In the expectant eyes of audiences from all over the world, the video officially started

【"What the hell is this place? Is this really where Berserker is?"】

【Matou Shinji held his head in pain and complained.】

【However, what Matou Shinji didn't notice was that two figures appeared behind him】

【"that? Shirou?"】

【"No, it’s a harmless kid. Let’s get rid of him quickly."】

【The speakers were two women who looked like maids】

【One of them was holding a long weapon that looked like an ax or a spear.】

【The two are maids of the Illya family, one of them is called Sera, and the one holding the weapon is named Rigelit.】

【At the same time, the two of them are also artificial humans】

"Cyborg? Is the world's technology so advanced?"

"It doesn’t have to be technology, it could also be created using magic. After all, there are magicians in this world."

"Yes, but things like artificial humans always feel a little bad."

The audience of"277" in all the worlds are discussing. After all, in many worlds, artificial humans will always cause some problems.

I hope this is not the case in this world.

【As the two of them spoke, they walked towards Matou Shinji. In their opinion, it was a very easy thing to deal with Matou Shinji, an ordinary person.】

【Matou Shinji heard the footsteps coming from behind, turned his head, and saw Sera and Ligelit at a glance】

【"Are you two maids of the Einzbern family?"】

【"So, just right."Matou Shinji said, making a coquettish hair-raising gesture without noticing the sense of crisis at all,"Ah, rserker—"】

【Before Matou Shinji finished speaking, a spear pierced him.】


【Matou Shinji looked at the spear so close that he was about to pee with fear. If he hadn't reacted in time and grabbed the spear tightly, he would have been directly pierced through his body.】

【"Please shut up, we don’t have time to entertain uninvited guests, leave immediately, or become the bait of this iron block, please decide within ten seconds."】

【"Huh? Wait, wait a minute."Matou Shinji didn't want to die, so he ran away quickly】

【And just as the two were preparing to chase Matou Shinji】


【A strong momentum came】

【"what happened?"】

【The two of them looked over in surprise and saw a handsome blond young man standing on the roof in the distance.】

【It is none other than the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh】

【"I thought it was something, but it turns out it’s an artificial human. It’s pretty good. It’s obviously just a doll that maintains human form, but it can be like a natural life form."】

【Gilgamesh was obviously praising him, but he could still hear the condescension and disdain in his tone.】

【"Sera, that guy is very—" Li Jie Lit said】

【"I know, don't lock me up, run away quickly."Sierra also understands that the guy on the roof is very powerful.】

【"There is no need to panic. With your reverence, I will temporarily exempt you from the crime of disrespect. Hurry up and disappear before my eyes. I can spare your life for the time being."】

【However, Serra and Ligelit's duty is to protect Illya, so naturally they cannot let Gilgamesh pass.】

【"That's it, then you scatter like flowers. Listen to your words, and the container of the Holy Grail will also come."】

【The container of the Holy Grail, which is Ilia】

【In fact, the Holy Grail is divided into the Greater Holy Grail and the Lesser Holy Grail.】

【The Small Holy Grail is the vessel used to finally summon the Holy Grail, while the Large Holy Grail is the spiritual vein buried underneath, a system that continuously collects magic power.】

【The Great Holy Grail and the Lesser Holy Grail were both made by the Einzbern family.】

【The purpose is to make all mankind immortal, but this is impossible, and the Holy Grail War was born because of this.】

【The Small Holy Grail was originally an actual object, but because it was damaged during the Third Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family created a Small Holy Grail that could be managed by itself, which is the Holy Grail Guardian.】

【And Illya is this little Holy Grail. 】

Seeing the scene in the video, audiences from all over the world were a little surprised.

I didn't expect that this Holy Grail War would come about like this.

And Berserker’s master, Illya, is actually the Little Holy Grail

【And the video continues】

【When they heard that Gilgamesh knew Illya's identity, Sera and Ligarit knew that they could never let each other go.】

【The next moment, Ligelit jumped up and rushed towards Gilgamesh.】

【But before Ligelite could get close to Gilgamesh, one of her arms was cut off and the weapon in her hand fell to the ground.】

【Immediately afterwards, a surprising scene appeared】


【Behind Gilgamesh, numerous golden magic circles appeared. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【In each magic aperture, a weapon slowly appears, and each weapon is different and exudes a terrifying aura.】

【This is Gilgamesh’s Noble Phantasm, the King’s Treasure】

【To put it simply, Gilgamesh has a sword that looks like a key to the Golden City.】

【And with this, he can freely take out the treasures stored inside.】

【The treasure house contains all the treasures produced in the era of Gilgamesh, and the amount is astonishingly huge.】

【The levels of the Noble Phantasms range from E to A++, and there are many of them.】

【After Gilgamesh uses the Noble Phantasm, it will quickly return to his treasure trove, so there is no chance of it being lost. 】

The king of the throne.

Jin Shining smiled disdainfully,"It's just because they are some excellent recyclable treasures, I don't care about them."

The audience from all over the world was also shocked.

This guy is too strong.

It would be great for other servants to have two or three Noble Phantasms. He just moved the entire treasure trove here...........

How to fight this?

A bunch of Noble Phantasms could kill someone if they hit them.

In the palace courtyard.

Shirou Emiya looked at the scene in front of him and was filled with excitement.

Because he can project skills, if he can project all these treasures, wouldn't he be invincible?

【As soon as the screen flashed, neither Sera nor Ligelite had the ability to resist in the face of this huge number of Noble Phantasms, and they died directly.】

【"Magicians really don’t learn lessons. They add personalities to props. After all, they are human beings and will not repay your pure hearts."】

【Gilgamesh said calmly】

【Just then, there was a roar】

【The wall breaks open and Illya and Berserker appear】

【Illya was furious when she saw that Sera and Ligelit, who had been taking care of her, died.】

【"Berserker, kill this guy!"】

【Berserker didn't say anything. He took out the unmarked ax sword in his hand and looked at Gilgamesh coldly, ready to attack at any time.】

【"Hum, come on, big hero."Gilgamesh had a smile on his face】

【Even though he was facing Hercules, he was still not afraid at all】

"I wonder who can win?"

"I think it's Berserker. After all, he is the legendary Hercules. This name is still very resounding."

"It’s really not necessarily certain. As a Berserker, Hercules has lost his mind and his strength is really hard to say."

【in video】

【Gilgamesh didn't waste any time and used the King's Treasure again. Countless treasures slowly appeared from the golden magic circle.】

【next moment】

【Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!】

【Countless Noble Phantasms were fired at Berserker, and a huge explosion sounded, and the surrounding buildings were blown to pieces.】

【Wait until the smoke dissipates】

【I saw 3.1 Berserker’s body was covered with various treasures, and he seemed to be dead.】

【Matou Shinji, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, walked out excitedly.】

【"You actually have so many treasures, you are so powerful."】

【At this time, Matou Shinji was extremely excited. Did they think that they had obtained such a powerful servant?】

【However, countless red magic powers suddenly appeared on Berserker's body】

【And Berserker recovered from his injuries in an instant.】

【When Gilgamesh saw this scene, he understood instantly】

【This is the reason for Berserker’s Noble Phantasm】

【Berserker's Noble Phantasm is the Twelve Trials. Noble Phantasms below B level, including B level, are ineffective in attacking, and it is also immune to eleven deaths. In simple terms, it means eleven resurrections. 】

Seeing this scene, all the audience were extremely surprised.

This Berserker is too powerful. Not only is his personal strength very powerful, but the effect of his Noble Phantasm is also very abnormal..........

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