Horn doesn't need a knife. The fat on his body is probably already shredded by the knife's energy, right?

When he was thinking about it, Horn intentionally or unintentionally looked towards this side, and Edric's fat body shivered even more.

Qiu Yan fell to the ground, and the sword energy rose instead of falling.

Cracks appeared in Valshine's suit.

The assassin shouted loudly for the first time, raising his hands, and his aura was pushed up layer by layer like a flood. He was about to release the killer move, but Horn's hand was swept away from the corner of his eye, Qiu Yan leaned upwards and swiped it.

The hall was dimmed.

A dazzling stream of light flashed across the space, the light was golden, like a touch of sunlight in autumn. Qiuyang is not as strong as Xia Yang, but it is warm and permeates everything. In an instant, the autumn colors in the hall were shining, like the afternoon sun in an autumn day.

The huge energy gathered by Walshine was blank.

The assassin snorted, quickly backed up, hit the window, and disappeared into everyone's sight.

Horn didn't go after him, but took Qiuyan back. When the famous knife fell, there was a rumbling noise in the hall, and a crack diagonally divided the building. The building vibrated and slid down, collapsed to the ground, and exploded into hundreds of thousands of tons of rubble. In the hustle and bustle, the downstairs was crying, but the upstairs was silent.

Qiuyan's knife is so powerful. From this knife, everyone in the hall can probably see the extraordinary demeanor of Horn holding Qiuyan at that time on the star of the underworld.

Roads extend in all directions in the casino, and there are also many viaducts and tunnels. Not far from Jinfan, there is an underground tunnel. Over the top of this tunnel, there is a main road of the city. There is a lot of traffic on weekdays, and the tunnel naturally serves as a pedestrian service. Only those who get into the casino are not the one who is rich or noble. There are flying cars to and from, and even small flying ships in and out of the casino are not uncommon, so these pedestrian passages have no effect.

In the tunnel, a large purple light suddenly lit up at one end. Old Baker passed through the tunnel awkwardly, dripping muddy blood all the way. He suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and when he looked back, a blue thunder rushed towards him, aggressively. Old Baker reluctantly turned his body sideways, and was swept across his shoulder by that Qing Lei, and immediately plowed his way out. This Qing Lei was very domineering, but he wounded the enemy’s back, but inextricably exploded hundreds of thousands of electric wires, so the wound on Old Baker's shoulder instantly expanded, blood was splashing like rain, and the pain made him almost faint. He leaned on the wall to catch his breath, and, as Horn said, the butcher was old.

Seeing the thunder and lightning slowed down, Old Baker was aroused by ferocity. A pair of palms that were as thin as chicken feet turned up and raised Zi Yan to push away the thunder and lightning, forming a vicious purple python. After looking at the fire python, thunderbolt raised his hand and waved it down. The flame python was simply divided into two parts, the split flame python could no longer maintain its shape, and it scattered into purple flames, then exploded continuously, reflecting the entire tunnel with a thick purple light.

Old Baker looked at his hands in disbelief.

"Do you think it's difficult to sustain the source power?" Raiden looked at him jokingly and said, "I remember you used to cooperate with Maine and wanted to use the dissociated fluid to trick Mr. Horn?"

Old Baker's pupils narrowed.

Raiden nodded: "Yes, I bought some of the people from the Maine factory and got some from them. Of course, they have all entered your stomach now. I'm just afraid you will find that you don't use much each time. All these years , Master Baker rarely does it, even if you bump into it, I will take care of it for you. So master, you should only find out now that your source power is running low, right?"

"You...you **** actually did such a thing!" Old Baker's voice trembled, and thunder and lightning reminded him. He remembered a trip six months ago. Was blocked by a strong enemy on the road. At that time, his subordinates were almost dead. Old Baker had planned to take the shot himself, but the thunder and lightning were seriously injured, but repelled the gang of enemies. At that time he thought it was Raiden's loyalty, but now that he thinks about it, it should be because this kid didn't want him to discover that his source of strength had fallen in advance.

Everything is only for today.

Old Baker laughed: "You can bear it. Unfortunately, there are not a thousand but 800 people who died in the hands of Lao Tzu. I don't even know who your father is. Bitch, you want to kill me? Then come. Right."

"You don't need to say that I will do this too." Thunder took a deep breath, stepped out, and rushed towards Old Baker with several cyan electric snakes.

Old Baker hammered the ground with both fists, throwing out two winding purple flames along the ground and blasted towards the thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning jumped up, avoiding a pair of purple snakes that blew up from the ground.

Split in midair.

Old Baker raised his hand and danced out purple flames, blasting the blue thunder knife like thunder with a burst of cannons, rushing them away.

Thunder and lightning fell, rolled, and bounced. A stride has already rushed to the old man. The thunder knife was handed in the palm, and there was no sadness or joy on Raiden's face.

Old Baker raised his breath and shouted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Regardless of his palm, he clenched his fists on Thunder's chest. The thunder and lightning did not fly out with a fist as he expected, but instead grabbed the old man's thin shoulder with one hand and slammed into the old man's arms. The knife was stabbed from the back of the old Baker, and the old man's blood was pouring. Raiden himself bleeds through seven holes, but he does not relax. He still encircles the old man's head with one hand, and then pulls hard. The thunder and lightning felt relieved when he heard a click on his neck.

He staggeredly let go of Old Baker, and he had to pay back for ten years of blood feud. But there was not the invigoration he had imagined, only a bit of inexplicable melancholy. Thunder and lightning first laughed, then cried, and finally there was no sound in the tunnel. He silently pulled the collar of the old Baker, and dragged the cruel character, known as the butcher in his youth, out of the tunnel like a dead dog.

When Old Baker's body was thrown at Horn's feet, Horn sighed. Looking at the man who couldn't tell whether it was blood or tears, he said, "You are free."

Raiden just nodded, wiped the blood off his face, and bowed solemnly to Horn. Then he turned around without hesitation and walked away.

Is he free?

Who can tell.


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