Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 942: Invitation card

Seeing Alan come back with a ticket of Mossaurus, Lucy's face suddenly sank. In addition to the strong source of energy, these five Naga women also wanted a face and a face, and a figure with a figure. The two identical twins were childish, but the scenery on their chests was quite eye-catching. As for the tallest Nellie inside, she has long legs that make men crazy, and the twin peaks on her chest are even more suffocating. Especially Nellie was the oldest, and she couldn't hide her amorous feelings when staring at Alan, which made Her Royal Highness feel a strong sense of crisis.

Allen scratched his head and said to Lucy: "They will leave it to you. You are all women. It's easier to get along with each other."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nellie stepped forward and said, "Master Allen, Your Highness Lily's order is that we will protect you at all costs!"

"I know, but she didn't say not to leave, did she?" Alan asked with a smile, and he said: "Anyway, I will ask you to play when necessary. Don't worry about that. As for normal times, you just stay with Lucy. It’s good to be together, and it’s not lonely to be a company for each other."

Nelly said helplessly: "Even so, I usually need at least one person by your side to make people feel relieved."

"Well, since you all say that, you should be on duty today."

Nellie smiled beautifully: "No problem." She looked at Lucy again: "Miss Lucy, please set the rotation order for us."

The eldest knight is much more sophisticated than the other Mossaurus knights. He saw that Lucy was their mistress, so Lucy was asked to set the order of rotation. When Lucy saw that Allen had thrown all the mossana knights to herself, her expression eased. Otherwise, no matter how magnanimous she is, she can't watch five beautiful and **** women go round Allen all day, so she must be jealous alive.

At the moment, he lost a look at Allen, to the effect of saying "You can do it," Allen laughed and said nothing.

At this moment, Laura walked out of the room in silence.

Allen frowned and turned to follow. Seeing Nellie was about to follow her foot, Allen smiled bitterly: "I'll call you later, next is private time."

Neri smiled and backed away.

Walking out of the room, she saw Laura standing by the window of the corridor, staring at the garden behind the city lord's mansion. Allen walked over, stood beside this wild woman and asked, "Why, miss Tarikova?"

Laura's eyes were blank, and she looked at Changkong and said, "A little bit, I don't know if the little girl is doing well by herself?"

"I don't want to comfort you. Without you, Talikova is definitely not as good as before. But I believe she will face it tough. She is just that girl. You should know better than me."

Laura was silent.

"Do you regret it?"


"Sorry to come to heaven with me?"

"No regrets." Laura lowered her gaze and said, "Just before I came, I thought I could help a lot. But after I came, I realized that I was really useless. Guards? Your men. There are so many strong people, and now there are five women. Yeah, all of them are beautiful women. In this way, I can even be a woman..."

"What are you talking about!" Allen slapped her hips, and an extremely crisp sound rang in the corridor.

Laura looked at him unexpectedly.

Allen apologized: "I have too many things to deal with when I return to the heavenly star. To be honest, I did ignore you and ignore your feelings. But Lola, trust me. You are definitely not a guard and A woman is so simple. You are my follower and my closest person outside Lucy. I need you by my side, not just because of your sword or your identity as a woman. Understand?"

Laura rolled her eyes and wanted to ask him where Catherine was. But she stuffed the question back into her stomach, it must be a stupid question.

Allen held her face and said, "The Laura I know is definitely not the depressed woman, but the overbearing woman who said that I would drag you back to have a baby. I was surprised at the time, but honestly, Your words impressed me deeply and will never forget."

Laura widened her wild eyes and laughed a moment later. She suddenly hugged Alan, and then desperately squeezed herself onto Alan. Ellen was not welcome, and kissed her lips directly, and then explored Laura's small mouth.

A hot kiss.

At this moment someone coughed and Alan let go of Laura with a grin. The latter's eyes were finally restored, which made Allen relieved. He turned his head and looked back. It was Kayili. The Dark Blade member said solemnly: "Jeff and others have brought it here, do you want to see them now?"

"Invite them to Oss's study, and let people call Oss over."

"Understand." Kayili retreated into the shadow of the corridor.

Allen looked at Laura: "Come with me?"

"Not interested in."

"Yes, then go do something for me."

"what's up?"

Allen squinted his eyes and said, "Go to the barracks and give me all the guys who can be called to beat me down. Someone dare to question and ask him to come to me."

Laura said "Oh" and stretched out her hand to slap the epee behind her back: "It sounds very interesting. I'll take this task."

When Allen walked into the study with Mossaurus Knight Neri, the study was full of people. Oss sat awkwardly behind his desk, and in front of him were several former officials, including Jeff, who had been squeezed out by Swift. When I saw Ellen, Jeff’s eyes were the most excited, and he knelt down to Ellen and said, "Master Ellen saved me twice! No matter what the adults want me to do, Jeff will do whatever he wants to do for them."

Allen naturally knew that the so-called saved him twice. Except this time that Dark Blade rescued him from Wift's assassination, the other time refers to the last time a soldier approached the city without directly attacking him. Otherwise, Jeff, the city defense captain, will always die before others. Allen pulled him up and didn't deliberately win over feelings with him. He just walked around the officials and looked at Oss. "These people have all been assassinated by Wift, if it weren't for Edward If arranged, they will definitely not be able to stand here now. Oss, do you know these things?"

The little baron shook his head.

"Then do you know that Waver has almost emptied you?"

This time Oss chose to nod his head.

Allen said: "Very well, then Baron Oss. What I want to ask is, are you ready? If you are not going to raise the butcher knife this time, then next time, there will only be more like Wift People appear around you. And not every time I happen to run into one to help you

Or, would you rather let loyal but innocent people like Jeff die in despicable power struggles? Tell me, what are you going to do? "

Oss squeezed the corner of his clothes, and the boy raised his head and whispered: "When I came back, I was thinking why Wift would do this. Why they can’t keep their duties. I can’t figure it out, but I thought One thing. My father, the former Sir Truf, actually dislikes me very much. The one thing he said to me the most was that my son should be a wolf, not a weak sheep."

The boy smiled: "Perhaps I am a sheep to Wift. He can do whatever he wants. But today I want to tell him that if the sheep is urgent, it can also use its horns against you."

"Master Allen, I'm not a brave person. So you asked me that day, do I hate you? I said I didn't know, but it was a lie to say that there was no hatred at all. No matter how that person is, he After all, it’s my father. And you killed him, I hated you a little bit. But I said I didn’t know, not because I didn’t know, but I didn’t dare to say it. As for now, I don’t hate it anymore. Because I can’t hate it. Although you killed your father, you gave Hungry Langling a bright future. That is something that father never could do, or he didn't want to do it at all."

"So today you asked me if I was ready to pick up the butcher knife? I would say yes, I am ready. I can be cowardly, but for this territory, for those who have just had a good life, I must be brave."

Allen squinted his eyes and said, "Then I will tell Druf that he is wrong. His son is not a weak sheep, nor a wolf that can travel thousands of miles, but a lion who will fight to protect his territory. !"

Oss smiled shyly, but the boy's eyes had a bit more fortitude than before.

The next few people talked secretly for an afternoon, and this long talk didn't end until the sky faded. When leaving, Alantoos prepared five masks and cloaks for the Mossaurus Knights to conceal their beautiful appearance and the curves of demon. Oss naturally responded, and it didn't take long for Allen to deliver what he requested. After being worn by the Mossaurus Knights, these female knights finally weakened some of their visual lethality.

In the evening, invitations were sent out from the city lord’s mansion. As long as the officials in the city could rank up, all the officials received the invitation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to attend the dust-cleaning dinner prepared for Allen at 8pm. The invitation letter came very suddenly, which caused headaches for many officials. When things happen suddenly, even if they want to prepare a big gift, they will inevitably seem a little rushed.

However, some officials were relieved when they received the invitation letter. There were not many of them, and one of them was Wift.

When Wift accepted the invitation letter from the butler, he couldn't laugh three times by himself. He waved the invitation letter and said to the butler: "Seeing that, the adult finally expressed his opinion. It was a dust-washing dinner rather than a meeting. It seems that this adult made the right choice, hey."

Wift was in a good mood, so he didn't mind the things that Banjin had sent.

Ben King Kong informed Wift, and Allen's people were able to toss in the barracks. If it is normal, Wift will also think about the meaning behind this incident. As for now, he has begun to imagine that he will take over the scenery of Fenrir from Alan, how can he still have the mind to pay attention to what happened in a small military camp?

(End of this chapter)



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