【Video continues】

【Back in Izayoi, Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō suddenly fell from a high altitude into the pool.】

【What appeared in front of everyone was buildings piled up like tents.】

【The sky in this world seems to be exceptionally blue, with some lilac purple in it, and even the trees are green and spring-like.】

【Afterwards, the three of them swam up from the pool with difficulty, wringing out their wet clothes.】

【"I really can’t believe it. I suddenly fell from a high altitude. If I had fallen to the ground, I would have died instantly."】

【As Kuon Asuka was still smoothing her long hair while talking, Izayoi was twisting her clothes aside, and Kasukabe Yoshi was also wiping off the water droplets from the calico cat.】

【The boy and girl each complained about this cruel treatment.】

【In the quarrel between you and me, we briefly introduced ourselves to each other.】

【"But forget about being called out, why are there not even half a person there?"】

【The eyes of Izayoi Izayoi and Kuon Asuka shifted to the tree not far away, and the rest of their eyes followed suit. It seemed that something hidden behind the tree had been discovered long ago.】

【"I have no choice but to ask the guy in the corner."】

【As soon as he finished speaking, Izayoi jumped in front of the root of the tree. The big tree and the ground were shaken by the sudden impact.】

【With a scream, a girl with long azure hair and a bunny girl skirt appeared in front of her.】

【The girl greeted the three of them awkwardly, her face still stained with some of the mud that had just been stirred up.】

【"What is this, cosplay?"】

【Back to Izayoi, he looked at the girl with interest.】

【"no! Black Rabbit doesn’t do cosplay..."】

【Before the girl could finish her words, Izayoi's flying kick came again, but it was dodged again by some strange combination of circumstances. 】

This scene made the audience from all over the world smile with joy.

"Is this a miserable world? It seems like the atmosphere is still full of joy now."

"Don’t be too happy too early. There are many examples of things starting high and going low, or rising first and then falling."

"And I see that the boy named Nigai Izayoi has very good abilities. I look forward to his performance."

【Video continues】

【Kasukabe Yō keeps chasing the girl who calls herself Black Rabbit】

【But no matter how she launches an attack, she can dodge it as nimbly as a rabbit and scurry freely among the trees.】

【Jiuyuan Asuka looked at the black rabbit who kept escaping, and also activated her ability】

【"Birds in the trees! Block her movements'!"】

【With a wave of his hand, Jiuyuan Feiniao ordered hundreds of birds to fly out from among the jungles, just like the colorful gauze that instantly surrounded the black rabbit.】

【The helpless black rabbit could only stop jumping, stumbled and fell to the ground. 】

The eyes of the audience from all over the world are focused on the long-lasting flying bird

"This girl, is her ability to manipulate others?"

"It’s a very convenient ability, so you can easily ask what you want."

"Then why doesn't she directly control Black Rabbit and make her stop her actions?"

With doubts, the audience's attention shifted back to the video.

【Black Rabbit sat cross-legged on the ground helplessly, and her rabbit ears trembled from time to time in response to her depressed mood, which aroused everyone's curiosity and they all stepped forward to try.】

【"Eh! What are you doing!"】

【"Wow, these ears are so real."】

【Looking back at Izayoi Rakudo, he seemed to be teasing a rabbit in a cage, with a smile of unknown meaning on his face.】

【Of course, no matter how much Black Rabbit refuted and resisted, he could not escape from this clutches.】

【After being bullied by the three of them for a long time, Black Rabbit patted the hem of his white skirt, smoothed back his long blue hair, and finally started talking about business.】

【Hakoba Games】

【The three of them were all qualified to participate in the Gift Game by Black Rabbit, so they were invited to this world.】

【"Gift game?"】

【"The three of them must have realized that they were no ordinary people. All the powers you possess come from the gifts of various Shura gods, Buddhas, demons, elves, and stars."】

【The so-called"gift game" refers to a game in which these favors are used and gambled. This Hakoniwa world was built for this game.】

【Jiuyuan Asuka slowly raised his hand】

【"Do you have to bet on your own abilities?"】

【"Not necessarily. There are many stakes in the game, including gifts, property, land, reputation, and people.....The higher the value of the bet, the higher the value of the prize."】

【To get the prize, you must meet the organizer's conditions and win the game】

【It's Kasukabe Yoshi's turn to ask a question】

【"Who is the sponsor?"】

【"The person who hosts and manages the gift game"】

【"Can anyone do it?"] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Just be able to prepare a prize. From Shura gods and Buddhas to shopping street bosses, the more difficult the game level, the richer the rewards. It can be said that there are all kinds of them!"]

Seeing this, the audience in the world suddenly realized.

This is still a miserable world.

As long as gambling is involved, betrayal, sacrifice, and antagonism will follow.

The audience in the world gradually became excited. , compared to the previous world of hunting and fighting, this gambling world can arouse everyone's desire to watch.

【Black Rabbit suggested that the three of them play a game with themselves first in order to adapt to the lifestyle of this world faster.】

【"By the way, there is something called a community in this world. The residents of this world must belong to a certain community."】

【Black Rabbit's expression instantly became serious, losing his amiable look just now.】

【"No, it should be said that if there is no affiliation, even survival will become difficult."】

【With a snap of his fingers, a huge shuffling table fell from the sky】

【"Of course, it’s okay to ask everyone to join the community that Black Rabbit belongs to, but if you are not someone who can win the gift game, it will be nerve-wracking."】

【The implication of Black Rabbit's words was also noticed, but Black Rabbit's heart was full of waves. He didn't even think of saying this. What if they all went home in anger!】

【Looking back at Izayoi, the corners of his downturned mouth suddenly curved upward.】

【"But if you don’t have the confidence, don’t force it."】

【Black Rabbit pretended to be the same as before, but still hoped that his true thoughts would not be seen through.】

【"`.It really gave me a pleasant challenge."】

【Izayoi sneered, walked to Black Rabbit's shuffling table, and gently touched the dark green table velvet.】

【"What are the rules?"】

【"Please choose JK from these 52 cards, but there is only one chance, and one person can only draw one."】

【When Black Rabbit said this, Kuon Asuka also became interested, his eyes as cold and sharp as a knife.】

【"Can any method be used?"】

【"As long as it doesn't break the rules. I have judicial authority, so please don’t think about breaking the rules. Black Rabbit’s eyes and ears are connected to the center of the small garden."】

【Black Rabbit said, his blue rabbit ears still trembling, he turned back to Izayoi and looked at the fifty-two cards spread out on the table with cold eyes and asked questions.】

【"What about the bet? Do you want to bet on the gift?"】

【"Since you are new here, there is no need to place bets. You only need to bet your self-esteem."】

【"What if we win?"】

【"When the time comes, Black Rabbit, as a descendant of gods and Buddhas, will fulfill any of your requests."】

【The remaining two people nodded, also chose to join the game, and walked to the shuffling table one after another.】

【Black Rabbit gave an order, and a shimmering parchment flew out of the air and slowly landed in front of the three people (Wang Mo Zhao)】

【"What's this?"】

【"The contract document, which is the contract book about the game, writes the rules of the game and the conditions for clearance."】

【Simply browsing the contract documents, this is really just an ordinary rule book.】

【Going back to Izayoi, he asked to check if there was anything strange about the playing cards.】

【In fact, everyone quietly left different marks on the cards】

【Kuon Asuka lightly pressed the corner of the playing card, making it have some tiny creases; Kasukabe Yō put some cat saliva on it and tapped it on the back of the playing card.】........

The audience from all over the world nodded.

It is a very common card drawing in gambling, and it is also the time when a person's intelligence and cleverness in playing tricks can best be reflected.

"Who do you think will win?"

"Kasukabe Yoshi? That cat girl seems to have very subtle insights."

"Back in Izayoi, he wouldn't have just knocked over the table to find it, right?

"How can it be! Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst the speculations of the audience from all over the world, the first gift game of the three people in the world of Hakoniwa officially kicked off!

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