【In the picture, a white-haired little boy is kneeling on the ground in a dim room. In front of him is a chessboard with chess pieces on top. He is obviously playing chess with someone, but there is indeed a blurry figure on the opposite side that is almost hard to see. The thin figure] One

Piece World

Akainu crossed his legs and looked at the subtitles in the video and said disdainfully

"Another boring game? As long as it's me, I can directly annihilate all of them! Cancel this boring game, their existence will only destroy the order of the government!"

Kizaru looked at the subtitles in the video and gestured with fear.

"Did you win the game, Ouyou, it’s really scary~"

It’s just pretending to outsiders.

Sengoku didn’t pay attention to what Kizaru and Akainu said, and said in a deep voice

"I hope our world will not appear"


The parliament room has already been filled with people. Three generals, Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji, Lieutenant Generals Garp and Tsuru, and General Momotu and others. All the highest combat power of the navy are gathered here. At this time, they heard that the Warring States Period After hearing these words, they couldn't help but turned their eyes to Seng Guo.

Seng Guo raised his head silently.

"The selection criteria for the dead objects are not clearly marked. Everyone can see the pictures on the screen. Everything that happens in other worlds, whether it is darkness or light, will be completely in front of everyone's eyes. The slaves on the Chambord Islands have already had small incidents. of riots"

"So what, what can be instigated is just a group of lawless elements who have long wanted to launch a riot and attempt to harm the government. If one appears, kill it immediately." Akainu clenched his fists and roared. He, who had been silent for a long time, opened his eyes.

"and...This time it actually broke the rules in the previous video. The dead people can return to the original world after being resurrected. If they appeared in our world, all the experiences of those dead people would be made public and finally resurrected...."

"It is conceivable that the whole world will cause an uproar..., for example...One Piece...Roger..."


The cigarette butt slowly fell to the ground, and everyone stared blankly at Lieutenant General He, with an unstoppable chill rising on their bodies.

What if a pirate like Roger really appears in the picture?... secrets of world government...

Roger's treasure... final island rafdru...

By then

, the entire world will be set off by an unprecedented pirate craze!!!..................................

Naruto world

"Contest...Is it a competition from the harmonious world?..."Sandai said in a deep voice.

Danzo looked at the screen and said disdainfully

"Huh, another meaningless video. What should really appear on it is the first or second generation!"

Everyone nodded. Indeed, the harmonious world can appear on it, so what are they the first generation to unify the ninja world?


The scene did not start, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit depressing. After a moment, the third generation lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"The seal about Kyuubi has been strengthened again...Naruto, that kid recently came to ask about the cause of death of Mr. and Mrs. Minato...."

"The children of the Uchiha family have also recently opened the three magatama sharingan eyes...."


In the small room,

Naruto's eyes were a little hollow and he was dull for a moment.

"...After resurrection, it's okay...Can you still appear in this world?..."..................................

Game Life World is a colorful, dreamlike world. The little fox Hatsuse Izuna clenched her sleeves tightly and looked at the special picture with a displeased face.

"The previous guess was lost again. Unexpectedly, the person in the video actually brought Sakura to her original world! I lost,"

Tetu said without taking the big fish in his hand. Instead, he looked at the boy in the picture in silence.

Then a smile appeared on his face with a heart-shaped pattern.

"Really, I didn’t expect this story to be recorded...."......................

Huge Library

Jibril put her face down on the screen and drooled all over the floor

"A completely different world, completely different powers, and a wonderful environment. Resurrection...It seems to go!!!".......................

In the cave of Game Life Zero

, Rick looked at himself in the picture and was speechless for a long time.

"...If you appear up there, you will die, right?..."


The Ex-Machina girl on the side didn't care about death, she just stared blankly at the chessboard in her hand.


At the same time, in the game world, countless races are also watching this scene closely.

They want to know about their world... what happened.........................

【Screen starts】

【The pitch-black screen fell into darkness, and then white subtitles began to appear.】

【‘This is a story that happened 6,000 years ago. It is a true myth.’】

【‘No records or memories left behind, no stories told to anyone.’】

【‘it is real...’】.......................

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