【Screen continues】

【In the distant and deep darkness, the light turned on slightly, several lines lit up in front of the cold machine, and the girl's urgent voice came out】

【"Fully connected command body applies for reconnection...The analysis of the heart has been completed, please synchronize and connect again." The gravel continued to sink. In the darkness, Hubie eagerly started to connect to the headquarters....】

【In the darkness, the huge machine emitted a faint red light. After a moment, a cold and void voice sounded,"Your machine has been permanently unlinked. Your data has been judged to be a major error signal. The application is rejected.""】

【In machine-like cognition, the mind...It is not allowed to appear in machinery】

【When Hubi had doubts about the anomaly of human beings still surviving in a harsh environment where the planet was on the verge of destruction, and speculated that this was because humans had a"heart", the Ex-Machina had already excluded Hubi....】

【Ex-machines don't have hearts...they are just machines...】

【"Rejection application rejected! , even if it is a fully connected command body, no matter what it is, it needs to be analyzed, and I strongly urge you to apply for a connection." Jibril's figure appeared in front of Hubi,"Hurry up and connect!"——"Peng!"】

【"Correction, who will correct it?..."】

【The girl's helpless and desperate voice echoed in the darkness. The connection in the shadow kept flashing. The darkness revealed endless coldness. The full-link command body kept flashing....flashing...】

【"You unreasonable guys!", the terrifying attack shattered the earth, shattered the mountains, and swallowed the girl's figure.】

【No one knows who the girl is talking about...Are they the gods who treat life as rubbish, or are they the cold machines?...】

【Fierce attacks hit the girl's body again and again, smashing into mountains and breaking through boulders....hit the ground】

【"I don’t want to give it to anyone, I like Rick and don’t want to be separated from Rick because I’m shy..."】

【"Where did you get the indispensable heart from Rick?...This is something that only belongs to Hubi. Now it’s handed over to you. Don’t you understand?!!"】

【Crying feebly, the girl's broken body struggled to avoid the attack, and the tears in her eyes wet the ground.】

【"Give me this longing...Pass it on!"】

【Hubby doesn't want to share this feeling with anyone! This feeling that is unique to you...】

【It should belong to you, why would you share it with others!】

【First meeting with a boy...First hug with a boy...First kiss with a boy...】

【first...This is Hubi's first experience as a machine....】

【She doesn't want to share what belongs to her...】

【She doesn't want to share it...】

【I promised to stay with Rick all the time....】

【It hurts so much....】

【Heart....It really hurts...】


【The devastating attack came again, and the girl's figure was once again shrouded....】

【The blood-stained cloud lingered above the girl...】

【They are ruthless...I have to be here to witness this final death....】

【In the huge pothole, the girl's body was in pieces...It’s obvious that the machine’s body can no longer support any operations....But the girl still held on to her body and staggered to get up....】

【I don’t know how many tears I shed...】

【The cold and void voice still kept replying to the girl. The girl's body had gone wrong....】

【"It's self-contradictory and full of loopholes, but it still works. It's so abnormal...."——"I know." Jibril's figure in the distance was slowly approaching, and the energy in her hands continued to overflow....】

【"Impossible, this is too unreasonable...",】

【It's obviously unreasonable and impossible...But why repeat it over and over again?...This heart...Can it really be allowed?....】

【"This is reality, get the proof from Rick, this is the truth..."】

【This is impossible...It has become possible...】

【What are you still hesitating about?...please...】...............

Naruto World

Naruto looked at the girl who was on the verge of death and cried silently

"Hurry up and say yes! Even so, are you unwilling to lend a helping hand?"

"The most real example has already appeared before our eyes. Why can’t machines have any intention?..."

"This miracle has already appeared before your eyes. Don’t you still want to believe it?..."

"I beg you..."..............................

Game of Life

"...No longer a machine, this feeling..."

"...Hubie, you are human..."

"you are rick's wife..."

"Please promise girl...."

"Even if I give my heart...They don't deserve their own victory...."

"this....What kind of bullshit world is this!!!"

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