
Dressrosa is different from other countries. People here have warm smiles on their faces, and moving toys can be seen everywhere on the streets.

It is also known as a tropical island with a resort style, and is known as the"Land of Love, Passion and Toys".

There are no riots or wars here, everything seems so peaceful. don quixote family

"Furofurahahahahahahaha....It’s even more interesting than the previous Ex-Machina!"

"What is this! On the way to becoming a king, he was betrayed by his relatives, haha, it’s so interesting."

In the hall, all the Don Quixote family gathered together and ate in the center of the hall. The highest cadre in the family was closest to Doflamingo.

He shook the hand in his hand. Red wine, Doflamingo looked at the empty seat next to him and couldn't stop laughing.

"Don Quixote Rossinandi...."

"If you were here, you would be very happy to see this scene! Hahaha"

"This girl declared war on her brother, and the final outcome was just as you imagined."

"was killed...Betrayed by loved ones...."Fufuhahahaha" the Overlord behind him was released in the sub-space that could not be suppressed. Doflamingo vented his emotions to his heart's content.

Looking at the stunned people outside the window through the scarlet frame, Doflamingo grinned. Open, look crazy

"this era...this era...."

"Hahahaha, there is no division between justice and evil"

"Weakness is the original sin!!!"...........................

【Screen continues】

【Lelouch looked at Nunnally in the screen with trembling eyes, somewhat disbelieving,"Nunnally, you...you live..."】

【In the picture, Lelouch seemed to be lost in thought, looking at Nunnally in the camera....】

【He obviously cares so much...But why did he choose to execute his sister in the end?...Is it just because of betrayal?...What if there is no zero girl’s fate?...】

【"Yes, thanks to Emperor Schneizel." The blind girl didn't notice the boy's expression and answered.——"Schneizel...Nunnally, do you know what Schneizel has done?", Suzaku asked in disbelief.】

【""I know, a Freyja warhead was launched at the imperial capital Pendragon." The girl said it in an understatement about the deep pit with a radius of hundreds of miles and the devastating blow. There was no trace of fluctuation on the girl's face.——"If so, then why"】

【"So! Is geass correct?", the girl's words made Suzaku stunned, and the doubts in his eyes also stopped...as if he didn't dare to know this girl he had been with for many years.】

【"My brother and Suzaku have been lying to me, right?...been hiding the truth...However, I actually know that my brother is zero!"】

"....What is Her Highness Nunnally talking about?..."


"Zero is not Suzaku!!!"

"There must be a mistake! There must be a mistake! Her Highness Nunnally must have said something wrong. Didn't zero already appear in the previous video? It was Suzaku-sama!"

"Isn’t the current scene also surrounding Lord Suzaku? Don’t panic, it’s just a mistake."

Everyone in the family alley fell silent....

Like a thunder, it struck everyone's hearts...........................

【"Why! Why would my brother do this?...That is...For me?...", although the girl could not see it, she instinctively raised her head..."If so...I..."】

【"....Hahaha, for you? You are so shameless as my sister." A disdainful voice sounded, Lelouch raised his gloomy face, clasped his hands together, and chuckled.】

【The girl's movements stopped...】

【The disdainful words sounded again, Lelouch leaned forward and looked at his sister in the video,"Do you think it is natural to receive favors from others? Don't stain your own hands, only condemn the behavior of others"】

【"...You are the stale aristocracy that I am against." The boy's words became increasingly cold and merciless. The ruthless words made the girl helplessly grab the armrest next to the seat...."how come..."】


【but...Except for the blind girl...】

【Anyone can see it....】

【...Every time he said a word, the young man's hands could not help but tremble violently....】

【But the voice is obviously so ruthless...】


【The boy is cheating...deceive yourself...deceive one's sister...】.....................

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