【Several unconscious elves were lying around the top of the mountain. Pikachu and Xiaozhi were breathing heavily, and their bodies were covered with scars. It was obvious that the boy and Pikachu had experienced a very fierce battle.】

【"Machado, stop quickly and replace the Phoenix King's feathers!", Xiaozhi looked at the elves in the shadows in the distance and shouted】

【Shrouded in smoke, she has a body like a doll, a hair style like a candle on her head, and her eyes are burning like a ghost fire. 】

People in the Pokémon world looked at the novel elves in the video with puzzled faces. Is this another new elves?

"Machado?"Never seen it before."

Everyone shook their heads. They had seen most of the elves in the video. Although most of them were evolved, they could still recognize them.

But they had never seen this elf before.

Pirate World

Amazon · Lily Kingdom

"so amazing! what is that? Electric mouse?"Luffy, who was shot flying, has already learned that his partner is not dead. He is currently training with the Nine Snakes Pirates. His thinking eyes are on the comparison between Chopper and Pikachu in the video.

Chopper is one of their Straw Hat crew. It is understood that the ship's doctor is a reindeer who ate the Renren fruit and can be transformed with a blue wave ball. It

's just that Chopper's main responsibility is the ship's doctor, and Pikachu in the picture seems to be the main one fighting.

And it seems that Pikachu is that boy's Partner, but can't speak

"let's work hard together! Will definitely win!"........................

【"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!", as Xiaozhi's voice fell, the Pikachu next to him suddenly jumped out, with terrifying lightning bursting out all over his body, and strong currents flowing out, hitting the elf named Marshado in front of him.】

【However, such a swift and powerful attack failed in an instant. The mysterious elf melted into the ground and disappeared. In the blink of an eye, the figure of the mysterious elf appeared from a crystal on the top of the mountain, looking down at Pikachu and Xiaozhi, with quiet burning eyes. Can't see any color】

【But Ranmashado was surrounded by strange purple smoke, and he held a jet black feather in his hand. The depressing and ominous atmosphere made everyone feel suffocated even through the screen.】

"Isn’t this the Phoenix King’s feather?", Dr. Oak looked at the feathers in the hands of the mysterious elf.

There is no doubt that everything revolves around the feathers of the Phoenix King.

This mysterious elf named Marshado snatched the feathers given to Xiaozhi by the Phoenix King, although he did not know What is the function of the Phoenix King's feathers, but it seems that they must contain some mysterious power.

But why did the colorful feathers that began to appear become dull, or even start to turn black, without the holy aura before? , some are just filled with unknown

【Mashado is holding the feathers of the Phoenix King. In the hands of the original owner, the feathers of the Phoenix King are so pure, but in the hands of people with impure hearts, the feathers will become dirty and dim. Even the inner evil is reflected through colors】

【jet black feathers...Mashado obtained the Phoenix King Feather through unfair means, gained powerful power from it, and thus controlled the elves in the entire mountain range.】

【on top of the mountain...As the picture emerged, the dark night began to become clearer...】

【The densely packed elves’ eyes are filled with ominous purple....】

【This is what the boy and Pikachu are dealing with...enemy!】

【Thousands of elves swarmed towards the young man as if they were going crazy. There was no emotion in their eyes. They were like cold machines with naked murderous intent. However, the young man in the picture did not show the slightest fear.】

【"Pikachu, lightning flashes!", faced with the crisis boy's calm and calm response, he commanded his own elves to fight with these controlled elves!】

【"boom!!!", colorful energy light balls exploded violently, huge rocks on the top of the mountain flew across, arousing bursts of smoke, and the sound of explosions continued on the top of the mountain.】

【Although it was very difficult, the boy and the elf were very strong and coordinated very well. The terrifying lightning flashed continuously within ten meters around the boy and the elf. With just one blow, Pikachu's attack could kill several elves trying to get close. Falling to the ground and fainting】

【Suddenly, when the two sides were in a stalemate, the candlelight in the eyes of Mashado on the top of the mountain moved slightly,"Masha!!!"】

【The terrifying aura erupted, and the entire mountaintop was shaking and shocked.】........................

【"Boom boom boom!!!", the ominous energy enveloped Machado, and his small body exploded with unimaginable huge energy at this moment.】

【Everyone is praying for the end of this war and for nothing to happen to the boy and the elf in the video, but...】

【"Masha!", several energy groups condensed in front of the small body, and then shot towards the pickup truck.】

【"Pikachu, use lightning to dodge!", under the command of the young man, the yellow figure turned into thunder and quickly dodged. The energy group behind him fell to the ground, making a violent roar. The ground was instantly covered with dozens of huge potholes with a radius of ten meters.】

【In the blink of an eye, the two elves in the field had fought dozens of times. The huge light waves could easily eliminate the hills of dozens of meters. Fortunately, Pikachu avoided them one by one with his flexible movement.】

【As we all know, Pikachu is not very powerful among elves, and can even be said to be very weak. Among electric elves, it even ranks very low because of its power storage bag.】

【But the Pikachu in the picture actually completely broke the racial restrictions, and the violent thunder continued to explode in the dark night.】

【"boom!", another huge energy cannon blasted into the ground, raising dust all over the sky.】

【"Sizzle!", a figure suddenly rushed out of the dust, and the yellow thunder hit Marshado clearly, and his body smashed into rocks uncontrollably and flew out,"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!", under the command of the young man, Pikachu's tail instantly glowed with metallic luster, and he whipped violently towards Mashado to break the wind!】

【want...Did you win?...】

【I saw Masha Duo standing up immediately, and the violent energy broke through the paralysis of lightning,"Masha Duo!!!"】

【A violent and angry voice shouted from the mouth of this elf, saying that he...I was actually hurt by this garbage elf!!!】

【The pitch-black body glowed with green light, candlelight lit up the candle hairstyle, and similarly, a burst of candlelight lit up from the clenched fist.】

【This elf...Not only does it have ghost attributes, but it also has fighting attributes! 】

Everyone in the Pokémon world’s heart sank. Just the ghost attribute and the feather in his hand are already so strong, plus the fighting attribute....

Pikachu maybe...

【As everyone guessed, Pikachu in the air could not resist it at all. The moment Machado stamped his feet, he rushed straight towards Pikachu, and hit Pikachu hard with his flaming fist!】

【"Pickup!"Pikachu, who was completely hit, couldn't help but scream in agony, but it wasn't over yet. Energy bombs appeared in the void near Marshado and kept knocking Pikachu away in the air!】

【A huge explosion resounded across the mountain top,"Boom!", Pikachu's figure finally fell heavily to the ground, and his body was already covered with scars.】

【...An even bigger energy bomb appeared and hit Pikachu hard....This blow will kill the already dying elf...】


【In front of huge energy bombs...him for him....Blocked the blow....】

【"Boom boom boom!!!"]

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