Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 909:  Not reported (1)

Before the sky was clear, a slightly immature shout sounded from a terrace of the Unicorn Castle. ∧.╳╬. The early servants knew that it was the young Viscount Angte who was practicing sword again. The little knight's sword practice is no less than that of Baron, the commander of the Unicorn Legion. At first, Baron only came to the castle to teach the little jazz swordsmanship at intervals. Later, he just practiced swords with Onte in the castle every morning.

The servants in the castle have a good impression of the little jazz who can still see a bit of green on his face. Many times, Ante is more like a shy big boy, and only when he wields a long sword, he gradually penetrates Show so a bit of heroic spirit. He is like a piece of jade that needs to be sculpted continuously. Only by practicing sword can he remove the stone clothes and gradually reveal his edge.

The two long swords met and collided in the air. A long sword on the left drew a small half-circle, and the power twisted, and the other sword flew out. Ante shook his wrist with a wry smile, trot a few steps to retrieve the long sword, and said to Baron: "Come again."

After half an hour, the boy was finally exhausted and his clothes were all wet with sweat. The butler carefully brought hot drinks and cloaks so that the little master would not catch the wind and cold. The head of the regiment Baron showed his upper body naked, his muscles bulged, and Angte was envious. He drank a cup of hot milk, looked at Baron and sighed: "When will I have the figure of Captain Baron?"

Baron laughed and said, "What's so good about being rude like our warriors? Besides, the level of combat power is not determined by muscles. Master Angte, source power is the only criterion for determining combat power."

Ante's face darkened. ∥∥.┭╋.┭c╋o┮m╬

Baron wanted to slap himself, he apologized: "My lord, you are still young and you still have a chance to light a fire."

"But the chance is slim, isn't it?" Unterto said with a wry smile on his chin: "When my father was still there, he said that my potential was not good. If I can't ignite the fire before I reach adulthood, I will never want to get the source of energy. Baron Commander, I'm not young anymore, I'm afraid there will be no chance, right?"

Baron was a rough man, and didn't know how to comfort him for a while, so he could only stand in a daze.

Unter said again: "That Lord Ellen, he is very young. How old did you say he lit the fire?"

Baron thought for a moment and said: "Sir Alan is indeed a young and strong man. If it doesn't make sense, he would have gained his power in his ten or so years?"

"I really can't match him."

The butler said softly behind him: "My lord, governing a territory does not rely solely on force. Baron Hungry Wolf is an example. Sir Truf is the best in force, but you can see that his territory was not taken over by Lord Allen. What is barrenness like."

Ang said: "I heard that the hungry wolf collar has improved in the past six months."

"Yes, my lord. ∧Net∧∈.╈╈.╈Hungry wolf leaders are now vigorously engaged in farming. Lord Allen exempted them from taxation for three years, and other various policies to benefit the people, which quickly expanded that territory. Now everyone says that there is no longer a hungry wolf collar, it should be renamed as a fat sheep collar.” The butler chuckled.

Baron laughed.

Unter couldn't laugh, he said softly: "That Baron Oss, I heard that he is about the same age as me?"

"Two years younger than you."

"Really? Then you say, is he going to avenge his father?"

The terrace is already cold, but this sentence makes the temperature two points cooler. The steward sighed: "I shouldn't. Baron Oss was not old, and Sir Truf was not a good father. I think the little baron may have little or no vengeance for his father. People in the current territory are living a more stable life than ever because of Lord Allen. I am afraid that even if Sir Oss has this heart, people will not do it."

"What about us?" Unter raised his head and looked at the butler and Baron: "If I were to fight Alan, would everyone support it?"

The butler and Baron looked at each other.

Ante squinted his eyes: "Did you even fall to Allen? To the murderer who killed my father! Oss is young, he doesn't understand. ∧≠?∈≧?Net.┭. But I don’t. Similarly, my father, your Sir Daniel died in the hands of that Lord Ellen. Could this hatred be hidden in my heart in this life?"

Baron's chest rises and falls, wanting to say something. Suddenly the butler cast a stern look, the head hesitated, and finally bowed his head.

The atmosphere froze.

The butler smiled bitterly: "If Lord Angter is just a child of an ordinary family, I can understand that he wants revenge. But Sir, you are now the master of this territory, and every decision you make will affect every citizen of the territory. The life and death of you. You are the master, so there is nothing wrong with the decision to make. I just want to remind you. If you want revenge, then you must be cautious and cautious."

"After all, we are too close to Sir Allen, so close as soon as we find out that we have some evil intentions. As long as one day and night, they can come to the city."

Ante violently smashed the cup.

"You go down first, I want to be alone." The little viscount said.

The steward and the group leader quietly left, leaving only two young maids to take care of Ante. Entering the corridor of the castle, Baron suddenly said: "Why are you stopping me!"

The butler raised his head and whispered: "Otherwise, let you instigate your lord's revenge? Barron, think about it. It was Lord Daniel who provoked the war and was beheaded by Sir Allen after that. Lord Ante wanted revenge and stood. It doesn’t hold up at all. In the empire, don’t you know the rules of the game for these big players? It’s okay to take the initiative to start a war, or to kill the lord. As long as there is a reasonable excuse afterwards, the empire will not do more in this regard. Article. After all, the territory is not owned by the empire, after all, it’s just another owner."

"You can take the initiative to fight, but you are defeated. Moreover, people have not annexed your territory, and even ally with you regardless of the predecessors. During the period, they have also helped you resist the infiltration of other lords several times. Under such a premise, our Lord Ante still wants Raising the banner of revenge, how many people do you think you will get attached? I can tell you clearly, very few. At that time, the leaders would even regard Lord Angte as a selfish lord. Friendly and powerful neighbors use force. Instead of you, how would you choose?"

Baron was speechless.

The butler replied for him: "You will probably run to the neighbor instead of standing under the banner of Lord Onte. Then you say, I should stop you. Otherwise, Lord Onte might be impulsive by you. , Forcing an insulting name. At that time, even a small shelter was gone!"

There was a dry cough behind him.

The two turned around quickly, it turned out to be Ante. He looked at the butler, looked at Baron. He sighed and said with a wry smile: "This is the last time I mentioned revenge, and I will never mention it again. Unless I can be stronger than Allen, otherwise, it will only drag everyone down."

The steward knelt down and said, "My lord, please punish me."

"Why? You're not wrong, it's just that I was wrong." Unte waved his hand and asked the housekeeper to get up: "You will have to remind me in the future, as well as Captain Baron. Although you didn't tell what was going on. , But I can see the way you were just now. I am very happy that my father left you such a loyal subordinate."

Baron's blood surged, and he knelt down and said loudly: "Baron is just a rough man, but as long as the adult says a word, Baron is willing to die for the adult!"

Ante exhaled, shook his head and smiled: "What are you going to die? I want everyone to live well."

At this time, a guard ran over, attached a few words to the housekeeper, and then backed away. The butler looked up and said: "Just received the news, Lord Ellen has returned. Moreover, he is now in Cuisen Town, wants to see you? Sir, if you don't want to go, I can replace..."

"No, I'll go." Unter shook his head.

After a while, a carriage left the Unicorn Castle. Unter changed into casual clothes, took the housekeeper and Baron, and in order not to be too ostentatious, all three of them dressed as ordinary people. The butler doesn't need to change clothes specially, Baron removes his armor, puts on a strong suit, and wears his usual long sword, just like an ordinary adventurer. The carriage stopped outside the town of Cuisen, and the three of Unter walked into the town.

That day, the old butler died tragically in the Elk Bar in this small town. Afterwards, Ante scraped the town three feet away, but did not find the murderer, and finally had no choice but to stop. The place where Allen met this time was still the bar. After the tragedy, the owner of the bar should not take it out. Now the bar has a new owner, has been remodeled and expanded, and business is good.

When the three came to the Elk Bar, the bar had just opened, but there were very few guests. Except for a drunk who spent the night in the bar last night, there were only two men sitting at the bar. One of the black men was chatting without a word with the beautiful young bartender. When they walked in, another man in a hood turned around and smiled brightly when he saw Ante.

In a quiet box, Unter looked at this man who had disappeared for half a year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is still the same, but there are some minor changes. For example, the expression in his eyes became deeper. And the heavy knife that he used before was replaced with a seemingly ordinary long knife. But the long knife was randomly placed on the table, but Ante did not dare to approach it easily.

That is pure intuition.

Allen smiled, and put the Akagi to his side: "You haven't lit the fire yet, but you feel the threat of Akagi. It seems that you are the kind of person with natural intuition, Ante, make good use of this intuition. . Even if you can’t use it in combat, but when you use it in dealing with others, you will have a powerful advantage that others don’t."

Unte finally sat down, but subconsciously moved away from King Scarlett. He looked at the familiar and unfamiliar man in front of him and said, "Is Mrs. Allen looking for me?"

"By the way, I just want to see you and see if you are still thinking about revenge?" Allen smiled and said: "I heard Edward said that you and Lance had a cooperation. Fortunately, you retreated on the brink, nothing was wrong. in the end."

Unte's eyelids twitched.



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