Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 969: 3 great terrible areas

The empire has a vast territory and many dangerous places. Among them, there are three culprits, and they can be divided into north and south. The southern border occupies two fierce lands, one is located in the cemetery of the blood king in the valley of the dead behind the trading capital of Sadin, and the other is the dark place to the northeast of the iron spear collar. The Northern Territory is the basin known as the Devil’s Throat.

The three fierce lands, the name is widely circulated in the empire, but the dangers of the three fierce lands are different.

The Tomb of the Blood King, located in the Valley of the Dead, is known as the most fierce land. Although it is not the oldest, although this fierce land can be traced back at least two hundred years ago, the blood king cemetery is definitely the most dangerous. It is precisely because of the existence of this fierce land that the empire will set up a so-called ancient investigation committee, because this fierce land is actually a relic of heaven and man.

It was discovered that this piece of ruins was a well-known team of adventurers, but in the end only one person from that team escaped from the valley of the dead. The news of the blood king cemetery came from the survivor. During the next seven or eight years, teams of adventurers entered the valley, but only one or two of them survived. Over the past ten years, more than a hundred adventure teams will be buried in the valley forever. There are no one thousand or eight hundred adventurers who have become fertilizer for that valley. Therefore, the originally unknown valley was named the dead. Called.

Afterwards, the empire's sight finally paid attention to the existence of this fierce land, and when it learned that it might be a relic of heaven and man, the empire established an investigation team, which was the predecessor of the ancient investigation committee. In the next ten years, the emperor team moved into the valley of the dead, as if the valley and the graveyard of the blood king were designated as forbidden areas. In the subsequent research and investigation, there were constantly amazing news.

The investigation found that the blood king cemetery is a maze structure with a pyramid structure. The deeper the underground, the wider the area of ​​the maze. Moreover, there are terrifying and tyrannical relic creatures in each layer of the maze. The adventurers who were buried in the graveyard of the blood king before, only went deep into the fourth floor of the underground maze. After the empire was thrown into the army, the number of layers of the labyrinth cracked increased by leaps and bounds.

In just three years, the emperor team advanced to the tenth floor of the blood king cemetery. However, behind this rapid advancement, it is at the cost of a lot of bones. Immediately afterwards, the empire was unable to continue to invest its forces into the bottomless pit of the blood king graveyard, and had to close it. After that, it has not been restarted.

Over the next hundred years, the Empire's research on the Tomb of the Blood King was also intermittent. Until this generation of emperor Tangierou, after listening to the imperial prime minister’s advice, he simply released the ban on the blood king’s graveyard and opened it to all adventurers. In addition, the empire has provided corresponding supply points in the first ten levels of the maze that have been opened in the cemetery, which can be used for adventurers to rest when exploring the maze. The empire not only opened the cemetery for adventurers to explore, but also did not prohibit adventurers from taking things found in the ruins out of the cemetery. But if the adventurer is willing to give it to the empire, he can get the corresponding reward from the empire.

To this end, the investigating committee members also set up a special identification team, so that adventurers can identify the value of relics and antiquities in exchange for corresponding rewards.

In this way, the empire does not need to invest too much force in the cemetery of the blood king, but also can continuously reclaim the relics. As for adventurers, if

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Some discoveries in the graveyard of the Blood King are often fame and fortune. There are also many teams of new adventurers who use the Tomb of the Blood King as a springboard for their lives. After becoming famous in the cemetery, he immediately transformed into a mercenary group. There are countless examples of this.

Of course, since the cemetery of the blood king ranks first, it is not a vain name. The mortality rate of this underground labyrinth has always been high, but there are still a large number of adventurers who can't resist the temptation to become famous overnight, and they are rushing to drill into the graveyard of the Blood King.

If the danger of the blood king cemetery lies in the tyrannical and terrifying relic creatures, then the evil of the devil's throat lies in the terrain.

The north is cold.

When you cross the Oselina River, you will find a significant difference in temperature between the north and the south. Anyone who lives in the Northland for a long time knows that in the four seasons of the year, autumn and winter are particularly long, and spring and summer are very short. In the north, especially in the area close to the imperial capital Olisga, glaciers that have been refractory for thousands of years are everywhere. Especially the Bingxing Port, which is close to the imperial capital, the port city is basically built on a sheet of ice for thousands of years.

Crossing the Oselina River, there is a city that is almost known to business travelers, and that is Frostwind City. Frostwind City is located near the cold ridge valley. After the ice and snow on the north side melt, the cold current will continue to flow south due to the air current. When passing through the cold ridge valley, due to the special topography of the valley, a cold wind will continue to blow, which is why Frostwind City gets its name.

Even Frostwind City, which is closest to the Oselina River, is so cold in the north.

But in such a place, there is a special landform like the Devil's Throat.

The devil's throat is a basin, but the gap between this basin and the plain is astonishing. Moreover, the center of the basin is a magma zone. The high temperature does not recede due to geothermal heat all the year round, so the devil's throat is full of white smoke all the year round. In the basin, there is only one line of natural danger to cross.

In the last dark place, there are as many thieves in that poor mountain and bad water. The forces inside are divided, intertwined, and the situation is complicated.

The Balekan Empire had a very loose management of all parts of the country, otherwise it would not allow the lords of each region to fight for power. In wars between lords, only the people will suffer. In the beginning, the Dark Land was nothing but a vicious mountain forest, where ferocious beasts appeared. But as time went by, gradually the leaders who had been displaced by the war hid in the dark place, and the band of thieves began to increase.

So far, there are hundreds of thieves, big and small, in this lawless and dark place. The "Fire King" who was besieged by Huoyi back then came from a place of darkness. Normally speaking, let alone the empire, the lords of several territories adjacent to the Dark Land cannot tolerate such a den of thieves at their doorstep. But the Dark Land has been here for so many years, and no one can see that it has been cleaned up. On the contrary, several large bands of thieves have been operating vigorously.

Therefore, if it is said that there is no profit transfer relationship with the lord and nobles in the dark place, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Generally speaking, business travelers would rather take more detours than go through dark places. However, some animal traps or short-distance caravans will choose to enter the dark places. Of course, they all need to steal from one or more

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The thieves pay a poll tax, which has become the first unwritten rule in the Dark Land.

Over time, some people who can't live in the territory, and dare not really do that desperate business, will gather on the edge of the dark place and blackmail business travelers under the banner of a certain band of thieves. But these guys didn't dare to kill people, most of the time they started by staring at the small caravan. Sometimes even when I ran into a caravan with a strong guard, I had to do the turtle with the head in silence without daring to jump out and intercept.

For these guys, the big influencers in the Dark Land usually open their eyes and close their eyes. But if those guys stepped on the boundary, they would suffer the disaster of destruction. So for the guys who make a living, a pair of clever eyes is particularly important. These eyes have to distinguish which caravans can eat, and they have to know where the invisible boundaries are in the dark place. Only in this way can we keep our jobs without being suppressed by those real villains.

Abel is such a pair of eyes.

Abel is only fourteen years old this year, but he has been a spy for the "Dark Spear" of the band of thieves for four or five years. The name of the band of thieves sounds awe-inspiring, but the dark spears are simply some crude wooden spears made from sharpened local black wood. Using this black wood spear as a weapon can scare people. When Abel was ten years old, a territorial war broke out. His father took him to the dark place, and later died of illness. Abel also became an orphan, but fortunately he was taken in by the leader of the band of thieves, Birik. The old man who looked scary, but was actually timid, always said to Abel: "I can't raise you for nothing, so that everyone will have opinions, so your kid has to work too."

So the boy who was only ten years old had to play various roles on the edge of the dark place. Like lost boys, wandering orphans, to win the sympathy of the caravan. After being mixed into the caravan, he is responsible for observing the size and number of the caravan, so that Old Man Birek can refer to and decide whether to take blackmail.

This work lasted four years.

Now Abel, who has grown into a tall and thin boy, didn't need to win sympathy to get information about the caravan, now he relies more on his own eyes. It seems that an experienced teenager can roughly estimate the number of people in the team by looking at the size of the caravan, and distinguish the weight of the goods from the traces left by the wheels. It can be said that the band of thieves, the Dark Spear, has been able to take root here in the Dark Land for four years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Abel earned the most credit.

The number of times that the teenager saw the wrong object in four years is countless. As for the invisible boundaries that change from time to time in the dark place, he can't escape his eyes.

At this moment, Abel was hiding in the canopy of a dark wood tree, biting the green grass core that had just grown out of the root, and holding his fingers to count how many copper coins he had saved. When the war broke out that year, the army of the opposing lords stormed into their small village on the border. The war came so suddenly that Abel's house was torn apart. He still remembers his sister Mena's expression of panic and fear when she was separated from the crowd.

Abel couldn't help holding his fist every time he thought of that little face that had been blushed by the flames of war.

He believes that Mena is still alive, and as long as he saves enough money to serve as road capital, the boy will leave the dark place.

At this time he heard the sound of horseshoes, Abel's eyes lit up, and business came again!

(End of this chapter)



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