The world of the moon

Sixth Peculiarity - The Holy Knights of the Round Table!

"Is this finally the end coming..."

The blonde girl looked at the Gaetia who was given the concept of death in the video with excitement on her face, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise, and her cute tiger teeth were exposed, symbolizing the girl's good mood.

For Mordred, for them, death is not terrible, it is terrible to witness their own death, but there is nothing they can do!

So after seeing that the doctor gave the concept of death to Gatia at the cost of death, Mordred was a little sad, but he recovered quickly!

After all, all these Heroic Spirits are gathered here, so cool!


The girl's eyes look at the father who has been playing soy sauce in the video, the lion king with a holy spear - Artoria.

Due to the video, they received information about Valhalla in a peculiar location.

An existence diametrically opposed to The Lion King!

And now Mordred has gradually become clear about why the two dads are diametrically opposed!

And the reason for all this is Rhongomyniad

The Holy Lance is not just a treasure!

Its nature is too close to the legendary Star Stream!

In Mordred's memory, the seal on Rhongomyniad was meaningful, you know, when you continue to use Rhongomyniad, the spirit will be subtly affected, and if it is not sealed, it will even make the user's mental structure go to the gods!

And his father also said in the video that he came here from the other side of the possibility, after raising the holy spear, he began to gradually turn into a goddess, based on the possibility of 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 100,000,000,000 accidents!

In his eyes, everything he sees is just a stupid pillar of flesh of the opposite sex, and the reason why he appears here is to smash!

And the king of the country now is no different from that video...

Human values are no longer applicable to The Lion King!

Maybe not as intense as in the video, but in the eyes of the other party, humans are indeed like animals!

Before the video was played, Artoria had called the Knights of the Round Table to talk about something...

Recalling what the other party said, the girl's face couldn't help but be a little silent.

At the beginning of noon

- "I have gathered you because this plan requires your strength, and I cannot perform the Holy Pull even if I can annihilate the enemy alone, so I need to be a knight with my hands and feet, but I understand that this act is contrary to your creed!"

"So you choose whether to obey me, or to deny me, or to fight me together"

"Give me the answer when the sun is down. The hesitation I waited for was all that—"

On that day, the entire Knights of the Round Table fell into unprecedented silence, and the thought of this girl couldn't help but smile slightly.

On that day, Kai was rare and did not say a word, nor was he aggressive, and disappeared before the end of the day, it was Wang's brother...

Percivari and one knight after another, no matter how detailed the conversation, did not seem to get the answer in his heart, and finally shed tears...

Gawain understands King Arthur's reason for calling himself "The Lion King", and Tristan mutilates his eyes because of the overly sad scene.

Lancelot, though ashamed of his choice, admits that The Lion King's choice is "the best of the worst".

Gajerez decides to say goodbye to his brother and sister...

And as for her choice...

"Whew——!", the girl raised her head and exhaled vigorously, exhaling the boredom in her heart!

The girl seems to have forgotten, but she seems to remember...

I guess it's also support...

It doesn't have to be support!


Ultimately... The girl's purpose is actually to cure her father's loneliness...

The ridiculous idea of wanting to inherit the throne is just to pick up all the things that his father gave up in order to become king... nothing more

In Mordred's memory, both the Knight King and the Lion King were lonely...

Whether it's the dad who pulls out the holy spear or the holy sword, they're all so lonely... In the eyes of the girl, it was obviously her father, but it felt like a crescent moon quietly shining in the cloudy sky...

Cold, lonely...

The thick clouds covered the full moon, and whenever it appeared, the clouds dispersed, and there was only the endless coldness...

Always alone, bleak and clear...

Everyone was looking up to him, so they couldn't even cry and shout—

It's like a machine's work, it's like a life...



The girl clenched her fists tightly, and a touch of sadness and determination appeared in her eyes!

If anyone becomes king, there is no need for his own father to do this!

That's... He could put his mind at ease and smile steadily—

Peaceful life...

"How can we change completely, king..."

The other side

The world of the moon

Fuyuki City, Mapo Restaurant

"Hmm... Well???", a seat of silver hair fluttered with the girl's movements, and the fierce battle scene in the video was reflected in the golden eyes!

But at this time, the girl's expression was slowly puzzled!

The girl looked suspiciously at Gilgamesh, the most ancient hero king!

It's nice to be in the eyes closed,!

As if she didn't believe in evil, the girl looked at the scene of the video again.

Doubts welled up in my heart!

So far, there are two crowns that have appeared in the video!

The seventh peculiarity - Hassan, the king of the Absolute Warcraft front!

The other is Solomon, who died in the Temple of Time in this crown!

Karen, who has experienced some things, naturally knows that if she wants to become a crowned heroic spirit, she needs to meet two conditions!

1. The servant itself has the crown qualification, and the crown Caster needs to hold the EX clairvoyant to have the crown qualification, which is the crown proximity.

In this world, there are two different interpretations of the crown, one is the clock tower's evaluation of the magician's level.

The second is the seven-horse heroic spirit summoned by the inhibition mentioned above, as the crown heroic spirit, it has the spiritual base provided by the inhibition force, which has a larger capacity than the common servant's spiritual base, and can give full play to the strength of the heroic spirit itself!

The crown already represents the most powerful Heroic Spirit in a certain rank, so...

The girl stretched out her fingers and counted the crowns in the video, well...

Not counting the sacrificial crown Doctor Caster, well...

A spear crown, a bow crown, and... The king of street lamps standing on the top of a high mountain?

Why does it feel like someone is fishing?

The girl nodded her chin in confusion.

Although I know that Gaitia has the ability to oppose the Heroic Spirit, and for various reasons, this is too sloppy!

Obviously one second I was still sad because the doctor disappeared, and then the next second, I saw a certain net and touched the fish and paddled the water?

Especially that street lamp king!

Is it really just a magic power?

Fujimaru Rika is killing and dying there, and blood flies straight away!

".....", isn't it too sloppy...

Well, if Gaitia sees it, will he say a word, and he will be rewarded~

Not... A certain king is fishing, but she doesn't say who!

The golden eyes reflect the figure of Gilgamesh in the video, his hands clasped around his chest, and his whole body is glowing! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Don't... A bold idea suddenly sprung up in the girl's heart!

Did the king go to betray his hue~!

Thinking of this, the girl's eyes widened a little energetically, looking at the scene in the video!

The golden armor is shining, the vermilion eyes seem to contain stars, and the robes are fluttering in the wind, like a god's mansion-like existence, even a cold girl can't help but look at each other more!

And the tentacles that covered the sky and the sun said that they would not attack the king in any way!

... Well, the case has been solved!

The king didn't go paddling, he made a deal with Getia at some point!

Thinking of this, a mist appeared in the girl's eyes.

It's so pitiful, it's obviously sacrificing hue to help Chaldea, but there are so few shots given.

Thinking of this, the girl looked at Gilgamesh with some pitiful eyes.

"Hmph, stupid woman, what rude are you thinking!", a thick malice enveloped the whole body!

Gilgamesh glared fiercely and closed his eyes again.

That's enough.

Enough is enough...

He really doesn't have any role at all...

At this time, as a bystander, he looked at the other self and felt...

What are you talking about me?

Pull it down, my Uruk is dead, what's the use of saying this?



Although they are all fishing, it is obvious that he is wearing a brighter outfit, so it is more eye-catching.

"Whew...", pinching his somewhat sore eyebrows, Gilgamesh opened his eyes, and the scarlet snake pupils reflected the Gatia in the video.

This is the same future as you see it, and what answer will you give to this future?

The king is still looking forward to it.

And at this time, in the ten thousand worlds

Everyone also reflected, looking at the heroic spirit in He Video with a confused expression.

Wait a minute!

Is something wrong?

What about the big guys?

Everyone who said yes is here, and everyone will work together to solve the evil of human beings - what about beasts?

If they don't say anything else, they don't know anyone else, just say that King Gilgamesh!

... Well, dear, what are you doing?

Where is the treasury of your king?

Where is your sword?

Went and became a power bank?

... Disperse, disperse, this person really can't deal with it, and he can't do anything about it.

There were too many slots, and everyone didn't know where to open for a while, and finally closed their mouths silently.

Fujimaru Rika, stay away from that golden glitter in the future.

The other side

In the same time and space, the girl who looks like a bullet stares excitedly at Rika Fujimaru in the video.

"Are you coming? I'll just say how can I be so weak~", the girl waved her hand helplessly, deeply relieved, and her orange eyes seemed to be flashing with tears.



Wrap your arms around the girl, clench your fists, and shout loudly!

"Rika Fujimaru!

Chaos evil, Gollum is so hot-blooded!

【“... Crazy 393! Crazy! This planet is crazy! You're all crazy!!!"]

["How much value can this kind of history have!!", the fist shadow waved, and the tentacles that covered the sky and the sun appeared! Scarlet shone, and Gatia roared incomprehensibly!]

["Boom boom boom ——!!!", the dazzling scarlet light flickered instantly, and the surging and boiling magic power had flashed in front of the girl, and the terrifying sonic boom resounded in the sky!]

【“... Peng ——!", without any obstacles, the girl holding the giant shield was instantly knocked away!!]

[But how can this heroic spirit who has descended here ignore the safety of the master!]

["Sneering ——!", the cold light of the scabbard flickered instantly, the scarlet shattered, and the slender and handsome figure took the help of the girl and flashed into the distance violently!]

["Just kill one person!" All problems will be solved——!]

["You stupid guys——!!!"]

["Why don't you understand us!Why do you want to help this Chaldean!!!", a mad roar echoes through the top of the universe!]

[The icy universe shines with scorching scarlet, and the magic turns into a torrent that fills the eyes everywhere! The earth is collapsing! The sky is shattering!]

[Gaitiah doesn't understand what this spirit is!What is this human reason!What is this doing!!]

[How ridiculous is the scene in front of me! Sad! Sad!!]

"Even so... Why!", kill crazy!When facing the shining heroic spirit, the huge tentacles burned with fierce flames! Countless scarlet lights shone!The huge tentacles rose from the ground and soared into the sky!The blazing flames burned the sky! The rich blood light reflected everything!]

["Sneering ——!!!", there is no response, or only the splendor that flickers in the sky!]

[The cold light flickered, the blood splashed, the minced meat was all over the sky, and the gods and heroes rushed to the times... Now that it has come to this place, it already represents that firm heart!]

[How can it be easily shaken!]

[All things are impermanent-those who prosper will decline!]

[The glorious stars of the sky!The shining light of death!The agent who walks the world!]

[The golden irises are quietly blooming, and the stars are shining!]

[Life will eventually burn out, but this ending will never be handed over to anyone!]

[The Song of Human Reason! The people who shine in the times!]

[Cheer !!]

[At this moment...!]

[The glory of human reason will never fall!!]


The next plot JOJO!

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(Illustration in the lower right corner: Karen Ordaisia sauce ~ (The plot has been changed, eat with peace of mind)~)

Thank you for your support~!!。

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