
[The pillar of light of destruction turned into ashes or foam disappeared under this sword light!!]

["Damn guy! How can this be !!", and endured the piercing pain from behind him! The countless scarlet cross pupils on the huge body turned to the back, but the demon god Floros and other demon god pillars couldn't find that slender figure under the observation of these countless eyes!!~!]

["Sneering ——!!!"]


[Countless cold rays of light roared in the air, and the space seemed to be cut at this moment!] The huge body of the Nine Demon God Pillars turned into a sky of flesh and blood and gently drifted away under this cold light!]

[A roar of pain echoes in every corner of the universe!] Under this violent roar, it seems that even the universe has stagnated slightly!]

[Blood stained the earth, and the smell of blood echoed the tip of everyone's nose, pungent and disgusting, but they were all great heroes who had galloped and fought on the battlefield, except for the Demon God Pillar that began to be full of compounds, no one would care about this kind of thing. 】

[And at this time, the girl's figure also appeared in front of everyone unconsciously, the dagger flicked gently, and in the moment of cold light, a white light crossed the space, and the blood disappeared in an instant!]

[Looking at the blood mist in front of her, as well as the huge nine-pillar demon god pillar that recovered quickly, the girl frowned slightly, her face showed a trace of dislike or dissatisfaction with her performance, the white long skirt danced together with the sleeves, and the blood mist in front of her disappeared instantly, as if she thought of something, a smile rose at the corner of the girl's mouth, looking at the nine-pillar huge demon god pillar in front of her or the heroic spirit behind her, and said softly, "The most important thing is that a cup is more delicious than anything after the war~!"

Pirate World

Chambord Islands

Deep in the alley

"A cup is better than anything after the battle!"


The old man with a huge flask in his hand, a white tattered robe, a pair of flip-flops, white hair, and gold-rimmed glasses laughed while pouring wine into his mouth!

On the side is a vicious pirate group tied up by five flowers, with shabby cloth stuffed in their mouths, they are no longer struggling at this time, and the horror in their eyes is indescribable!

Looking at the old man in front of him in shock, a trace of fear uncontrollably appeared in his mind!

Because a few days ago, the information of this old man has been completely exposed!

- "Hades" Reilly!

The former vice-captain of Roger's Pirates, known as the "Right Wrist of One Piece"!

In that era, everyone admired the existence of fear!

To put it bluntly, this is the living fossil of the era of pirates walking in the world!

But who would have thought that this pirate would stay in the Chambord Islands as a coating craftsman after the disbandment of the Roger Pirates!!

And they, the people who were tied up, had a frightened look in their eyes at this time!

What exactly is this kidnapping them for?!!

"Sharp knife skills, weird hidden aura, I actually saw it from a girl, it's really interesting!hahahahahahaha!!haha

Looking at the domineering and uninhibited girl Jing Ke in the video, a touch of recognition and appreciation appeared in Reilly's eyes!

Although I don't know what the other party has experienced, but seeing the expression on the girl's face, it seems that the other party is still satisfied with the current life.

Unlike him...

Thinking of this, a hint of bitterness appeared at the corner of Reilly's mouth, and the flask in his hand was poured into his mouth violently.

There was also a hint of haze in the faint flower's eyes.

When I was young, I wandered around because my home was burned down, and I made a small fishing boat my home when I stole it, and I thought that my life would be like this in the future, from beginning to end, it will not change...

With this ship, with this sea, for a lifetime...


Until that day...

After a night of violent storms, I drifted to a port, felt the power of nature, and wanted to live my life in this peaceful place.

Thinking about it, Reilly's face became more and more bitter, and the wine in the jug could no longer reach the yellow hand.

Who would have thought that fate was like this, and in that port, I met him...

The man who didn't even see his eyes at first glance, with a thief straw hat on his head...

- Gore Roger!

"Do you want to turn the world upside down with me?"

The man who saw him for the first time actually said such a thing, and the thought of this made a smile not only appear on Reilly's face.

That's it, it's for this reason that I actually recognize each other.

gave up this originally peaceful life and chose to work with the other party to realize this unrealistic plan.

At the time, Reilly only thought the idea was ridiculous, very ridiculous, but... I ended up being the man's first partner...

Later, sure enough, this man really achieved the ridiculous goal at the beginning, and he also participated in the Battle of Etwall as the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates!

I have been following each other to Lahudel, and I have learned the truth about the world of "D-1 Clan", "Ancient Weapons", "One Hundred Years of Blankness", etc...

And the other party's final ending is to die like that...

"Stupid... Stupidity... Damn guy!!"

Although he knew the other party's purpose, Reilly couldn't help but scold!

The pirates who were about to take advantage of Reilly's daze to flee around them couldn't help but freeze instantly under this roar.

Although I don't know what the other party is thinking, it can be seen that the other party is in a bad mood.

"What should I do, Boss?", the pirate who was tied to the side was a little stunned, but immediately reacted and whispered.

"What else can I do, I'll count three seconds, and if the other party hasn't reacted yet, I'll take this opportunity to leave immediately!", the boss of the pirate group, who was forced to be below and couldn't move, whispered with a blue nose and swollen face at this time.

Because it was Reilly who tied them all together, and they wanted to escape, they could only roll over, feeling the gravity from above, and the pirate boss was unwilling to break the rope, which could have broken the mountain but could not break the rope at this time.

Therefore, you can only escape by relying on the joint efforts of everyone!

Feeling the terrifying aura of the old man in front of him, the sturdy body of the pirate boss couldn't help but shrink, and the moment his nose touched the soil, the tip of his nose was irrepressibly sour.

I was originally a nameless little pirate, robbing passing ships every day, passing by small islands with few people, and charging some benefits, life is not so rich.

But it's fulfilling, it's fulfilling.

The only thing that made me a little dissatisfied was that during that time, there was always a red nose named Bucky who bullied their pirate group with his Devil Fruit ability, but fortunately, he was also competitive and was able to escape from the other party's hands every time.

But it was planted in the hands of this legendary sea thief...

No way!

He can't die!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There was a hint of ferocity in the man's eyes!

I still have a great future, and I can't die!

Thinking of this, the man looked at Reilly on the side through his peripheral vision, and he didn't notice it, and without hesitation, the man whispered to the little brother on his body and began to count down.




"Moving !!"


After a long time, the man found that the tip of his nose was still a little distance from the ground, and it moved, but it didn't move completely, and now it was really on the ground.

"What's going on!!", for a moment, the man shouted in a bit of a collapse.

Didn't even care about Reilly, whose face was getting darker and darker.

Everyone looked around, and finally the fat man directly above spoke softly.

There was even a hint of crying in his voice.

"Boss, don't you think that old man is thinking something touching?"

"He must be very pitiful~!"



Why is there a Virgin in your pirate group!!

"Huh?", Rayleigh, who was interrupted from his thoughts, looked gloomily, the flask in his hand, and then at the pirates who were whispering on the side.


"Report! All the vicious dog pirates have been captured, and the bounty is one million!"

"Well, give it to the bounty hunter"

"Damn Roger, he died so early, and I'm so miserable now!"

"If you drink a drink, you have to catch pirates and offer a bounty, bad luck!"

Holding the flask in his hand, Reilly once again sent a friendly greeting to the dead captain Roger, the original self was mixed in the auction venues of the major population fans, and when he had no money, he sent himself to the population fan store, and was sold as an ordinary old man, and his life was full and happy, but after the Straw Hats and the gang caused the Tianlong people incident, he completely lost this way to get money!

"Goo-doo, goo-"

After a few sips of the spirits, Reilly's eyes looked into the distance.

"Roger, if you're still here, you can't help but sigh."

"The world now..."

"It's the real upside down"

[Colorful light shines on the girl's beautiful face, and the long skirt flutters in the wind]

[The cold white robe was not stained with a trace of blood, and the girl stood quietly in place, her expression without a trace of waves, as if nothing had happened]

[It's just that the terrifying roar in front of me and the smell of blood in the air are so real]

["Aha, Jing Ke seems to be quite happy!", Boudicca on the side was also full of smiles, and said, "If you want to hold a banquet, remember to add me, and I will do something too!"

["Call all the people who fight together and have a once-in-a-lifetime banquet!"]

[Hearing Boudicca's reply, a smile also appeared on the girl's face, and she couldn't help but praise the channel, "This proposal is really good!"]

["So... yes"]

["It seems that we..."]

["I'm going to go back alive this time anyway——!!!"]


5000 words today!The plot is completely unfolded~!Demon God, Joan of Arc, Doctor-

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Gollum, Matthew (wife)~~)

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