Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 930:  Earl goes south (2)

There were as many as forty or fifty people in this caravan, and it swarmed into Jingtie Town. The town suddenly became lively. ═. [. The caravan drove through the main road in the town, and in front was a dozen elite riders, and all horsemen were all elegant. The most outstanding thing is that the riding man, wearing a snow-white cloak, circled with a black and oily fur collar, inside is a fire-like vermillion armor, plus a dark blue spear hung on the side of the horse, God The color is extraordinary.

The number of rides behind him is also unique.

On the left is a big guy who is lying on the horse and does not know whether he is awake or not. He is full of alcohol. On such a cold day, with only a piece of lightweight black iron armor, with bare arms, his skin was dark red without knowing whether it was born with snow or frozen. The man was full of alcohol and he carried a thick battle axe behind his back. The axe body was dark and heavy, and it squeezed the horse under him. The knight on the right looked much leaner, black-clothed and black-armored, and his skin was as fair as a woman. There were three swords and two swords hanging from the side of the horse, and there were many weapons.

Although the riders at the back were not as brilliant as the three knights in front, they were also very cold, with sharp eyes and a sturdy vigor.

Behind the dozen or so knights were a few carriages, and the three in front were pulling goods. The goods were tightly wrapped in tarpaulin, and nothing could be seen. The first two cars are also wrapped in tarps, but they can be seen as cages. From time to time, there was a low roar of wild beasts. God knows what kind of beasts are inside. One of the cages kept gushing out of frost, and the cage and the car plate were coated with a layer of hoarfrost, and I did not know what was inside.

Next came several manned carriages. Behind the carriages were more field equipment, which was no different from other caravans.

The caravan came to the Purple Mulberry Hotel in the town.

A clever boy squatted in front of the hotel lobby, who was originally bored looking at the avenue covered by the wind and snow, and suddenly saw such a team approaching his hotel and was overjoyed. ┞┡┠┟═╡.<. This person is also used to the scenes, and has seen all caravans. When I saw that this business brigade was mostly fighters, especially for those three horses, they were not like ordinary fighters. They were mostly masters. Looking at the few goods they escorted, and a few cages, I have a decision. In his experience, such caravans are either slave hunters or animal hunters.

However, there are only forty or fifty people in the team, and most likely to be the latter. After hearing the roar of the beasts in the cage, the young man knew that he had guessed it correctly, and his face was quite glamorous. At this time, the caravan stopped and dismounted for the knight. The young man trot over and led the horse for him. The knight was very satisfied with the young man’s cleverness and threw a gold coin to him: “We are the Ice Moon Mercenary Corps, and I’m the leader Faris. As you can see, we need to rest here for a whole day, please give Let's open some rooms."

"It's easy, please come with me." The young man said immediately.

He made a few gestures towards the lobby, and naturally someone came out to take the caravan to the cargo yard behind the hotel. Fares said, "Wait a minute", and walked to the black knight and said, "Rijie, you arrange some people to watch our goods." He patted the drunkard's head and said: "Lick, you When is this guy going to sleep, hurry up and roll down."

The drunk who asked Rick raised his head, half asleep and asked, "Where is the wine?"

"Sooner or later you will die of alcohol." Fares cursed badly. He drew off the spear of his horse and followed the young man in the hotel into the lobby to check in.

The black knight Ruijie took off the sword, with three swords on his back, and the two swords on both sides of his waist. Then he touched on two knights and most of the warriors, and asked them to follow the people in the hotel to pull the goods to the rear cargo yard. The last few manned carriages were also followed by people walking down. Compared with the knights and soldiers of the caravan, these people who got off the carriage were much weaker. All of them are dressed in furs and can't wait to put a blanket on them. The few people smelled of copper, but they were 800 serious businessmen. When these businessmen got off the horse, they naturally gathered together, talking and laughing, but they did not leave the line. ┢╞╪┞╪╪.?〔. c

When they passed a carriage, the groom jumped down and knocked a tall and thin middle-aged man to the ground. The middle-aged businessman fell on the snow with "Ouch", the snow covered his fur. The man suddenly yelled, "You mean fellow, are you blind? I bought this fur from the Imperial Capital by trusting someone, so you can afford it if it gets dirty?"

When I scolded myself endlessly, my eyes went dark. The unusually tall horseman said viciously: "Who are you scolding? Believe it or not, I unscrew your head and drink it!"

The businessmen were shocked by the arrogant arrogance of the horseman, when the door of the carriage was pushed open, a petite young woman jumped out of the carriage and helped a man wrapped in a dark red long coat down. The man got out of the car and glanced at his groom lightly: "Would you die without saying a few words? How can I teach you to come, and if you hit someone, you have to get up."

The groom touched his head, reluctantly pulled his hand, and lifted the middle-aged businessman like a chicken. The man came back to his senses and just wanted to swear. Unexpectedly, the man in red looked at him, his eyes were not sharp, but he looked cold all over. Then listen to him: "Of course, if the other party is still entangled, it will not be too late for you to unscrew his head and pour alcohol."

Then, under the arms of the petite woman, the men and women Shi Shiran headed towards the hotel gate. Namaf made a bad face at the merchants, then jumped into the carriage and drove the carriage to the freight yard. After they left, the air seemed to flow again. Although there were many people beside the middle-aged businessman just now, no one dared to say a word for him. Now that the people are gone, they are only embracing unevenly, but the middle-aged businessman doesn't say a word, just smiles wryly and shakes his head.

Fares just went out of the lobby after checking in and saw this scene. The pair of men and women came to face each other, and the woman birdie held the man's arm like a human, but there was no ambiguity between men and women. The woman kept her head down, seeming a little afraid of the man next to her. But the man in red nodded openly to Fares and said: "Thanks, Captain Fares."

Fares handed him a key: "Yes, Mr. Ed. The journey is tired, do you rest early?"

"It's still early, I want to sit in a bar." The man named Ed pointed to the bar next to the hotel lobby.

Fares nodded, and the two passed by. Ed, the man in red, met his caravan with his female companion and the groom in the dark place. After hearing that the caravan was going to Iron Gun Ridge, Ed, who claimed to be a businessman, asked to join them and paid The Ice Moon Mercenary Corps is a considerable expense. Fares saw that there were only three of them, and Ed's appearance was indifferent, and the tone of his actions had the slight prestige of a superior. It was not like a scout of a band of thieves who had inserted the caravan's eyes and eyes, so he agreed.

Although there were occasional frictions with other merchants along the way, they were all trivial matters. And it's strange that those businessmen's mouths are quite poisonous, except that they dare not even fart when confronted with this man, sometimes they just curse a few words behind their backs.

If they didn't make trouble for himself, Fares didn't need to look at the faces of those merchant masters, not to mention that Ed gave a lot of commissions. But Fares doubted that he really needed a guard. At least he knew that the groom who drove and the seemingly weak little woman around Ed were not ordinary people. The aura on them made Fares feel threatened, and even Ed himself had a slight sense of oppression, and he was probably a hidden master.

As long as the three of them don't drill into the famous and fierce valleys, the thieves that haunt the business road are really not their opponents. Fares was puzzled about this, but since they paid a sufficient commission, he didn't care about it, and was happy to give a small fortune that fell from the sky.


At the entrance of the bar, Drunk Lick waved: "Drink? I found a good spot!"

The black knight Ruijie also returned from the cargo yard and nodded to Fares, indicating that everything is done. Fares looked at the increasingly gloomy sky, and simply called Shang Ruijie to get into the warm bar. In this bar run by the hotel, the old businessmen who got off the carriage have gathered at two tables to drink, and there were a few chuckles from time to time. Ed and his female partner occupy the corner table, and are clearly separated from the others.

Fares went around among the merchants, drank a few glasses of wine to connect with each other, and gave them the keys to the room before walking back. Lick called for a table of wine and food, Fares sat down, and the big man hurriedly poured a glass of Fares and Rijie. He was not welcome, and poured the rest into his mouth. Fares and Reggie looked at each other and smiled, and they were quite speechless at Lick's alcohol addiction.

"Drink less, I'm afraid there is no one for you when I reach Tieqiangling." Ruijie kicked the big man under the table.

Just then Lick whispered: "Isn't this at Iron Gun Ridge yet?" He looked at Fares and said, "Head, let's go to Iron Gun Ridge this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That Bingfang can Sell ​​it at a good price? But let me say that although Bingfang is rare, we don't have to ship it all the way to Tieqiangling for sale, right?"

Ruijie rolled his eyes and cursed in a low voice: "Idiot."

Lick patted the table and said: "Who do you mean!"

Fares frowned, patted the desk and said, "Shut up, Rick. If you change your stinky temper and do our business, the most important thing is to be high-profile. I don't allow you to drink for this, but for so many years. You still can't change it."

Lick touched his head, smashed his mouth and said, "I also know, but the guy named Ruijie's mouth is too poisonous."

Ruijie sneered: "My mouth is a bit poisonous. It's better than you get a knife. You don't want to think about it. We Bingyue had a good time in Sardinia. Why did Fares bother to take our mercenary group? Move to Tieqiangling."

"Forget Ruijie, everyone has been brother for many years, what are you doing?" Fares shook his head.



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