
【Screen continues】

【Knight Zero crossed the crowd with great speed and reached directly in front of Lelouch. He swung his long knife and, with Lelouch's disdainful expression, violently knocked away the pistol in Lelouch's hand.】

【this moment...time seems to stand still...Lelouch...It seems that there is no time to hide. At this moment, I can only be forced to end this life.....The long knife turned into cold light and passed straight through Lelouch's heart.】

【The interweaving of white and black...black zero...white lelouch】

【The clouds in the sky are no longer drifting away...They saw this scene...Reason for stay...Maybe...They are celebrating the birth of a hero...Maybe...Celebrating the death of this tyrannical king...】

【In the picture, zero’s obscured figure appears in front of everyone’s eyes...Suzaku...Lelouch's subordinates...】

【How ridiculous...The origins of heroes are actually their own...subordinates】

【This king...Already abandoned by everyone...】


【What's puzzling is...】

【Inside the hero's armor...Why are there tears?...】

【....maybe for thisCarry joy...】

【The gushing blood soaked the white imperial attire. The crown fell instantly when it was pulled out by the sharp blade, and the blood dripped. The hero and the sinner did not know what they were talking about at this moment....】

【Lelouch's body did not fall down...He staggered and fell off the throne, blood sliding across the bright red carpet....finally...The figure stays beside my sister...】

【What's ridiculous is...】

【This tyrannical king did not show anger because he was assassinated on the day of the parade....Nor because of the betrayal and separation of relatives...showing sadness....】

【just like....】

【just like...I've long expected this to be over....】

【"...elder brother..."The girl looked at Lelouch with blood flowing and was in a daze for a moment....a little sad...When she touched the blood-soaked palm, the girl's eyes widened.....Seems to understand something...】

【"So cunning...I just want to...I just want my brother to be by my side..."Tears welled up like a fountain, and the girl cried sadly...】

【but...This is obviously completely unnecessary....】

【because...Just a second ago, everyone could clearly see your brother, this tyrannical king....I'm about to kill you...】

【so...No need to be sad at all...】

【At this moment, the crowd seemed to be stagnant, but after the calm, everyone ran out like crazy】

【"zero!!!"Lelouch's remaining party retreated, and the whole world began to cheer! It's their hero! Zero is here to save them!】




【The whole world seems to be filled with only this one sound...】

【but...The weird thing is...】

【Obviously the whole world is cheering...】

【The sound is earth-shaking...】

【but...But he never covered up the girl’s cry...That sad voice sounded like a dissatisfied protest...venting inner despair...】

【why...to be so sad...】

【inside the church...Where the sun shines...Glittering tears fell gently down the face...】.................................

Lelouch world

"My brother is already dead, why can't I let him go?..."

"Just to witness the birth of a hero..."

"elder brother...Also a hero..."

"I just want my brother to be by my side...."

It seems like time has returned to that day again...

Nunnally looked at her palms...

It seems that the blood spilled from my brother is still soaked in my hands..........................

Lelouch world

"It was Lord Suzaku who saved us! Suzaku-sama has been playing zero all this time, even lurking next to the Demon King! Just for this moment!"

"Lord Suzaku is our hero!"

Everyone cheered for a moment. They knew who their hero was!

No one cared about why the dead Suzaku appeared here. No one cared about why Lelouch's men wanted to kill Lelouch.... they only know...

It was their hero who saved the world!

Saved them!

It’s just that people didn’t care...Why is it inside the black armor?...left tears... in the howling wind...

The crowd cheered endlessly... drizzle outside the window...

I don’t know when...turned into raindrops..........................

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