Ultraman Tiga World, TCP Far East Base, UST Office

"Game of Life...Machine type...Humanity....Saved the world?..."

Dagu lay on the soft seat, staring at the screen in front of him with his deep eyes, and murmured thoughtfully.

Recalling the previous scenes between Rick and Hubie, they even sacrificed their lives in exchange for world peace. Although they were resurrected in the end and got a good ending, everything that happened was real. Dagu's expression was a bit complicated.

"That...Where's Tiga?...Is it also a symbol of peace?..."

Dagu murmured to himself, his eyes falling on the spark prism in his arms.

The weapon is shaped like a dagger, and the material seems to be made of the finest white jade and colored glaze. It is also inlaid with dazzling gold foil and bright gems, shining under the light, exuding a strange light.

Just looking at the appearance, if it were placed in the hands of the bosses of those toy companies, or those treacherous men who traveled to other worlds, they would probably secretly exclaim,"The Spark Prism is so terrifying."’

"If it were Rick or Hubie, they would definitely become"light" beings...."

Recalling the sacrifices made by Rick, Hubie and others in the video just for the sake of peace, Dagu couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

There is no doubt that they are heroes, heroes who protect mankind.

Dagu has good senses for Rick and others, and he is sincerely happy that the other party has achieved happiness. Even though he knows that the other party is a god, he may be an ant and is powerless, but he still stands in the front.

Protecting everyone, bearing the pain alone where no one can find it.

Even though we live in that kind of world, we still live a beautiful life with yearning in our hearts....

"This is...‘"Light?"

Recalling the previous deeds, Dagu seemed to feel the golden light among the people in that world in a daze....

Such a warm, hopeful light...

"So...I also want to become the light’!"

Holding the spark prism in his hand, Dagu's eyes showed determination as he made a promise to the spark prism in front of him.


As if in response, a gentle light flashed in the spark prism, gradually synchronizing with Dagu's heartbeat. At this moment, recognition truly began.

Whether it's Dagu or Tiga...

A sunny smile appeared on the corner of Dagu's mouth, and the previous hesitation and melancholy were no longer there.

Guarding your heart is no longer a pressure, but a responsibility.

Finally, at this moment, this young man took the first step to become Ultraman Tiga........................................

Kamen Rider World

Nancheng University Laboratory

"Machine type...They're all heroes, right?..."

Hongo's eyes were trembling as he recalled the previous scenes. For the victory of his beloved and for the protection of mankind, all the machines had sacrificed their lives. His words were full of recognition and admiration, and his face also showed a look of reminiscence..

In his opinion, Hubi who can take such actions without hesitation, or any other Ex-Machina, are all heroes.

"If he were in this world, he would definitely be an outstanding Kamen Rider..."

Hongo muttered to himself, with a trace of pity on his resolute face, but then he shook his head.

They have already obtained their own happiness, so what are they still thinking about? but...If there is no way to change it, will the end of the video be the ending for these heroes?....

Unknowingly, Hongo brought his own experiences into the Ex-Machina.

He has physical strength and motor nerves that are several times higher than ordinary people, and is very proficient in any martial arts. Even horsemanship is of a first-class level.

Even his IQ has reached an astonishing 600, which makes him a perfect talent. But it is precisely because of this that the desire and ambition of the evil forces to conquer took the first step in him.

As an all-round talent, he became an experimental subject in the hands of scientists with evil intentions.

Reconstructive surgery was performed on him.

After a week-long operation, he also became the Kamen Rider No. 1 of the locust monster named 'Shuka'...

Fortunately, at the last moment, he was finally rescued by his mentor, Dr. Midorikawa, who maintained his consciousness and finally escaped his original fate of becoming a fighting machine.

At that moment, he decided to exist in order to protect the world and innocent people, and resolutely devoted himself to the battle.

In the following ten years, he gained countless harvests, companions, and descendants....friendship...

And the Ex-Machina has obtained an existence called"heart", how similar it is....

In the end, it is because of guarding the heart that we are able to find ourselves...

It was also because I got the 'heart' that I finally chose to sacrifice myself.

However, in addition to admiration, Hongo Meng also showed a trace of regret and regret.

After all, the juniors in his world are too....

Thinking of this, Hongang suddenly thought for a moment and didn't know how to describe it....

Colorful can be said to be very appropriate....

External items, luxurious props, noise and light wave attacks...In the end, it seems that the attack power is less than half of his own?

He was even robbed of his belt, and he could only shout blankly,"Damn it, give it back to me. Damn it, if I had...’In this case...

Shameful...Go dig a hole and hide it...

The Ex-machines have no thoughts, but they have been constantly learning and enriching their own power over the years. This is how it should be!

Hongo's eyes moved sharply to the screen, there was only one subtitle...

So it's not clear what

"Study hard, you brats..."...........................

Five Battles

, Moon World,

Fuyuki Church

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, so interesting!!!!"

"What do those so-called god bastards know? They really thought they were invincible if they had some power, but the final result was not so miserable, hahaha"

"The clowns named Rick and Hubie...You have given such a performance to me, and you can be recognized by me."

In the empty church, Gilgamesh felt that he was about to laugh out loud.

The most beautiful person who has been in the real world for ten years The ancient fat king, Gilgamesh, is addicted to games and comics every day. The video clip that suddenly appeared this time not only did not make the king unhappy, but instead aroused the interest of this happy monster. In the mood of taking a look The Ancient King watched a few videos, but the results really aroused the king's interest greatly.

"This is much more interesting than those games and comics..."

"So, next, if you have any interesting videos, please post them to me!"

"Please please me as much as you can!"

At this moment, Wang couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the Holy Grail is really good...............................

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