[The battle continues.] 】

[Saber slammed into Berserker, and when Dangdang, the weapons kept colliding together, making a loud sound, and even sparks were shining. 】

[But Saber is a woman after all, and her strength is still not as good as Berserker's, so she was knocked out several times~. 】

[This is not the most important thing, Saber has a faint feeling in his heart, the other party seems to be able to see the invisible sword. 】

"It's so strong. After being knocked away again, Saber couldn't help but sigh that this Berserker's strength is really ridiculously strong. 】

[But now is not the time to praise the other party, thinking to himself, Saber rushed to Berserker again.] 】

[This time, Saber took advantage of the opponent's weapon to smash on the ground and stepped on his feet, leaving Berserker with no way to use the weapon for the time being.] 】

[And she took this opportunity to wield the invisible sword and slash at Berserker's head.] 】

["Got it!" Rin watched the battle from a distance, excited. 】

[As long as he can slash Berserker, he will fall to the ground.] 】

[However, Berserker was very decisive, directly released the weapon, and then leaned back, which was able to dodge the invisible sword.] 】

[Not only that, but Berserker even quickly launched an attack on Saber, and he didn't look like a giant who was more than two meters tall. 】

"This guy is so tall and really flexible?" all the audience were impressed by Berserker.

[Rin stood on the sidelines and watched the battle, also shocked, "So flexible, where does it look like a berserker?"]

[In the distance, the battle between Saber and Berserker stops for a moment. 】

[Looking at Berserker, who calmly picked up the weapon, Saber said solemnly, "Presumably you are also a very prestigious heroic spirit, although you have been eroded by the violence, but the sword technique is not chaotic, and there is nothing to say about it. "】

[Obviously, even the strongest servant, Saber, is full of praise for Berserker.] 】

[The screen turns to a tall building.] 】

[This is the location of Red A's attack.] 】

[At this time, this place is very far away from Berserker.] 】

"This guy, can you really hit the target by running so far?" asked the audience of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms in confusion.

[Red A looked at Berserker, who had become a small dot in the distance, and muttered to himself, "It's not so much a berserker as a barbarian, although he has become berserk, but he is still familiar with the knife technique, and he is really an amazing guy." "】

[As he spoke, Red A raised the bow and arrow in his hand and filled it up. 】


[The arrow shot out quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was not far from Berserker.] 】

[Before everyone could react, a boom was heard, and the arrow hit Berserker, sending out a violent explosion.] 】

[However, it still didn't work.] 】

[The smoke cleared, and Berserker stood in place like a terrifying demon king.] 】

[Seeing this scene, Rin and Emiya Shirou were surprised, how strong is this Berserker's defense?]

[And Illya, who was watching the battle from a distance, breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[She trusts Berserker very much and regards Berserker as her own family, but she doesn't want Berserker to get hurt because of this.] 】

[Knock, knock, knock—]

[Berserker runs fast on the ground, running faster and faster, faster and faster, and finally turning into an afterimage.] 】


[The Nameless Axe Sword and the Invisible Sword collided together, and in just a moment, Saber was knocked out of the air. 】

[But this is not over, Berserker quickly caught up with Saber who flew out upside down, and slammed it again, although Saber blocked it, but was directly smashed to the ground by a powerful force. 】


[There is another loud bang, and Saber grits his teeth, barely blocking Berserker's attack.] 】

[But it seems that it won't last long at all.] 】

"What a strong guy. "

On the top of the building, Cú Chulainn was already immersed in the battle of the video, completely forgetting the task given to him by Yan Feng Qili.

The battle between Saber and Berserker made his blood boil, and he wanted to be able to fight in person.

However, Cú Chulainn also knew in his heart that he might not be the opponent of these two monster-like beings.

But if you can fight to your heart's content, even if you die, you won't have any regrets.

That's when it happened.

Yan Fengqili's voice came, "Lancher, do the task I gave you well, or I won't let you have a good time." "

Hearing Yan Fengqili's words, Cú Chulainn's face darkened.

This guy is not only a coward, but also a careful eye!

Complaining in his heart, Cú Chulainn glanced at Rin Tosaka's home, and after finding that there was nothing abnormal, he turned his attention to the video again.

"Final blow, kill them, Berserker."] 】

[Illya commands in the distance.] 】

"I won't let you get away with it. "】

[Rin said, rushing directly at Berserker, then took out several gems from his arms and smashed them at Berserker.] 】

[These are gravity gems that can generate huge gravity. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Even Berserker's body fell to his knees under this tremendous gravity.] 】

[Not only that, but at this time, the red A attack has also arrived.] 】


[Several powerful attacks pierce Berserker's back.] 】

[Boom, boom!]

[An explosion that was even more powerful than before was generated, and an invisible wave of air blew up, and Emiya Shirou was almost blown away. 】

"This should be able to be solved, right?" The audience in the heavens and all worlds all looked at the mushroom cloud rising in the video.

[However, when the smoke and dust cleared, it was still the man who stood up to the sky and the earth, like a god of war. 】

["Is this immortal?" said Emiya Shirou in disbelief. 】

[Illya said indifferently, "Tickle like an attack, just ignore it.] 】

This audience who saw the heavens and all the worlds, this mushroom cloud has risen, or is it like an itch?

But think about it, if Hercules doesn't have such strength, it's not normal.

[In order to prevent being discovered, Saber lured Berserker to a cemetery to fight, and by the way, he was able to use the terrain here to restrict Berserker. 】

[The battle between the two sides continues. 】

[On the other side, Rin finds Illya's location, and as long as Illya is defeated, then Berserker will disappear by himself.] 】

[But what Rin didn't expect was that this Illya's strength was also very strong. 】

[If it weren't for Red A's help, she would have almost been defeated.] 】

[In the end, Rin and Emiya Shirou can only come to the sidelines to watch the battle between Saber and Berserker.] 】

[And at this time, Rin finally realized that the reason why Saber was hit by Berserker before was to attract him to this place.] 】

["The other party is someone who can ignore even Archer's bow and arrows, and he didn't need his protection from the beginning. "】

["Archer's bow?" Einomiya Shirou listened, and thought that he seemed to use a bow and arrow. 】

[I feel like Archer is just like myself, and I can't help at all.] 】


[The screen shifts to the battlefield between Saber and Berserker.] 】

[Saber held the invisible sword in his hand and said solemnly to Berserker, "There is no will to exchange words, and there is no freedom to report my real name, there is only a sword between you and me, fighting for our lives, and because of this, I will answer with a full blow. "】

"Come, this is your burial place. Saber gripped the invisible sword in both hands, and the magic on his body began to surge. 】


[The next moment, Saber's figure moved, and rushed towards Berserker at great speed.] 】

[Berserker roared angrily, and the Nameless Axe Sword in his hand slammed into the ground, and the entire ground rolled up, blasting towards Saber.] 】

[But Saber passed directly through these obstacles, and instantly appeared in front of Berserker, and the invisible sword in his hand stabbed out.] 】

[However, a shocking scene appears, Berserker actually holds the invisible sword in one hand all the time, and the other hand swings the nameless axe sword and blasts it at Saber.] 】

[If Saber is hit, he will definitely die.] 】

And at this time. 】


[Saber roars angrily, the magic power on his body continues to pour into the invisible sword.] 】

[Saber stabs forward, and the invisible sword in his hand slowly reveals its original appearance.] 】

[It was a golden sword with a dazzling light.] 】

[Boom.] 】

[When the golden longsword fully revealed its prototype, a huge wave of energy poured out from the tip of the sword, hitting the Berserker!]

[Under this tremendous force, Berserker's upper body was directly shattered. 】

"Is it over?" The audience of the heavens and all the worlds were dumbfounded, looking at this scene in front of them in disbelief.

This kind of attack is too strong!

If this is not dead, is it really immortal?

............... Knife..

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