Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 952:  Inch of fire, breaking the city

The world is silent.

Silence is certainly not the real world. In fact, people come and go in the city lord’s mansion, and the sound of footsteps keeps ringing. Why is it silent? What is silent is the world in Allen's heart, not only silent, but nothing at all.

In the emptiness, only Alan Twig stood alone.

Then flakes of goose-feathered snowflakes fell on top of his head, and in the snow, there was a piece of snow under Allen's feet, and then the world began to spread around that piece of snow. Snow, road stones, turquoise, stone carvings, and even the bricks and woods of the city lord’s mansion, and even every street and building in the entire Dawn Castle.

Self-made world.

In this inner world, Allen opened his eyes. The red pupils glowed like mist, and there was a red moon tilted in the surging fire cloud. It was just that the red moon and fire cloud quickly converged. At this time, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and the sky was torn apart by an invisible sharp blade. Behind the gap is a colorful void space, from which a waterfall of fire gushes and falls.

This fire waterfall hanging between the sky and the earth fell straight towards the city lord's mansion, and when it was 100 meters above Allen's head, it faded into a billowing fire fog, the fire fog carried the scorching air machine, and the magnificent river poured into Allen. Allen took a deep breath at a time, as if to exhaust all the burning energy.

Suck the knife out of its sheath.

King Chi popped out the scabbard, Allen raised his arm and swiped it flatly. The blade brought a little vermilion light, like the beginning of the sun. This red light suddenly grew stronger and turned into a beam of light across the sky and the earth, like the golden light of the autumn sun illuminating the horizon.

The golden light is like a tide, billowing, surging thousands of miles instantly!

The Red King turned around in Allen's hands, Allen held the knife in his back, and the long knife returned to its sheath. At the same time, in reality, he opened his eyes and slowly exhaled white smoke. A voice came from behind: "What a domineering sword intent, what is this famous?"

Looking back, it was Edward. Allen smiled and said frankly: "Remember the King Snake Base in the Wild Highlands? At that time, he killed the queen in the ground and inadvertently created a single inch of fire. After that, he continued to sharpen it until it is finally complete today."


"But today this style is no longer considered an inch fire. The previous inch fire absorbed only ordinary fire origin power. Now it has been replaced by the Void Sky Fire, which naturally changes with it..."

Alan's inner world, after the golden light washed away. Starting from the Mansion, large tracts of buildings collapsed like being flattened by an invisible blade. The shattered clamor raged like a tide, rolling away. Seen from the sky, a small half of the city has been flattened by a knife, showing a fan-shaped ruin. Then the world began to disperse, gradually returning to nothingness.

"Now, I call it Broken City." Allen said an overbearing name.

"Inch of fire...break the city..." Edward muttered these two completely different names, and he could also feel that Allen had a completely different mood from now.

On this day, Allen's ten forms complemented the fourth form.

When he left the backyard, the snow in the city lord's mansion quickly evaporated into misty water, and swaggered up. There is a huge castle of dawn, silver and white everywhere. Only a piece of snow in the city lord’s mansion made the servants marvel at it.

The next day, the snow stopped. A week later, the weather began to warm up, and that heavy snow became the last swan song of the cold winter. The warm current blowing from the other side of the ocean began to enter the continent, and people began to be liberated from fur and thick clothing. On the tenth day Allen returned to the Castle of Dawn, he set off again. Bring Regis, Lucy, Adele, Lola and five Mosasaur knights to Ark Harbor to attend Rola's upcoming wedding.

This line is quite a bit of yin and decay, and Allen is also very helpless. Hubble has been ordered to go to the Principality of Shadows, and Edward has created a suitable identity for him and staged a bitter trick with Hubble. Formed Hubble into a foreign race that flowed into the territory, and sent an elite group of thousands of miles to hunt down, until Hubble was "driving" to Juying Heights. As for whether it can successfully penetrate later, even Edward is not sure, only Hubble's own luck.

As for Belmod also began to take over Dark Blade, an increasingly mature intelligence organization, and became Allen's largest spy leader. Only if a follower like Belmode sits in town, Alan and Edward will feel relieved. Otherwise, if this intelligence organization is entrusted with inhumane, the first person to suffer is Alan himself.

Without these two people, the only one Allen could take with him was Regis. Other people, such as Bloy, Willick, etc., are now burdened with heavy responsibilities, so naturally they can't leave. Both Regis and Adele have been promoted to level 20 after experiencing the Star Wars. Both of them have improved significantly. Now Regis’s new ability to imprint the "Silver Hurricane" is more mobile, which makes this guy’s sword skills more and more sharper; Adele’s "Eagle Eye" is to improve her. Ability in sniper and concealment.

The two of them are close and one far away, complementing each other.

Among them, Lucy is now the lowest level, staying at the eighteenth level. But Allen knew that it was Ofascism on purpose. Lucy once told him that Orfascius imposed a restraint similar to the imprisonment of the source force on her, blocking her source force to stop her growth. Only when Lucy condenses all the source power into a liquid, and when the time comes, Lucy's level will rise rapidly.

Orfascius deliberately suppressed Lucy's level in order to prevent Lucy from being promoted prematurely, causing Golden Rose to also change. If Lucy doesn't have the power to protect the source, Golden Rose will only bring disaster to her.

So now Lucy no longer deliberately increased the source power, but according to the method taught by Ofasixi, condense the source power one by one.

According to Edward's plan, Allen and the others arrived at Ark Harbor first, and then escorted Rola to Iron Gun Ridge. Edward will bring Father Miró and a carefully selected guard to Iron Gun Ridge and meet Allen. After attending Ruola's wedding at that time, they set off directly northward from Tieqiangling. This will be the longest and most meaningful journey after they reach the heavenly star.

No words all the way.

At noon on the third day, Allen saw the gate of Ark Harbor. This time it was not like the last time I went to Guangmingling. After all, this time Alan came to Ruola's wedding as a viscount, so there was his emblem on the carriage, and a snow wolf battle flag was inserted. Seeing this battle flag from a distance, the city defense soldiers did not dare to stop them and opened the door to let them go. A carriage and five war horses rushed into the Ark Harbor and headed towards Baibao along the long street.

If La's wedding is approaching, a strong sense of joy can be felt in Ark Harbor. Brightly colored flags have begun to be hung between the streets, tall buildings and squares, and the faces of pedestrians passing by are a little bit more joyful. This is a big event for Fangzhou Port. When Ruola marries into the Marquis, it is also the same as this city, and this ridge will be photographed by Hoy.

Although there are still a few marquis in the south, the only marquis of strength is Hoy. By the side of this big tree, the Ark will take over the rest, and the life of the people will naturally get better and better. Waiting for Ruola to give birth to seven or eight children in Orlando, there will be no major changes in Ark Harbor before Ruola's death. Therefore, the leaders and merchants are more happy for this Ruola wedding. The only thing that didn't get too much festive atmosphere was probably the protagonist Ruola himself.

Ruola is sitting on a red velvet chair. Next to her stands the young Yate who will inherit Ark Harbor. Behind them are Yate's younger brothers and sisters. A painter was painting for them, and the creation of the portrait had come to an end, and he sat stiffly for almost an hour. Ruola and Yate are okay, the other children are already impatient, Ruola smiles and sends them away, leaving Yate alone.

"It's okay, Miss Ruola. Then only the final touches are needed, and you're done." The painter bowed.

Ruola said "um" and pulled Yate's hand away. Walking in the corridors of the White Castle, Ruola asked Yate about his studies in the Light of Glory, and the boys answered one by one. The two came to an open-air platform through the corridor. Ruola supported the stone fence and looked towards the city, while Yate next to him was the child's character, still talking about what he had seen in the college. Then he talked about Ellen, and the young man said with a longing look: "Sir Ellen visited the Glory Light a few days ago and taught a guy from Fenrir. Now no one dares to ride a horse in the academy. It’s a pity that I didn’t know at the time, and I couldn’t see Lord Ellen."

The teenager was annoyed.

Ruola patted his head: "That person will come these few days, so you can see him."

Yate hesitated to speak, but after a moment he couldn't help but said, "You said, can I learn a knife from Lord Ellen?"

"This question~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you can ask him yourself." Ruola paused, and said: "But Yate, I hope you learn more about territorial management. After all, Ark Harbor will be Over to you."

The boy murmured, "I don't want to be an earl, that's boring."

"You are not allowed to say that." Ruola said sternly, "This is your father, my brother's legacy. Now that Giles is gone, you can only inherit it. Do you want to pass the responsibility to others? ?"

Yate tilted his head and said, "Isn't it nice to let you manage the Ark Harbor? I'm really not interested at all... Hey, look, that's Snow Wolf Banner, it's Master Allen here!"

The boy pointed downwards. At the small square of the castle, a carriage drove in, and the snow wolf flag on the horse was dancing in the wind. Yate screamed for joy and left Rola and ran away. Ruola shook her head, her eyes fell on the carriage and said lightly: "You won't say that anymore, Yate."

At this moment the carriage opened, and someone got off the carriage. The silver gray hair refracted the sunlight, stinging Ruola's eyes.

And her heart.

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