Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 911:  Cold noodles and cold heart

Two days passed in a blink of an eye. ≈≦.╈┮.┿c╋o┼m╊

The caravan left the steep Lyon mountain road and entered the open Juying Heights. However, the safety factor of caravans has not been improved, on the contrary, it has to be lowered a lot.

Jueying Heights is not peaceful.

This highland is just like its name suggests, here is the environment of Yimapingchuan, occasionally you can see three or five low hills and seven or eight old trees. More of it is the vast and flat terrain, and the increase in sea level makes traveling on the high grounds completely uncomfortable. Winter and summer are still difficult. In summer, the sun is scorching and the sun is clear. The whole land is like an oven, and the feet are hot when you step on it. In winter, the snow is thousands of miles and it is silvery white. Because the Lyon mountain road is blocked by mountains, it is good that there is not much snow. Going out of the mountain road and turning into the high ground, the snow is as high as the knee, making it much more difficult for the caravan to move.

Fortunately, Chidori is already a veteran in this regard. The deputy commander's self-made snow melting agent can melt snow and ice by spraying some on the snow. Wach sent a team to melt the snow in front of the caravan to clear the way, and at the same time for reconnaissance purposes. There are some dangerous beasts in the highlands in winter, and the bigger hidden danger is bandits and strongmen. ≧≮≮≦Net≠. It’s just that the active bandit group on the high ground is not large, and the largest grizzly group has only twenty people.

Thousands of people are not afraid of this, but Woche is unwilling to run into them. No fear, no fear, there are still troubles. The head of the group was riding on a horse, looking at the figures clearing the road from a distance, his mouth turned slightly upward. There are young people he has high hopes for, and Wach believes that that child will take his place to support the Thousand Birds Mercenary Corps one day.

Da Lang squinted his eyes, and the wind and snow left a **** frost on his eyebrows. He erased it casually, he was black-clothed and black, with a fine iron short gun hung on each side of the horse. Two short guns can be combined into a double-headed long gun when needed. Dalang has spent much time on these two guns. With his gun skills and horse warfare skills, there are few opponents among young mercenaries.

This young and mature young man is unsmiling, but has a very good temperament, and he is not angry no matter how others tease him. Therefore, this cold face is not yet squeezed out in Chidori. Darren tightened his cloak tightly and whistled. A horse turned back in front, also a young mercenary. Older than Dalang, with a horse face, he grinned and saw that the row of teeth was missing a front tooth.

It was when this guy was drunk and smashed it when he was fighting with someone, and the price the other person paid was lying in bed for three months. Net ≤.┮╇.┼c╳o┯m Ma Lianhan Te is a good friend Dalang knew when he was spanked, but he is completely different from Dalang. Hunter is straightforward and unobstructed. He has offended many people and many friends. This guy's source power is only a so-so thirteenth level, but the brute force is not small. The fight against the enemy relied on a pair of iron fists. One mission hit a bandit, and Shengsheng gave him a pair of fists to smash a robber to his chest and die, and he was the backbone of the mercenary group.

"What's the situation?" Dalang asked softly.

Hante grinned: "It went well, your old man's snow melting agent tried Bai Ling, you have seen a miss. At this level, we can reach the mountain city in two days."

Dalang nodded, he tried his best to look far away, pointed his finger at a small mound not far away, and said, "I will rest there temporarily."

"Understood." Hunter paused and lowered his voice: "I said boy, do you have to pay close attention to Miss Feline. Recently, she and the red-haired boy have walked too close. This is nothing. Good thing."

Dalang said blankly: "Who Fei Lin likes to stay with is her freedom, as long as the other party is not malicious. ≦≤≠网∧⊥.┯╳.┿c╇o┭m"

"You are a wood." Hante said angrily: "Who doesn't know that Captain Wach is going to marry Feline to you, she is at least half of your fiancée, how can you not care about your future wife? "

"Not yet, is it?"

Hante slapped Dalang on the head: "You kid can't get a little bit of tricks. Be careful with Fei Lin, so coldly and carefully, people will run away with that red hair if they know. What do you say that guy came from?"

Dalang said slowly: "People who have Mr. Roger's letter of introduction are naturally innocent people. There are three of them. He and the big boy are ordinary people, but the black man is not easy. He is With a strong spirit, Mr. Woqi said that the man has at least level 20. Looking at his attitude towards red hair, he is obviously a guard. If you can hire a powerful guy at level 20 as a guard, needless to say, they must be aristocrats. ."

Hante opened his mouth and said, "Why don't you look cold, your head is very flexible. I also don't see you and them. I know so much, tell me what I have. The trick?"

Dalang pointed to his eyes: "Father used to say, do our business. You don't need to be high in skill, and your eyes must be sharp, or you don't know how to die."

"Then I really can't learn." Hante said, "Nobles, no wonder. They always live in isolation, and they stay in the corner when they rest. Bah, the nobles are amazing. Are they too close to us, they Can't stand it?"

"They were born more noble than us, this is undeniable. If I was born in a nobleman, now my achievements are more than this. Although I don't forget to exercise every day, you can see that they are just ordinary people, but they have 20 levels. The powerhouse is a guard. At level twentieth, even the father and the leader of the group failed to pass the level, but such a person is only for the nobles. Even if I practice for another ten years, I may not pass this way. Hom……"

Seeing the silence in his playmate's eyes, Hunter patted his shoulder and said: "Dalang, you are so smart and hardworking, you will definitely be able to cross the 20th level. Besides, you are still young, waiting for you. Later, I think our Chidori can expand."

Dalang smiled: "You are ready to be a mercenary here."

"Why not?" Hunter smiled and said, "I'll see how those boys are doing."

Dalang nodded and watched his friend leave. He exhaled and clenched his fists. Even Hunter, who had the best relationship with him, didn't know the young man's mind, Dalang had told himself more than once. If he can pass the twentieth level, he will leave the mercenary group. Where can I not go where the sky and the earth are big? With that kind of strength, why bother to be in a little Chidori.

He didn't care about Feline, and because of that. For him, if he leaves the mercenary group, Fei Lin is destined to be separated. Ten thousand steps back, even if he fails to meet his own requirements, Woqi will marry this daughter to him. He doesn't suffer anyway, how can it matter?

But Hunt was right. Feline had recently gotten too close to the red-haired nobleman. Before he left the mercenary group, it would be a shame for Fei Lin to get along with other men. Dalang frowned, wondering how to make Fei Lin stay away from the nobles.


Ante looked helpless, and pushed Alan next to him: "Does that woman like you? Look, she is looking for you again."

He dyed his iconic silver head red, and now the red-eyed Allen smiled and said, "I think she likes you. You forgot. On the first day, they said you are very cute~www.wuxiaspot. com~Angte gave him an angry look.

Allen slapped: "Oh, yes, Sir Unter is already an adult, how can we be described as cute. Today I will correct Miss Feline's wrong idea and ask her to change her words, at least to praise you for being handsome. "

"Go to hell!" Angte gave the red-haired guy a bitter look, found a corner wrapped in a blanket and said, "It's cold outside and I won't go out. I'll be told to eat."

"Yes, Master Unter." Allen bowed to him pretendingly, then opened the door and jumped down. Her sight was immediately filled with a flushed face, and Fei Lin, who was blushing from the wind and snow, exclaimed excitedly: "Mr. Saga, let's make a snowman, OK?"

Alan, who was aliased as Saga, smiled and said, "No, this is too naive. If you want to play, I can let him accompany you."

He pointed to Ante in the carriage, who simply wrapped his head with a blanket, but Quandang didn't hear it.



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