Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 92:  The vision of the gods

Alan looked quietly behind the tree.

The boy who was talking to Vera had delicate eyebrows, and his dark green hair blurred the outline of his forehead. With a light smile on his face, he wore a white shirt under the khaki thin sweater, and hid it in the collar of the sweater with a diagonal tie. The lower body is wearing striped trousers of the same color and a pair of dark leather shoes squatting. The costumes are not eye-catching, but the workmanship and materials are first-rate, which gives this boy a sense of being close to nature while also losing the heritage of a noble family.

He pointed out that when Vera could peer into the future, the girl in the black dress shook her shoulders, seemingly moved. But Vera still didn't say a word. The boy glanced at the other companions and chuckled: "Miss Vera still remembers Li Fei, the woman you painted her. You painted her that day. A certain scene in the relationship with the uncle of the clan. She thought you were seeing the past, but it was not until one day that they appeared in a scene that seemed to be familiar to Li Fei that you were peeping into the future. I also didn't intend to listen to her. Speaking of it, I learned that Miss Vera has this ability."

"It's not a good thing to see the future. What's more, what I see is only a certain possibility in the future." Vera raised her head and looked at the boy in front of her with her eyes without emotional fluctuations.

Even Allen lost his temper in front of these eyes, and the boy in front of him was even more unbearable. The unrestrained smile on his face suddenly froze, and then he subconsciously avoided Vera's eyes. The boy realized he had lost his temper when he saw his companion looking at him in surprise. At the moment, he smiled reluctantly and said: "It is already very remarkable to be able to see a certain possibility in the future."

"What is there to be proud of?" Vera whispered: "Time originates from the singularity, and before the singularity, that is the position of the gods. Even the gods cannot see the future clearly, and what I see is more A vague outline. Like a fish jumping out of the water, but seeing something a little away in front of the river. What's more, don’t just re-enter the water without a glimpse. But I don’t know how the river is divided, and the fish sees it, Which tributary will it be?"

"Miss Vera is very lucky to be able to share the sight of the gods!" The boy said solemnly.

"Lucky?" Vera looked at him, her lead-heavy eyes made the boy lower her head. She shook her head and said, "That's not luck, it's a curse. You won't understand, no one... won't understand."

"Ms. Vera, my name is Weber. Our Van Vigny family absolutely needs talents like you. Even if you can only see the vague fragments, it is of great benefit to us. I sincerely invite you to be the guest of the family, I It can be guaranteed that you will have a worry-free life." The boy finally said his purpose.

Vera shook her head: "I can't help you, I can't help everyone. Because what I see is always a sad future..."

The person moved in Alan's heart behind the tree. He seemed to know why Vera's eyes were always so desperate. How can a person who can only see a sad future be happy.

Vera turned to leave, and Webber was anxious. After winking at the other companions, several boys immediately gathered and blocked Vera's path. Webber said with some loss of grace: "Miss Vera, please consider carefully."

Vera did not answer. At this moment, Allen walked out from behind the tree and said, "What are you doing?"

Webber saw that it was Alan and snorted, "It's nothing about Bethkod."

"Yes, it's just that Vera is my friend. And now, my friend is going to leave. If you don't want to let go, then it's my business." Allen insisted.

Webber squinted his eyes: "But a Bethkod puppy who is an offshoot dare to speak to me like this?"

"But the Van Vigny family doesn't know how many heirs, so they dare to run wild in the blade of dawn? Do you want to make a bet with me, if I let you be removed from the heir sequence, not only your family will not stand for you. On the contrary, your brothers will thank me." Allen sneered back.

Weber remembered that the boy in front of him, who was younger than himself, had just removed Vincent and Josh from his family succession list, and he himself was alive and well, and he did not see Vincent’s family or Wim. The family troubled him. After weighing it for a moment, Webber snorted, made a gesture, and turned away with a few of his companions.

As soon as they left, Vera did not even say "thank you", and left silently. After only a few steps, Alan’s voice sounded behind him: “Just like you said, there are countless possibilities in the future. How can you be sure that the kind of future you see will become a reality? Vera, don’t because of one Two coincidental facts completely negate the possibility of the future."

"Perhaps, it's not that all you see is a sad future. It's that you... just want to see that kind of future."

Vera's whole body shook, and there seemed to be a slight change in her eyes like a cloud of lead. But she never spoke, and after a short pause, she walked away.

That night, when Windsor Bella returned to her residence on the top floor of the Villia Building, Nono reported with a brain in his hands: "Miss, I have sent the selected list to Dean Andrew in accordance with your instructions. ."

"Very well, what does that long-winded old man say?"

"Dean Andrew wants to know what your assessment question is."

Windsor Bello threw himself into a set of soft sofas, with long legs placed on the armrests without image, and said, "My students can't be soft-footed shrimps, right? Then, the first round of assessment will start from their combat skills. The assessment is over. Let Dean Andrew arrange a time for the eight little guys to play in groups. The four winners can go to the second round of assessment. As for the questions, let's talk about it then."

"Then I will do it now."

When Nono was about to leave, Windsor Bello stopped her again: "Wait, after the list is released, there must be some disturbed guys who will come to ask for information. If it is related to those little ghosts, each piece of information will be 100,000 federations. The currency is priced; if it involves me, just collect one million at will. If they ask for something, it’s okay, regardless of the value, each for three million."

"Go, tell the Red Wolf and the others about the price. This is called the actual price. The young man is not deceived!"

There was a triumph of laughter from Windsor Bello behind him, and Nono shook his head and went to work.

When Dean Andrew announced the list of eight students enrolled in Windsor Bello, Babylon set off a wave of discussions. What was announced together with the list was the combat skill assessment scheduled for next week. These two news will be the next talks for the people of Babylon before and after dinner, and according to Dean Andrew, because of limited energy, Windsor Bello can only choose one of the eight children to teach the profession in person. A person can only be a registered student. But even a registered student with a name and no share is enough to make others jealous.

After all, Windsor Bello is well-known, so when the names of these eight lucky guys were pronounced in Dean Andrew's mouth, their status in the family was invisibly elevated. Among the eight people, in addition to Alan, the other Webber from the Van Vigny family was also listed. When he heard the news, Webber had forgotten his rejection by Vera and his displeasure for Allen.

Just seeing the name Allen in the list also gave Webber a thorny feeling.

"Windsor Bellow, this little girl is getting more and more difficult." Horn, who also got the news, said in his castle study.

Haissing stood aside and did not comment, but looked at his master with a smile.

"Mr. Haising, why do you think that little girl would select these students?" Horn tapped his finger on the note sent by the butler.

Haising thought for a while and said, "The families behind these students selected by the Marshal are all prosperous. Maybe it has something to do with tuition?"

Horn laughed and said: "It's not the first day I learned about the love of wolves. That's right, you are right. The students chosen by the little woman in Windsor Bellow ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all have a thriving behind. The family can afford her tuition. But more importantly, these families have nothing to do with the old party, or they have some grudges with the old party."

"Just by enrolling a few students, Windsor Bello has essentially attracted eight powerful allies for himself. In this way, collecting money is just incidental, and it has a deceitful effect. It is a good way to kill. . I think Caprow may have a headache for this news for a while.” Horn paused and said, “Mr. Heising, please explain. Starting today, we, Beth Kod will no longer touch the old party-related matters. Business. Business dealings that cannot be shied away will be handed over to the agent of the Moss family. Please make an appointment with Old Cage for me. I have to have a good talk with him."

"Yes, master. As for the young master, is there anything I need to convey for you?" the butler asked carefully.

Horn shook his head: "No need, at least the first round of combat skills assessment. With Allen's strength, there is no need to worry."

Alan was really excited for a while when he heard that he was expected to become a direct student of Windsor Bellow. In the following week, he temporarily cancelled the trip to study at Hughton's home every night and reported to the training hall instead. Allen is actively preparing for the battle, even though he, like Horn, is confident in the assessment of combat skills. But past experience told him that he must be fully prepared at any time.

The lion fights the rabbit, still doing its best. It's a big deal, and Allen doesn't want to lose the chain in any key link. After returning to the castle on the weekend, he exchanged the use time of the gravity room for the first time. But on Sunday, he only had a morning routine training in the fighting training area. In the afternoon, he ran to the town of Levine to visit the children Willick took in.

Horn saw in his eyes and secretly approved. Being able to maintain a calm mood before the war is a quality that a strong person should possess!

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