Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 962:  Wind eye

Edward stretched out his hand to press Alan's thumb and shook his head: "Say business, you must have heard something at Hoy's, otherwise you won't know that going north is not easy."

Allen found a comfortable chair to sit down and said, "I thought before, this time going north is definitely not that easy. Not to mention the long journey. During the period, we have to pass through many cities, and we need to open up all the joints. In addition, we are deliberate. Under the banner of the second prince, the eldest prince and the fourth prince will certainly not let us pass. But until I met Huoyi, I didn't know that the people and things involved in our northward trip were far more complicated than we thought."

"No, Huoyi has been the first to jump out to stop me. Although the old Marquis was mostly good intentions, he didn't mean to release the water at all. If I can't even pass his level, I can probably only Go back obediently and continue to be my viscount."

Edward nodded and said: "I have heard about you and Hoy's fight, and the news spread faster than you and I thought. Honestly, how much did Hoy do?"

"He's going to be six to eight."

"then you……"

Allen knew what he was thinking, and shook his head and said, "If it's just a comparison, Hoy will indeed have more chances to win. But if it comes to desperation, the person standing last must be me. Although we didn't try desperately, I know The result must be so. This kind of confidence has no reason to say, but the final fact will be like this. Ho Yi is old after all, and his family is big. I dare to fight, he may not be willing, so Ho Yi put aside his words at the beginning. Don’t work hard with me. On the surface, I have taken a big advantage, but in fact he put down a set for me to drill, and the kind that I have to drill is really an old fox."

"But you have always passed his level. This matter is very important for us to go north. At least it can clean up a bunch of unnecessary troubles."

"The same is true of Hoy's meaning, in my opinion, the pros and cons are mixed. There are fewer unnecessary troubles, and so are our cover-ups."

Edward knew what he meant. If the people in the North had no reference to Alan's strength without Hoy's action, they could still deliberately show weakness and fish in troubled waters. Read the book??w?ww?·1?k?an?sh?u?·But now Hoy’s gun has tested the depth of Allen, if someone wants to deal with them, naturally they won’t be fooled. opportunity. Edward said indifferently: "If this is the case, then we will kill all the way upright, until the people are scared."

Allen thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, if we can't even do this, why are we in the imperial capital."

"Speaking of this, what exactly does Huoyi say about the situation in Beidu?"

"A pool of turbid water." Allen smiled bitterly, and then explained what Hoy said.

In addition to the relationship between the crown prince and the prince fighting secretly. Behind those princes, factions are also involved. In today's empire, under Emperor Tangierou, there are two important ministers. One is the head of the military, the Imperial Marshal Rodek who has the command of two tiers of legions; the other is the imperial minister Nebot. These two people have one character and one weapon, one left and the other right, all supported by the emperor.

The rest of the officials stood up with two people. During the period, the relationship was complicated, and it was clear in non-trivial languages.

Over the years, Rodek has attacked the Principality of Shadow, completely pacifying this alien kingdom located west of the empire to avoid future troubles. However, Tangierou never expressed his position on this matter, and Rodek's proposal was strongly opposed by the officials of that department. In the past few years, Nebot has formulated a series of reforms, advocating that the lordship established by the first emperor should be eliminated, except for the marquis and above, the rest of the jazz shall not be allowed to own an army. All the armies should be gathered for the empire and centralized establishment, so as to gather the imperial force and weaken the real power of various territories.

Emperor Tangliou did not express his position on this matter either, but from the posture of the great emperor discussing changes with Neboth many times, it is not difficult to see that the emperor tends to be a minister of the profane background. ?? One~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, this kind of change will undoubtedly have a huge and fatal impact on the nobility of the entire empire. Not only was Rodke strongly opposed, but even the interior of the imperial house and the four princes of the empire were dissatisfied with what Nebot had done.

This **** mouth can hurt, but it is the vital interests of countless nobles. Naturally, the voices of opposition are louder than waves.

Among them, the eldest prince Howson was backed by Rodek, a military leader, the second prince Julian was a student of Nebot, and the fourth prince Seves could see the figure of the sword magnate Mason. The struggle between the three is not only a competition for the crown prince, but also a struggle between their own factions. Who ultimately becomes the prince has a bearing on the interests of countless people behind him, and it also affects the future pattern of the empire.

"Now, the princes' secret fight is maintaining a deadlock. At this time, Julian wins over us, wanting to rely on our outside power to break this pattern. Other people also see it, so we are going north. It is not only related to our own interests, but also to the three princes, and even the supporters behind them, and even the empire. It has an extremely profound influence." Allen shook his head and said, "That's what Hoy said, no matter what we wish. Not willing, when Julian came to us, we had become the eye of the storm."

Edward pondered: "In this case, can we use the relationship between the princes and factions to deal with them. Even if we are in the eye of the wind, can we find a place without wind?"

"No, no, that would be worse." Allen shook his head and said: "First we have promised Julian. If we still have a vague position at this time, it will only provoke Julian's discomfort. Secondly, if we do not make a stand, I am afraid. It would be counterproductive. For a guy who has no position, it is not normal to replace it with you and ruin it if you don't get it? If the three princes think this way, then we are really all enemies."

"So we must not only obscure our position, but also reject the kindness of other princes, so that we can get Julian's greatest trust and support. In this way, although we cannot find a windless land in the eyes of the wind, at least the wind and rain will not be too much. Too violently."

Edward is a wise man, and a wise man will often cover his eyes. Fortunately, he is smart but not conceited. Hearing Allen’s words, he never objected. Instead, he nodded in agreement: "You have a good analysis. I am always accustomed to lay out the best interests, but ignore that sometimes, we can’t never pay the price. Just get what we want. There is no such cheap thing in this world. Although you are a little stupid, you have an advantage. You can always make things pure when you look at things, but I am the opposite."

"Are you hurting me or complimenting me?" Allen rolled his eyes.

Edward smiled without saying a word, and said: "So the general direction can be set. We support the second prince. In short, if we are determined to walk the road to the end, we don't have to think much. But before our eyes, there is another problem. ."

"what is the problem?"

Edward looked at him: "Do you recognize the way north?"

Allen knew immediately: "You mean we lack a guide?"

"It's not very obvious." Edward smiled: "My route is only on paper, but neither you nor I have experience going north, so we still need to find a guide. Otherwise, we will take a year and a half to reach the imperial capital. How can it become a big joke."

Allen jumped off the chair and said, "I know who to look for. Follow me."

A scream rang from the three-story building located on the northwest side of Tielu Street.

Tielu Avenue and Gun Shadow Avenue intersect, forming a very prosperous block in Yadgari. There are mostly iron shops on both sides of Tielu Street, and many famous equipment shops in the city are also located here. Gun Shadow Avenue is where the mercenary groups are concentrated. On both sides of the avenue are the office buildings of the mercenary group, and downstairs is the reception area. On Gun Shadow Avenue, you can see the battle flags of various mercenary groups. These battle flags are all hung on an iron gun to show respect for Hoy, which is also a scene of Yadgar.

In this small building on Tielu Street, there is also an iron gun and a battle flag, which seems to be the office of a mercenary group. In the hall on the third floor of the small building, a sturdy man hid on the bed and yelled, and a young woman next to her had a cold face and was treating the man's wounds. The man murmured, "Jenny, you can't be gentle, it hurts, okay?"

The woman sutured a wound with a needle and thread, and deliberately patted it when it was finished, which immediately caused the man to scream. The woman sneered: "Oh, isn't our Lord Lick very prestigious. Last night, he fought in a shadowy fight with others, and almost killed all the deputy heads of the fierce man. Would he still be afraid of this pain?"

At this time, a voice sounded: "Forget it, Jenny, don't make him embarrassed. Although Zhuying is Yadgar's snake, but they were really bullying last night. Rick taught them a lesson, save it. They think that Bingyue is only a soft-hearted prankster to the Orlando son."

Jennie sighed and looked at their leader Faris: "But you almost injured half of the people who walked in the shadows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This matter is a bit big, right? ?"

"It's a bit big, so I went to see Prince Orlando in the morning." Fares smiled and said: "The Prince Orlando said, as long as you don’t die, it’s nothing. He also said that if we don’t fight, it’s difficult. Stand firm in the gun city."

The woman frowned and said, "That young master, don't be upset, right?"

Fares displeased: "Don’t talk nonsense. If the son of Orlando is uneasy and kind, he will find this place for us. On the day we hang the flag, if he didn’t come to join us in person, I don’t know how many mercenary groups will come to us. The trouble. Son of Orlando takes care of us everywhere, how can you doubt him!"

"Yes, Master Leader taught me the right way." The woman said insincerely, and Lick, who was next to her, snickered a few times.

When Rick deliberately retaliated against Jane Flower, Rick in black and black trousers came to Farres and said: "There are two guests here, you'd better go meet them in person."



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