[It's speeding up in an instant, and now the two of them have really been discovered, in order to be able to steal back the soul stone, they will do this kind of thing, after coming to this special realm, the front is still the witch. 】

["Is this Sayaka's witch?"

[But the magic power on this guy's body is completely different from the previous group of guys, and the weird aura emitted from the inside out makes the two of them shudder. 】

"Listen, just follow what has been discussed."] "】

Over1 World.

"They're trying to restore the Soul Stone, right? Is it really possible to do this now?"

"I don't know, Lord Ainz. "

[On the other side, this huge witch seems to have three eyes, no, it should not have one eye, and there is a crimson bow hanging on her chest, and the whole person is completely quite disobedient. 】

["Sayaka, I'm Madoka, do you remember me, can you hear me, do you remember my voice?"]

Madoka shouted loudly to the witch, but now he seemed to have really changed, and Kyoko suddenly appeared in front of him, and the moment the seal was sealed, her weapon appeared in the sky. "】

["Stop, please, come back to this kind of thing Sayaka, you should hate it too, right? You're going to be a partner in justice, right? Please, turn back to the original Sayaka."] "】

[And the witch seems to have really been affected at this time, but at the same time she is still continuing to attack Madoka, Kyoko takes away her weapon and fights with it at this time, and the huge impact formed by the black totem that inexplicably appears in the sky hits Apricot's weapon at this time. 】

["If you don't listen to people, you have to have a limit, Sayaka!"]

[And now the huge black totem has turned into countless small round totems, like raindrops hitting the apricots on the ground, and at the same time accompanied by a huge explosion.] Madoka also stopped her movements and immediately shifted her attention to Kyoko. 】

[And the whole earth completely fought at this time, and then a huge crack appeared on the ground again, and the surrounding distorted space was also bombarded indiscriminately, and then it was full of holes, accompanied by thick smoke, and the apricots in front of them had long been out of news. 】


Madoka is shouting the name of the apricot, but the apricot inside finally succeeds in coming out at this time, and the whole ground is full of scattered gears. And Kyoko was alone with the spear in his hand, supporting his body with the spear, and after dropping the last gear, he stood alone in front of Madoka. 】

["It's okay, it's not even a fart at this level. "】

["You continue to call, call Sayaka!"]

[But now, although he said such words, he was still panting beside him, and the bombardment-like attack just now made him feel very tired and particularly tricky. 】

["Stop! Hurry up! But realize it's us.~.] "】

[And at the forefront, the witch's attack frequency at this time is faster than before, and Apricot finally has no strength to continue to resist. Being hit one by one, his whole body staggered and stood in place and was beaten back and forth, and it was unbearable at all. 】

[But the witch still didn't feel anything at this time, obviously she was still touched just now, but the changes now are not unusual compared to just now. 】

[Apricot was bombarded one after another, and at this time, the people inside the warped space were still holding the baton in their hands to direct the music of others.] 】

[But now the apricots have already been beaten, and the model of that gear is also a whole circle larger than the gears just now.] 】

"Is this revenge on me? Speaking of which, we killed each other in the first place. I said you were too tender, and no matter how much I bothered you then, didn't you stand up?"]

[And now the whole video has become more and more weird, red and blue totems are intertwined, reflecting the shapes of two girls, one of which should be Sayaka, and the other must be an apricot, the two of them seem to be still fighting at the last moment.] 】

["You were angry, didn't you? You can't forgive everything, right? I understand, if you're satisfied, then open your eyes quickly."] "】

At the same time, Kyoko seems to have given up resistance, and at the moment when she was knocked away by the wheel, a huge explosion completely knocked herself to the ground, and the witch opened her big hand and grabbed it towards the side of the apricot, but she didn't expect that it was Madoka who was caught. 】

[Madoka was clutched in the palm of his hand, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger than before. 】

"Please. "】

[The apricot in the back used the spear in his hand to shoot directly down and broke the guy's hand.] 】

["Didn't you say you believed it?"]

[Madoka fainted at this time, and the entire ground was completely sinking, and Apricot was now stabbed down and hit directly into her body. 】

["Please, God, at least let me have a happy dream for the last time."] And at this moment, Madoka fell to the ground, and was followed by Xiao Yan, who suddenly appeared now. "】

[Kyoko's weapon fell to the ground.] And Apricot slowly got up. 】

["This kid is please, I'll let him do stupid things with me."] "】

["You're a non-burdensome militant, right, just keep the only thing you want to protect to the end."] "】

[At this moment, she took out the key in her hair and held it in the palm of her hand, and her whole body was already emitting purple flames. 】

["Take him away quickly, this guy will be handed over to me."] "】

[Everything around has completely changed, and the entire ground is completely stuck in the spear, and at the same time a huge cage has been formed, and then a huge spear has appeared behind the man's back at this time.] 】

["Don't worry, Sayaka, I'm lonely by myself now, right? Okay, I'll be with you Sayaka"]

[And now Apricot kisses the magic key in her hand, and at that moment, her whole body still emits purple light. At the same time, the red crystal on the key was completely shattered, followed by a rather huge explosion in his life, and at this moment, the whole scene was completely out of control, and the distorted space was completely swept away at this moment. 】

[With the huge mushroom cloud formed by the huge explosion, Kyoko is ready to die with Sayaka at this time.] “】

["Is there really any hope of saving him?"]

"How is that possible? That's impossible. "】

["Why didn't you stop that child?"]

"Of course, if it's a meaningless sacrifice, I'll stop it. But this time his detachment is of great significance. In this way, you are the only magical girl who can face the witch's night. "】

["Although one person has no chance of winning, so in order to protect the city, Madoka can only become a magical girl.] "】

"I will never let you do it. (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This is something I will never allow. "】

[In order to prevent Madoka from becoming a magical girl and having the same tragic fate as these magical girls, at this moment, Xiao Yan's heart has finally sat down, quite a big decision. 】

[No matter how you have to stop Kewpie, you must not let him turn Madoka into a magical girl.] 】

Tokyo Mew World

"Aha~ It looks unexpectedly interesting?"

In the bright hall, the girl's legs are crossed, her white hair flutters with the shaking of her head, and the dense lines on her body show that the girl seems to be a puppet made by some strange pervert.

While the others looked embarrassed or serious, the girl whispered with a happy face.

The sound was not loud, but it was extremely loud in the silent hall where a single pin could be heard.

Sure enough, after the girl finished speaking, the eyes that were originally gathered on the video in the hall looked towards the girl at this time.

"No, no, no, you can't say that at all", Yuki Shinohara stood in front of the girl with an embarrassed face, looked at everyone and explained, "Suzuya and the others are just joking, don't care"

A trace of sweat appeared on Shinohara's rugged face.

He knew very well that the girl behind him, no, should be said to be a teenager, was a child who was not psychologically healthy.

Lazy and weird, lacking a sense of common sense and morality, so in

But it all started with being raised by BigMadam as a child.

It is precisely because of this that such children need to be more understood.

Hearing Shinohara Yuki's explanation, everyone didn't say anything, and their eyes flickered a little different color and moved away from Suzuya Shizo's body.

Suzuya First Class...

Indeed, the future CCG is not necessarily in charge of whom...

"Don't say that in the future", watching everyone's eyes look away, Yuki Shinohara breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the puzzled eyes on the side, he knew that Suzuya Shizo was wondering why he denied his statement - interesting.

A rather helpless emotion rose in my heart. (De Zhao's)

For this kind of awe, fear, and pity that normal people should have, the teenager in front of him does not have it.

This may be the reason why Suzuya Shizo is so powerful.

Thinking of this, he whispered to Suzuya Shizo on the side, "Perhaps, in this world in the video, they are just redeeming each other"

"Just like Suzuya, you have your own salvation."

"My... Redemption?", Suzuya tilted his head, as if he felt very new to this word, a sickly flush appeared on his face, and said seriously, "My salvation is only, asleep, dreaming, that's all"

"If it's like the world in the video...."

Suzuya shook his head.

There are many people dying every second in the world, she, or rather, is just one of them, all the injustice in this world is because of the lack of ability of the parties, unable to give up either of the two, that is not gentleness, that is just weakness.

That's all he felt.

"I won't be sad when anyone dies," he replied cheerfully.

"That's right..."

"But if Suzuya dies, I'll be sad," Shinohara Yukiki said with some emotion as he looked at him directly.

“... Will it be", Suzuya Shizao was stunned in place, looking at Shinohara Yukiki in a daze.

For a while, the indescribable feeling in my heart.

That's never been the case... Allow..

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