Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 939:  Wift

Oss found a quiet room for him according to Alan's orders, and let Lily and her group of Mossaurus knights live in. In the novel, in the Naga group, Ellen did not see the character Lily asked him to transform into a servant. If it hadn't been for the person to arrive later, it would have been mixed in with the Mossaurus Knight to hide. As for the truth, Allen was not interested in knowing, anyway, he just saves people, Lily loves to pretend to be a ghost, so she will go with her.

Set a meeting time, Allen came to the place Oss arranged for him. Soon after he walked into the room, there was a knock on the door. Allen said "Come in", and someone pushed the door in, who was a maid. He looks like a twenty-five or six-year-old with an ordinary appearance and an ordinary body, but his walking pace is not ordinary. Allen squinted his eyes and said, "What level are you in the Dark Blade?"

"Bronze Blade Kayili, I have seen an adult."

"Are you the head of Fenrir City?"

"Yes, my lord." The maid nodded.

Allen pondered for a moment, and said, "I will give you one thing. Give me a list of people related to Geller and a briefing on Fenrir City's affairs in the past six months. How long will it take?"

"These things have been recorded for a long time, and it only needs to be sorted out a bit. Can you please give me an hour?"

"Yes, do it."

Kaili, who was a maid but a member of the Dark Blade, left the room.

To the east of Fenrir, there is a bright street facing the city lord's mansion. This long street was originally called Baiyan Avenue, but as the territory was renamed, this long street made of limestone changed its name accordingly. Guangming Avenue can be said to be an obvious watershed in Fenrir. The block to the west of the street is full of nobles and celebrities in the city. Edong is the home of civilian refugees. In the era when the street was still called Baiyan Avenue, you can see the tall jade tiles on the west side of Long Street, but the dark and dilapidated east side, forming an unusually sharp contrast.

In the past six months, civilian housing has been greatly improved. Since Oss took over the city of Fenrir, the city's municipal transformation has not stopped for a moment. Of course, to be able to get such a strong implementation, it is still love behind

Dehua's attention and tilt accounted for the first effort.

On the west side of the street, near the edge of the city, there is a manor with a nice view. The manor contains red and green, fish ponds are dug, and there is a small square paved with pebbles in front of the main building. There is a fountain in the center of the square, in which a stone wolf lies on its side. The main building at the back is four stories high, and the top floor is designed as an open-air garden. There is a vaulted pavilion supported by three stone pillars, hidden among the flowers and plants, and it has the unique taste of Qingyuan and quiet.

Looking at the layout of this manor, you know that the owner who lives here is either rich or noble. Half an hour after Allen entered the city, two carriages came from the east of Guangming Avenue and drove into the small square of the manor. The carriage stopped, and an elderly man came out of the carriage. They have known each other for a long time, and they only nodded when they met, and then tightened their clothes and walked towards the main building.

A housekeeper and two servants were already standing under the stone steps of the main building. Seeing the two, the man with the housekeeper's appearance respectfully said: "Master Banjin, Master Youdie. You are here, Master Wiffut has been waiting for a long time."

At the beginning, a man was tall, gray hair, but full of energy. The age is not young, but the waist is still straight, and his lips are pursed without anger and prestige, but it is Fenrir City's security governor Ban Jin. The other one is younger and gentler in appearance. Wearing a white fur scarf and leaning on a cane, it was the great businessman Judy. Udie is different from Banjin. He has only been in Fenrir for half a year. He is one of the ten outsiders. But the business group behind him is strong financially, and it is the largest grain purchaser in Fenrir City.

The two were brought into the living room of the main building by the butler. The living room was decorated in a simple atmosphere. The open space pattern made everyone who walked into the hall subconsciously awed the owner of the manor. In fact, Wift, the owner of this manor, is indeed the real owner of Fenrir.

There was only one person sitting in the living room, and it was Wift, the owner of this manor. This old man over sixty is short in stature, the living room fireplace is shining, and the temperature is moderate, but the old man still wraps himself tightly in a bloated fur coat, just like an old bear. Hearing the sound of footsteps, the old man opened his eyes and saw that it was Banjin and Youdi who laughed: "Only you two? Unexpectedly

In, it is also unexpected. "

Banjin's big thorn sat down on the left side of Wift and said loudly: "Those are all cowards, but I heard that the little ghost came into the city and all of them hid and didn't dare to come out. Usually those guys slap their chests and swear, but Once you get into trouble, they all become mice that can only hide in the gutter!"

"But no wonder they, after all, the last encounter with Yallow frightened them. I didn't dare to stand up at this time, these are all in my expectation." Wift said lightly, and looked at Udie again: "But you As an outsider, Mr. Di dared to appear here. His courage was indeed commendable, but it was beyond my expectation."

Judy took off his scarf and smiled and said, "I am a businessman, and the businessman is only interested in profit. I see the value of investment in Master Wift, and naturally I will not miss it."

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer." Wift stood up and smiled, with a gloomy laugh: "Everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Actually, it's not just you two, as long as you are not blind in this city It can be seen that the little devil head Oss has the ability to manage a territory. It is only to replace his father to sit in his current position. The viscount is willing to let him be the owner of the light collar, just because he wants to use him as a puppet. , A puppet."

"Who can let the light lead the bright future?" The old man said with a dry smile: "I think it is difficult to find another more suitable candidate in this city besides me. But if I want to take over the position of lord, I must first pass that. It's an adult. Now many people are probably waiting to see my jokes, but these short-sighted guys, how can this be an opportunity?"

"As long as that adult sees, the bright collar will be more prosperous than Oss under my management. Think about it, will that adult continue to give it to a little devil who has not been weaned, or my wift? The answer is obvious, and it doesn’t matter if the adult doesn’t agree. Over the past six months, our arrangements have been very adequate. If the adult dares to move us, it will definitely be a thorny thing for Guangmingling." He smiled, and said: "That adult is indeed amazing, but no matter how amazing the person is, I think it's about interests. He has to choose to compromise?"

(End of this chapter)



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