Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 950:  North and South Commercial Road (1)

[Thanks to Meng Dad, Star Night, Big Brother Xiang, Book Friends 14528758, Sanxingmen, Simple Life and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards. After reading the book, 1?k?a?n?s?h?u, I saw a few new faces. I am so happy. Thank you for your support! In addition, everyone can add me on WeChat, and I can chat together when I have time. Wechat 1982, my friend moves your finger quickly~]

There is nothing unusual about the royal family standing reserve. But every time the reserve is established, there will always be a **** storm, but it is an indisputable fact. Edward has read the history of the empire. In the history of the huge human empire of Balegang, there are many cases of princes fighting for power and cruelly killing each other when they were crowned. Although there is no detailed record in the book. But from the first few princes of Li Chu and the few remaining people after the new emperor took office, these simple numbers can infer the **** and cruel struggle for power.

It's just that today's emperor is in the midst of being young and strong, and it seems too early to establish a reserve. In the history of the empire, there are also many princes who have reached middle age, but the emperor still has the embarrassment of establishing a crown.

Lai explained a little bit about the current prince's pattern: "Our emperor has a lot of princes and princes, but for now, there are only a few who are vigorously competing for the crown prince. The first is the eldest prince Howson, this Your Majesty looks like your Majesty, joining the military at a young age is considered to be recognized by the military leaders. It can be recognized and recognized. It is still impossible to ask those important officials of the country to put their wealth on His Royal Highness. The old fox is not stupid. Moreover, among his majesty's princes, Howson is not alone.

"Of course, our Royal Highness Julian is not a potential opponent." Allen smiled.

"That's right." Ryan didn't go to talk about Julian right away, but continued: "His Royal Highness, Wu Yong has nothing to say. It's just that his temper is too cruel. This Highness is born with great strength, seven years old. When he killed the Grizzly Bear alone. He joined the army at the age of fourteen and entered the **** battle camp with a high rate of battle damage. This camp is a heavy camp in the northern defense line, facing the foreign race of the shadow principality for many years. Although your Royal Highness is in the army, secretly There must be a master to protect, but His Royal Highness has indeed won a lot of military merits, and at the same time has won a huge name. One read ww?w?·1?k?a look n?s?h?u look·c?c? Perhaps he had been soaking in the army for too long, and after returning to the palace, his murderous spirit would not retreat. Many people in the royal family evaded him when they saw him. Moreover, the majesty brought his brutality to the palace, which caused his majesty a headache. "

"It's not surprising that you have been rushing and beheading the enemy for many years. If you can't restrain the murderous aura and make it an aura to shock your opponents, then you will only be controlled by the murderous aura and gradually lose your heart." Allen Said frankly.

Rein nodded: "That's true. For this matter, your Majesty has often given Prince Hausen a mentor's elixir, just to guide his Royal Highness back to the right path. Otherwise, a prince, no matter how murderous he is, even if he succeeds. His Majesty is just a tyrant, and his Majesty can’t afford this name. Therefore, His Majesty Howson has the largest number of winnings and a large number of losses. The key is whether he can converge to his position when His Majesty makes a decision. Violent."

"Then apart from His Royal Highness Howson, what other competitors does our Royal Highness Julian have?"

Lein smiled and said: "There are still a few competitors, but with the strength of His Royal Highness Julian. In addition to the great prince of Howson, the fourth prince Seves is the one that needs attention. His mother is a sword. The younger sister of Lord Jermason. His Royal Highness has accepted Lord Mason’s swordsmanship since he was a child. Among the princes, his source is not as good as Prince Howson, but his swordsmanship is beyond the reach of the others. It looks like his mother, she loves her very much, and with the support of the sword master, she has a lot of wins."

Allen said "Oh" and nodded, not forgetting to persuade Ryan to drink. Rhein was surprised that his face didn't change his color. He first revealed Howson's cruelty, and then pointed out Seves' power. And he hasn't talked about Julian, so as a matter of normal, leaving other princes aside, just talk about the two major rivals of the eldest prince and the fourth prince, knowing that there is no easy way to compete with Julian who uses them as opponents.

Supporting the prince to establish a reserve is a matter of fighting for power. The so-called prosperous every time, every loss will lose. No matter what, at Allen's age, at least he would frown when he knew that the master he was about to play was fiercely competitive. ?? I read the book 1?kan?n?shu·But Allen looked complacent, this kind of reaction was a bit unexpected by Lein. He also couldn't tell whether the young viscount in front of him was unintentionally working for the second prince, or was he so confident that he would not put other opponents in his eyes?

He can only continue: "In the end, our Royal Highness Julian, the second prince does not have the military background of His Royal Highness, and there is no uncle who has a grand duke like the four princes. But His Royal Highness has a lot of friends and talents. His Royal Highness's spear combat skills have been instructed by the Southern Territory Iron Spear Hoy, and he also has a friendship with Marquis Hoy. If you can get the help of Lord Allen, His Royal Highness Julian will have a big win."

"So your Royal Highness still has friendship with Ho Yi?"

Ryan smiled faintly and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you that after his Highness deliberately recruited you, I learned about you. I happened to hear that the Tiger Shark Harbor was looking for trouble, so I asked Hoy to please. Already silently beat the earl back for you. Lord Allen, it shows that His Highness takes you seriously."

Alan finally showed a little surprised expression, and Ryan was relieved, thinking that you might not be able to hide your feelings. Allen had a different idea. Before going to the light leader, Edward received the news from Dark Blade. The news pointed out that Eric went south secretly, but turned back for no reason. If it hadn't been for confirming that Eric had retreated, Alan would really not worry about leading to the light.

Only now did I know that it was the second prince who was far away in the northern capital.

Then he said: "The second prince really wants to fist, so please trouble Mr. Ryan to tell it on his behalf. I will do my best to help the second prince win the crown prince."

Rein laughed and agreed. Next, the two stopped discussing political affairs, but chatted together. What Ryan talked about most was what he had seen and heard in the Northland, which was a great experience for Allen. After a dinner, Alan is already half of the second prince, and he has gotten closer to Ryan. And the reason why it is half, it is because only if you really set foot in the northern capital, you will get Julian's recognition.

Back at the City Lord's Mansion, Alan took Nellie to the study. The study room was brightly lit, and an empire map was spread out on the table. Edward moved the other debris on the desk to another place, and he used heavy objects to hold the four corners of the map. The Maritans were looking at the map attentively, a quill pen in his hand dropped from time to time, and a stroke was drawn. Hearing the sound, Edward did not look up, and said lightly: "Come over and take a look. This is a route I planned for you to go north."

Allen walked to him and cast his eyes on the map. The territory of the empire was vast, and it contained mountains, canyons, plains, forests, highlands, rivers and seas from the topography. The south is slightly flat, but there is no shortage of highlands and valleys. The terrain in the north is undulating, with dangerous mountains and cliffs, and magnificent scenery. Between the north and the south, a big river runs across. Starting from the Moonlight Ice Lake in the west and entering the St. Trina Sea in the east, it becomes a natural boundary between the two places.

The name of this boundary is the Oselina River.

Auselina was the most beloved concubine of the first emperor of the empire. The story between the two was composed by poets into a gorgeous poem that lasted forever. She was also shown on the stage of the Royal Theatre many times and is still the favorite of royal family members. One of the repertoire. The Oserina River reflects the bright lights on both sides of the river at night, as if the night sky is full of stars falling into the river, it has the nickname of the Starry Night Corridor. It is like a necklace made of stars, hanging gently on the territory of the empire.

The route drawn by Edward starts at Iron Gun Ridge, passes through the dark land of thieves, passes through the free trade city of Sardin, then turns into Sentinel Hill, passes through the keel plain, and finally reaches the terminal station in the south, with the imperial hall. The city called Moser.

It is a prosperous and prosperous city with a resident population of more than one million. It is a very important city on the north-south transportation hub. There are many merchant groups and mercenary groups, where you can buy goods from any part of the empire. The Empire’s 100,000-thousand-level army, the Grizzly Back Armor, was stationed in the city, and Moser had also become an important checkpoint for guarding the north-south passage.

When Edward’s pen forward continues north, Allen can see that this route takes the Golden Bridge Strana through the Oselina River into the Northland. After a short stop in the Northland Frostwind City, it passes through the Coldridge Canyon. Enter the basin known as the Devil’s Throat, pass through the relics of the Old Great Wall that the Empire used to defend against foreign invasions three hundred years ago, and arrive at the historic Crescent City. From Crescent City, through the broken ice cliffs along the Changtian line, you can see the new Great Wall that guards the capital of Olisga. After the Great Wall, it is naturally the terminus of Allen's northward journey, the northern capital of the empire!

Allen watched this route without saying a word for a long time. The route drawn by Edward almost ran through the north and south of the empire. Passing through many important cities in the empire, as well as hundreds of villages and towns, it can be imagined that after this tour, Allen will have a clear picture of the empire.

Originally, the most common way to reach the imperial capital was to leave the Ark Port and go north along the waterway. It would take about 40 days to reach the Bingxing Port near the northern capital. The route drawn by Edward is quite self-demanding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It takes less time to walk 6th than the waterway, but this route does not avoid those dangerous areas. Like the dark places in the south, and the devil's throat in the north, they are all famous fierce places in the empire. It is impossible for Edward to not know this, so he did it deliberately.

Allen looked at him, and Edward tapped the route with his hand and smiled: "North-South business line."

Allen suddenly realized that this road was not just his way to the north. Edward wanted to use this route to open up the commercial road between the north and the south. Although there are trades between the north and the south, in general, the 6-way trade group gathers in Mosesor, the imperial hall, and rarely the northern group goes south to Ark Harbor, and the south group goes north to the capital, Orlisga. The reason why Moseror is called the Empire Hall is that it serves as a transit station for North-South commerce.

If you want to bypass this transit station, you can only use the waterway. But the waterway must pass through several important ports in the empire, and each port has one tax, and after heavy tariffs, it will be unprofitable. The important thing is that the waterways are only smoother in summer and autumn. As for the spring and winter seasons, the floating ice on the sea hardens in the early spring, and too much ice breaks the journey. Needless to say in winter, the water surface near the coast is almost frozen and deep, and merchant ships cannot break the ice at all.


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