【"Ring ring ring..."】

【The crystal clear river water reflects dazzling light waves, and Sakura's figure appears on the flower bridge. The flow of the river water makes the girl's empty eyes shine with a gleam of light.】

【It was early in the morning, and the girl's figure was looming under the sunlight.】

【In the distance, golden and pink flowers gradually bloomed, and the breeze blew the golden and pink petals, drifting to the girl's hair and brushing her cheeks.】

【This time no one showed up, and the girl looked a little lonely. She walked slowly along the direction of the flowing water, letting go of her worries and having no destination. She was just walking alone in this dreamy world.】................

During the fourth battle,

Tokiomi Tosaka waited anxiously for the mysterious figure, but looking around, only Sakura was alone in this world.


, his eyes widened blankly, tears of regret flowed, and Tokiomi Tosaka fell to his knees.

"...Why didn't anyone show up this time?!!"

"Could it be...Even this one refused to help Sakura..."


One Piece World

"No, it cannot be recorded," Crane replied, looking at the phone bug that had died in silence.


Warring States sighed, but it was also expected. How could such a soul-cleansing scene be recorded.

Just like those taboo histories, even if they exist, they are not allowed to appear in front of the public

"...But this time, there seems to be an extra kind of flower..."

To the eye, gold and pink complement each other without any conflict...............

The rebellious world of Lelouch

"It’s so beautiful. If our hero Zero dies, will he appear on it?"

"fart! Don't talk nonsense. Zero is the hero who just killed that demon Lelouch yesterday. He won't die."

"Haha, this is an honor. After all, Zero must have sacrificed a lot to defeat the demon Lelouch. It would definitely be exciting if he could appear on it and be resurrected!"

"Too! That being said, I'm kind of looking forward to it."


Naruto world

"As long as you stretch out your hand, you can exchange for power, and you will know why your parents died, come on, come on." The seductive voice echoed in his mind, and there was a hint of brightness in Naruto's empty eyes.

"...God, if you can hear me, please bring my parents back to life."

"Really, please, even if it means using my life in exchange"


【I don’t know how long I walked along the river, but Sakura’s figure appeared in a sea of ​​flowers. The top of the mountain in the distance looked like a fine carving. From there, a soft diagonal line emerged, extending to the foot of the mountain.】

【The sky has also changed from the original sunrise to the evening. There is a faint starlight in the sea of ​​​​flowers to keep the night dark. The faint sunset reflects the deep sapphire blue outline of the entire mountain. The girl gently hugs her arms. The evening weather makes the sky dark. The girl who walked all day felt a little cold】

【A bright light suddenly appeared in the small restaurant in the distance. It was beautiful and quiet. It seemed to be waving to the girl. After hesitating for a moment, Sakura slowly walked towards the hut.】

【"Jingle Bell"】

【The room is not too big, filled with wooden tables and chairs. The fresh floral fragrance lingers on the tip of Sakura's nose, and the golden flowers emit a soft light on the wall.】

【"Welcome, what would you like to order?", the figure asked with a calm and gentle smile.】

【"......", Sakura didn't speak, or she didn't know how to speak.】

【"Got it, sit here, please wait." No one understood what he knew, and the figure slowly walked towards the kitchen. On the side were young children who curiously peeked at the elder sister who was sitting quietly on the seat.】

【""I've been waiting for a long time." The cute little girl with white hair and cat ears appeared together with the man. Cui walked towards Ying with a square plate of thick egg yolks in her hands. Zhu Tong's eyes revealed curiosity and sparkled. Shines,"Please use it slowly."~"——"...Thanks"】

【The rich egg scent spread to the girl's nose. After a moment of restraint, Sakura slowly picked up a portion and put it into her mouth. It was soft and sweet, as soft as cotton candy, and the sweetness spread unknowingly. Everywhere on the girl's body, Sakura's figure paused. She lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly, and started eating in small bites.】

【Time passed by, and a plate of thick egg-yaki disappeared from the plate.】

【silence....No one spoke, the mysterious figure was waiting quietly aside, Sakura's lowered head showed no expression.】


【"Would you like to check in?"】


【"I...I...I really like this, I like the flowers, I like the flowing water, I like everything about this...But I have to leave." I don't know when, Sakura's face was completely wet with tears, maybe when she was sitting down, maybe when she was tasting the sweet thick egg yaki....】

【"thank you very much...I have seen such beautiful scenery, eaten such delicious food, and met such lovely children, but please allow me to leave this place...., please!"】


【Sakura raised her head in disbelief, could she really go back?】


【The sound sounded, and beautiful pink light lit up inside the room, outside the house, and the whole world. The pink petals of the river of time came gently. Following the direction of the wind, the door was pushed open....Wrapping the girl's figure softly, the girl's body exudes a beautiful light. Countless petals are disappearing and turning into beautiful marks. The tears on the girl's face are gently wiped away by the mysterious figure,"Don't be sad, your loved one is on the other side." Waiting for you at the end of my life, how could I force you to stay?"】

【Sakura opened her eyes wide, and the crystal tears fell again. The body eroded by insects turned into dots of starlight and disappeared. The girl's body was reshaped under the flying petals, and the mark of the petals appeared between her eyebrows.】

【"Flowers falling into darkness, please don’t have any inferiority complex"】

【"A pure heart is more beautiful than any existence"】

【"A girl with good wishes will eventually reap happiness through unswerving waiting."】

【"The courage born of love is enough to resist all the loneliness of time"】

【"Hereby, please allow me to offer you this blessing - happiness and hope that your life will be happy forever."】

【Sakura's figure became more dazzling and blurry under the echo of the voice, and the figure in Sakura's eyes also became blurry....】

【"This is the pass that belongs here, you can visit at any time...There is a home for you here." The figure's voice became softer and softer.】

【"Welcome next time~"】


【Tears wet the ground, but this time it glowed pink】


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