
"Sister Ke Luo, why didn't you resurrect the king and those sisters this time?" She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, her white cat ears drooped weakly, her emerald eyes were red, and she asked sadly. In the video

, She also saw the memories of the king.

What moved her most was not the king who sacrificed himself for the world. What really moved Cui was the boy who fell in love with the boy again and again even though his memory was revised many times..Even when she died in the end, she still had no regrets about loving him, and she left a confession to the boy before she died, no matter how many times.....How many times, will....like....Fuck you....’confession.

This really makes the girl, who has experienced separation but is very easily sad, cry.

Ke Luo, who was standing aside, was stunned, stretched out her hand and gently touched the girl's little head.

"This time is different," Ke Luo said softly,"He has given everything. If he appears in front of everyone again, the guilty people will definitely not be able to help but want him to continue to be their... Wang, that means Wang needs to change. Although everyone has the same idea, there will still be problems if we really do this. And didn’t Master Su Mo already say that, the new student...They have all been redeemed"

"Um...", the girl showed an expression that seemed to understand. Although Cui's mind was already very mature, this kind of topic had not been exposed to the girl who was always struggling on the edge of death before.

Seeing that the girl still looked confused and the girl behind her also looked the same, Ke Luo tilted her head and randomly picked up Cui, who was still in a daze.

"...Ke...Sister Ke Luo, what’s wrong?"The girl who was suddenly picked up showed panic on her face, her eyes drifted to the other side, her cheeks were flushed with shame, and she asked shyly in a low voice.

With the girl's strength, she can break free directly, and there is no need to worry about Ke in this world. Luo would be injured, but the girl did not struggle, but her ears that were originally thinking about the problem slowly drooped down, and her eyes were shining brightly, like a kitten who had done something wrong....

The warm embrace can only be felt by Master Su Mo and Sister Ke Luo...

The girl is a little shy...

"emerald!"Looking at the girl who was even more shy, Ke Luo felt as if a motherly love was welling up in her heart, and she couldn't help but feel a little stronger to hold the girl in her arms.

At this time, Ke Luo became playful and deliberately pretended She had a deep look and a hoarse voice, which made the girls behind her curl up, but after a few days of getting along, Ke Luo cared for them like a big sister.

So, although Sister Ke Luo is very Fierce, but...They were not afraid. The girls all looked at Ke Luo with curious expressions.


"Cui, do you know..."


"Just make people work without rest...If Cui is a capitalist, the company he will open in the future..."

"The puppy will shake his head when he sees it, and he can’t explain it."



"Hehe, Na Cui will definitely be a black-hearted boss in the future."

"Haha, Cui can’t do this~"

"But I think Cui has a good business sense."


The laughter coming from behind made the girl blush, break away from the warm embrace, pat Ke Luo's leg with a red face and dissatisfaction,"That's too much!"

"Hahaha, sorry Cui~"


Seeing that no one showed any sign of 'repentance', the girl blushed and turned towards the World Tree.

"Woo...Master Su Mo...".................... the other side

"....Meow? So I was treated as a bet?"

The milky and confused voice echoed under the World Tree.

Emerald-colored hair, a single horn on the head, blue-gold heterochromatic pupils, and a pair of symmetrical wings that seemed to be woven from light derived from the waist.

Appearance : There is no doubt about it - Azrael.

Azrael looked at the surrounding scenery, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

It was completely different from the previous world.

Although in the end, all races sent a devastating blow to the human race, But the Star Cup was still the same as in the video, and was eventually obtained by the gods created by humans and Ex-Machina.

The world also changed, the rules, the environment, they...

Everything is changing...

But compared to this world, even though she had seen it in the video, Azriel still felt deeply shocked when she saw this beautiful scene.....

As for why you are here? just now....

She just thought she had the privilege to order all Flügels to commit suicide, but in fact it was just a lie told to protect the Flügels. It originated from Artosh's command to her at the end of the war:"When I am defeated, I will find the person who defeated me on my behalf.""Cause" order, after the defeat, in order to prevent the Flügel from continuing to commit suicide, he lied that this was an order to all Flügels.

As soon as I started to change, I received a familiar call, one that I couldn't refuse, and then I came to this world..............................

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