The first to appear is a man with a stick and a helmet, and if he hadn't known that this was another world, Sid would have thought that the other party was here to play baseball.

Sid yawned boredly, and at this moment, Sid heard the chatter of passers-by.

When an ancient warrior appears, it is impossible to leave the barrier until one side falls.

Because of this, some people died in the battle in the barrier last year, but even so, there was still an endless stream of participants.

Because defeating the ancient warriors will give you a commemorative medal, and no matter which kingdom you are, you will pay a high price to hire them!

"I see", Sid nodded, also thinking about whether there was a chance for the Shadow Powerhouse to appear in this situation.

827 And at this moment, many people have been eliminated in the battlefield unconsciously. But it turned out that there was not even a single one who could summon an ancient warrior.

Sid couldn't help but feel sorry, if only he could have participated in the event temporarily, or if he had known about it earlier, so that he could disguise himself as a passerby, and then pass all the way, and finally get the chance to fight against the strongest ancient warrior!

But it's a pity... Sid sighed helplessly.

In this way, the time of the afternoon has changed, and the performance of passers-by in the field has made Sid look a little blurry, no one expected that the situation would be worse this year, and only one person has succeeded so far.

It made him want to leave.

But the next moment...

"The next thing to come out of [chch] is... Midgar Demon Swordsman Academy student Sid!"

Well, the next one is Sid, what a good passerby name, Sid complained in his heart.

Sid... Well?

While everyone was shocked, only Roz smiled, this was the name she had given Sid.

This is the thorny path that Roz has predetermined for Sid, as long as they cross it, a happy future awaits them!

In an instant, Sid had three options in mind, and he accepted the challenge directly, and this one was directly excluded.

The ancient warrior would be summoned according to his own level, and once he appeared, his strength would be exposed, so it was not in his consideration at all.

Option 2 directly abstained and slipped away, but this option didn't work, the student who was a Demon Swordsman student angered the Holy Sect, and if he didn't do well, he would be expelled from school.

So... There's only the third option left~

In an instant, the purple light in the square attracted everyone's attention, but it was only a trick, so that Sid had a chance to disguise!

After the light disappeared, the bald man was shocked, but suddenly there was one more person on the empty field, and the shadow actually appeared here!

And this is Sid's choice!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Third, the king bombed, disrupting all plans, and the women also recognized the shadow at a glance, they had all seen each other's strength with their own eyes.

As for why the bald Great Sect Master also recognized it, because he was the spy planted by the Order!

He sneered, "Okay, there is a way in heaven that you don't take, and there is no door in hell for you to break in!

At this time, the shadow was staring at his every move by tens of thousands of pairs of eyes, only to see that he continued to release his magic power, and suddenly there was a loud bang in the magic circle, and the ancient warriors inside finally appeared!

It was a beautiful purple figure. []

Sid looked back, but he didn't expect things to be more exaggerated than he expected, the real strong don't need to make a move, momentum alone is enough to explain everything!

Although Sid didn't know who it was in history, Beta recognized it at a glance.

"Aurora the Witch of Calamity, the witch who brought chaos to the world in the past"


The archbishop on the side was also surprised, after all, the name was only known to some members of the church.

But it doesn't matter, I can only say that the Shadow's luck is really bad, after all, the opponent is the strongest witch in history!

"No!", but as soon as this statement came out, it was interrupted by the princess, "The test of the goddess will only match opponents with comparable courage, which represents the power of the shadow, and it is also the existence of destroying the world!"

And Sid, who doesn't know everyone's inner thoughts, has only one thought at this time, and that is to fight!

He felt the breath of his kind, the battle was a kind of dialogue, the trembling of the tip of the sword, the movement of his footsteps, and the direction of his gaze, all of which were expressed in silence.

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