【In the video, the battle continues】

【Red A took advantage of Cú Chulainn's opening, jumped up, and slashed at Cú Chulainn with his short sword.】

【Cu Chulainn had no time to dodge at this time, so he could only reluctantly set up his spear and block the red A.】


【There was a loud noise, and Cu Chulainn felt his hands numb slightly.】

【"Is this guy so strong?"Cu Chulainn was a little surprised.】

【At this moment, Cu Chulainn's expression changed.】

【I saw Red A snort, and a huge force surged through his body again.】


【The entire ground was shattered by this powerful force, and Cu Chulainn's body flew backwards, smashing into the nearby school building with a bang.】

"What a fierce battle."The audience from all over the world were shocked when they saw this scene, and they were even more excited in their hearts.

The battle between Red A Cu Chulainn can be said to be very simple.

Unlike the various props and magic in the Bone King world, Unlike the various magical ninjutsu in the ninja world, it is also not a stand-in battle of wits in the JOJO world. The battle between the two of them is the purest battle between strength, speed and skill.

19 Every attack is not too There are so many dazzling things, but every move can kill someone.

And it is this kind of battle that makes people feel even more passionate.

【"Is this a battle between servants?"】

【At this moment】

【With a bang, a desk flew out and hit Red A hard.】

【In the smoke and dust, Cu Chulainn's figure appeared】

【"Hey!"Cu Chulainn looked at Red A with fighting intent in his eyes.】


【Cu Chulainn roared angrily and rushed towards Red A at top speed.】

【This time, Cu Chulainn's speed and strength became even faster and more powerful.】


【Against the menacing Cu Chulainn, Red A could only defend with a short knife and had no chance to attack.】


【The dagger in Red A was directly shattered by Cu Chulainn】

【"What a powerful force!"】

【There is a look of surprise on the red A】

【"hey stupid"】

【Cu Chulainn sneered.】

【Red A, without his weapon, cannot be his opponent at all.】

【"Archer!"Rin on the side also screamed, worried.】

【"Sinai!"Cu Chulainn held a spear and stabbed Red A's chest fiercely.】

【This time, red A is inevitable】

【But at this moment, two daggers appeared in Red A's hands.】

【These are two different daggers, named Ganjiang Moye】


【Red A is very fast. Facing the spear thrust by Cu Chulainn, he first cuts the side of the spear with one blow, knocking the spear away, and then slashes at Cu Chulainn.】

【Cu Chulainn was startled by the sudden attack and quickly retracted his spear to defend himself.】

【But because of this, he was knocked away by Red A.】

【After retreating dozens of meters, Cu Chulainn looked at Red A from a distance with a solemn expression.】

【"Two-knife style? However, what kind of swordsman is equipped as an archer?"】

【Cu Chulainn said angrily, waving his spear and continuing to attack Red A】

【Rin was also very confused on the side, why did Red A use a short sword?】

【And Cu Chulainn is worthy of the rank of spearman. Whether it is strength, speed, or combat skills, he is very terrifying. Even the spear in his hand is extremely powerful.】

【For a moment, Red A was completely suppressed by Cu Chulainn, and the dagger in his hand was constantly being shattered.】

【But the weapons in Red A are all projected, so as long as you have magic power, you can project them without limit.】

【"Twenty-seven."Cu Chulainn stopped and looked at Red A. He didn't expect that after breaking so many weapons, you could still take them out."】

【"What's wrong? Waiting and watching the situation is not your style."Hong A looked at Cu Chulainn and said lightly,"Where did the majesty just now go?"】

【"He has a smooth tongue and is quite good at talking nonsense!"】

【After a pause, Cu Chulainn continued,"Okay, let me ask you, where are you from? I have never heard of an archer who can use the two-sword style."】

【Red A did not answer Cu Chulainn's question, but said,"Your identity is easy to guess."】

【"It is said that spearmen are the fastest heroic spirits, and you are also outstanding among them. There are no more than three spearmen of this level in the world, and with your beast-like agility, I am afraid there is only one person."】

【"Oh, well said, Archeer."After being praised by his opponent, Cu Chulainn's face showed a look of pride.】

【After saying that, Cu Chulainn put the spear across his chest, and boom, red magic wrapped around the spear, exuding a powerful momentum.】

【"Then why don't you give it a try and take my fatal blow?"Cu Chulainn looked at Red A】

【"Come on now, there will eventually be a winner between the two of us."Red A is not afraid at all.】

【Every heroic spirit will possess a Noble Phantasm, and the Noble Phantasm is also the most powerful means of attack for the heroic spirit.】

"Humph, this guy actually dared to take my killing blow. He really didn’t know the heights of the world."

In the church, Cu Chulainn watched the scene in the video and sneered.

In his opinion, Red A was definitely not his opponent.

And at this moment, Kotomine Kirei appeared

"Cu Chulainn, go out and investigate Rin's situation."


Although he was reluctant, Cu Chulainn had to go out.

When he thought about this, he felt very unhappy.

Since becoming Kotomine Kirei's servant, he has become a tool-like existence, and there is no way he can do it. Fight with all your heart.

On the contrary, the guy with blond hair was so fat and fat that he was raised by Kotomine Kirei, and he couldn't use up his magic power.

Although he had never fought, he thought he was not inferior to anyone.

Unfortunately, Kotomine Kirei didn't think so.


With a sigh, Cu Chulainn came to the top of a building and observed Tohsaka Rin's situation.

But what made Cu Chulainn a little happy was that even here, he could watch the video

【In the video, Cu Chulainn is about to use a killing blow】

【And at this moment】

【There was the sound of panicked footsteps nearby】

【"who?"Cu Chulainn dispersed the magic power and said loudly】

【290 At this time, Hong Alin also reacted and looked in the direction of the source of the sound, only to see a figure running towards the teaching building.】

【"student?! Why is there anyone left in school?"Rin said unexpectedly】

【"It seems so, thanks to him, I saved my life."Red A let out a long sigh of relief. Obviously, facing Cu Chulainn's killing blow, he didn't have much confidence.】

【At this time, Rin discovered that Cu Chulainn was missing.】

【"He must have gone after the figure just now, because he was a witness, so he probably went to silence him."Red A said】

【"this!"Rin said anxiously,"Follow me, Archer. I'll be there soon.""】

【After saying that, Rin ran towards the teaching building.】

【It is a magician's rule to silence witnesses, but she hates this rule very much.】

【The screen changes】

【In the teaching building, Rin saw Red A standing there】

【Rin's heart tightened, knowing that something bad had happened.】

【Sure enough, Rin came to the corridor and looked into the distance, only to see a figure lying in a pool of blood.】

【Rin asked Red A to chase Cu Chulainn, while he walked over】

【When she saw that person's appearance, Rin's heart trembled because the other person turned out to be Emiya Shirou!】

【"How can this be?"】

【Rin can't believe it】

【In the end, Rin used the red gem left by his father to save Shirou Emiya.】

"Emiya Shirou."Kotomine Kirei watched the scene in the video and frowned.

He did not want Emiya Shirou to participate in this Holy Grail War, but everything seemed to be going in a direction he could not expect..........

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