Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 904:  The Son of the Iron Spear

Paradise star, Ark Harbor.

After a new snowfall, Baibao became more and more white. On the branches and leaves of the old trees, and between the eaves of the steeple of the castle, there are patches of soft white snowflakes. The servants of the White Castle are sweeping the snow, and it is foreseeable that there will be snow in the next few days. If the snow does not go away, new snow will come again, and it won't be so easy to clean up then. If the snow is allowed to crush the ridges of the towers, although the current hostess is very talkative, I am afraid that she will not blame it, but the fear of being a servant is inevitable. Therefore, it is better to clean up the snow as early as possible.

Beginning with Count Aubin, the master of this castle has not been harsh in his control of servants. Only when the Earl of Giles ruled the castle for a short period of time did the servants taste what it means to be conscientious. When the old butler Metz was also left idle, the servants lost their last protective umbrella, and every day of ~ pig ~ pig ~ island ~ novel www.zhzhuam days was extremely nervous. Fortunately, Giles disappeared soon and replaced him with Ruola who was managing the White Castle. The older servants almost watched her grow up, and the hostess, like her brother, didn't have any strict control over her servants, and she had an extra feminine natural gentleness.

Take this winter as an example, the clothes and bedding of the servants have all been changed, and the salary has increased by 20%. This made the servants in Baibao happy with the mistress in his heart, and worked harder.

Two young men squatted on the tallest bell tower in Baibao, fixed themselves with ropes, and scraped the snow that covered the top of the tower with a spatula into the iron bucket in their hands, and then put the iron bucket down. . After the people below poured out the snow in the bucket, they pulled the rope to signal, so they went up again, repeating the previous work. Of the two young people, one is shorter but sturdy. The other looks more handsome, with soft amber hair.

The dumb young man stabbed his companion with his elbow and said, "Don't look at Wedge, Miss Ruola didn't go to the back garden today. Don't look at the weather now, how can Miss go to the garden to hang out." Look down from the clock tower. , You can indeed see the garden behind the castle. The amber-haired Witch glared at the playmate he knew from a young age and said, "What nonsense, you guy, bit you, let the lady hear, and don't beat us."

The young man known as Bit smiled slyly: "Miss, she is so nice, she won't do this."

"Yes. She is kind to everyone. The day before yesterday, Old Li Ke accidentally spilled a cup of coffee on the lady, but she didn't see her losing her temper. Old Li Ke also said that the lady asked him if he was hot immediately, so go ahead. How can I find such a good city lord. If the Earl Giles used to..." Witch cut his throat.

The young man looked in the direction of the earl’s study again. From his perspective, he could only see a wall, but Witch said in a daze: “Actually, if she is willing to beat me, it’s good. At least she’s beaten me. It’s good to everyone, so you don’t know who I am, right?"

Before he finished speaking, Bit had already slapped him on the head and said angrily: "Know what a fart, take good care of your mind. It's fine to watch the lady go crazy occasionally, you really want to swan to eat swan meat. ?Stop dreaming."

Witch threw the snow shovel away and hummed: "You know what a fart, it's ambition. Being a man has no ambition, what's the difference between being dead. Idiot bit, you really want to be human for the rest of your life?"

Bit murmured: "I want to be a rich man, but I have that life."

"Opportunities are earned by myself!" Witch said with a look of fascination: "I heard that Sir Allen? He was originally just an unknown baron in the borderlands, now? Others are not there, but he is already a viscount. The territory is even bigger than our Ark Harbor. What people rely on is not a hard work. If I meet the knight, I beg him to let me enter his army and fight him for ten or eight years, Lao Tzu I don’t believe that there is no such thing as a general."

Bit ridiculed: "You don't take a **** and take pictures of yourself, and general? I'm afraid your kid will be killed the first time you go to the battlefield. Besides, how can you be a general? , Miss Ruola got married early. I heard that Miss's fiancé will visit Ark Harbor in person in the next few days. You, this unrequited love will save Luo."

Wedge sulked cursingly and turned to the other side of the clock tower to work silently. A moment later, he heard Bit Hey, and then he shouted: "Weggie, come and take a look. I'm afraid it's the young lady's fiance here."

Wedge walked around and looked outside the White Castle. Sure enough, a group of people came toward the castle, and that group of people raised the Tibetan-blue iron gun battle flag, which was the banner of the Iron Gun Marquis Hoy. Seeing this battle flag clearly, Witch looked bitter and turned to the tower in silence to work. Bit sighed and said, "At night I will take you to the night street to play."

"Not going."

Bit shrugged and started his own work.

Ruola dressed in fresh clothes, accompanied by the old housekeeper, went to the Baibao gate. Behind her, there were only eighteen knights of Deep Sea Linji, lined up on two sides. Metz looked at his expressionless mistress with a headache. He gave a dry cough and said, "Miss, I heard that this son, Ho Yi, is born brave and funny, so Ho Yi likes it very much."

"It's not that I like him and tell me what to do." Ruo tensed his fists and said: "It's not a political marriage. My brother wants to rely on the Marquis of Iron Spear to consolidate Ark Harbor. As long as I marry Hoy's Son, before I died, an ambitious guy like Reckard could only achieve his goal through some dirty means, but he didn’t dare to blatantly use troops at the port. In this way, even if the heir did not do anything, at least It also allows Ark Harbor to survive decades of time."

Ruola bit her lip and said: "Don't worry, butler Mays. No matter what, I will marry myself. It doesn't matter if Hoy's son is a jerk, for the family, for the Ark Harbor. I will not regret it. just……"

She didn't go on.

Metz sighed inwardly and said for her: I just want to see that person again before leaving, right?

The hoof sound is close.

A smile appeared on Ruola's face, instantly melting like winter snow and spring blossoms. But looking at the almost standard smile, Metz bowed his head deeply. Only he knew that Ruola practiced smiling in the mirror every night. She smiled brightly again, and she was always just a beautiful girl.

Ruola's heart is not happy at all.

Orlando looked at the carriage gleefully. He was wearing a light gray armor with an iron spear, riding on a horse, and wearing a blue eagle helmet on his head. Holding the reins in one hand, and the dark blue floating dragon fine iron spear in the other, the standard iron spear guard fine riding configuration. If people don't know him, they will only regard him as an ordinary Iron Spearman, rather than the son of the Iron Spear Marquis Hoy.

Now sitting in the carriage is the entourage of Mae who grew up with him since childhood. Orlando still remembers the sadness of the kid when he squeezed Mae into the car. Anyway, the sister of the Earl of White Castle didn't know herself, and Orlando made up her mind to let Marne deal with this nominal fiancée instead of herself.

He never thought of marrying Ruola as his wife.

It was just father Hoy's own idea, Orlando didn't agree with it. But if you don't agree with it, you don't agree with it. Since you were born as the son of a Marquis, you must have the consciousness to make concessions or even sacrifice for the family. Orlando still has this consciousness. If Ra, he will marry, but don't think he will give him a good face. This made the entourage pretend to be himself, just to show the fiancee a bit of color. Orlando couldn't help thinking about how wonderful his expression was when Joola finally knew that Man was not him.

Then he saw Ruola.

The current hostess of the White Castle greeted her with a smile on her face. As Orlando thought, she had never expected that she would dress up as a knight of the Iron Spear and walk straight to the carriage. When the car stopped, Orlando looked serious, and bowed his head slightly, making full gestures. The carriage door opened, and the young entourage pretending to be Orlando came down with a gloomy look. Before getting out of the carriage, he glanced at Orlando. The latter squinted slightly, and Mae immediately raised his head and chest, acting like a son of Houmen.

Orlando looked at him with a straight smile, this kid can't do anything else, it's really first-rate to pretend to be a ghost.

But the next scene surprised Orlando.

The fiancée who had been secretly belittled by him was obviously startled when he saw Marx, and then looked forward to her beautiful eyes. Finally, his eyes fell on Orlando, Orlando secretly said that it was not good, and saw that the smile on the woman's face collapsed, and sneered: "The son of the Marquis of Tangtang Iron Spear, is it fun to let someone else pretend to be? Is it fun? Our Ark Harbor, if that's the case, Mr. Orlando, please go back! This marriage, this lady is over!"

Man, who was stunned on the spot, looked at a loss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked back at Orlando and spread his hands. Orlando sighed, took off his helmet and wondered: "How do you recognize me? Have you seen me?"

Ruola sneered: "Of course not. It's just that the actor you hired was too stubborn and wanted to pretend to be a nobleman, but he didn't know how many times he pinched his clothes from the time he got out of the car to step forward. Horn is obviously nervous. Not to mention including him, the people in this team will glance at you from time to time. Obviously you are the master of this team. Then I'm wondering, where does an iron spear guard come from? Qualified to do so, unless he is Mr. Orlando himself."

Orlando applauded sincerely: "Wonderful. Before I came, I still thought that Miss Ruola was probably similar to those so-called famous ladies who were both clumsy and clumsy. But I didn't expect Miss Ruola to observe the details, but after a cursory glance, I could see that. many."

"Then dare to ask Mr. Orlando what it means to do this. It is to ask if I am qualified to be your bride or want to humiliate my Ark Harbor. If it is the latter, I don't mind breaking up with the Marquis of Iron Spear!"

Mace looked at the two with a headache. The pair had only met for the first time and it was so gunpowder. How else would they get along? But having said that, Orlando's approach is too trivial, and she obviously doesn't respect Rola and Ark Harbor. It's no wonder she's going to be furious.

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