【A small boat appeared on the calm sea in the picture, and there was no emotion in the dark red girl's eyes.】

【Eri stood on the bow of the boat, her long dark red hair being messy by the sea breeze. The sea was choppy, but her boat was moving very calmly. The nearby corpse guards rushed towards the boat, and Eri stood up. The cherry-red long sword in his hand was swung out casually, a huge slash flew out instantly, and the corpse guard's body suddenly split from the middle.】

【But obviously the girl's way of wielding the long knife is very childish, it can even be said that it is like a little girl wielding a pencil sharpener, but this kind of casual chopping contains the absolute will to cut,】

【The girl was not cutting the corpses with a knife, but giving orders to cut them apart.】

【This is the spirit of speech·judgment! Girls' unique abilities】

【Like a work machine without emotions, the group of corpses surrounding the boat became denser and denser, and Eri's chopping became faster and faster. The knife seemed to have no weight and no order in her hand. She just kept saying it. Following the command of death, death and death, even the corpse guards felt the death-like aura and gradually no longer dared to approach.】.............

The quaint castle in the pirate world is full of chaos. Sitting on the throne is a man with sharp yellow eyes like an eagle, a short beard, a black hat with white fluff on his head, and often wearing a burgundy patterned shirt and a black windbreaker. , as well as white trousers and black short boots. A cross knife hung on his chest.

Even if there is no battle with the world's strongest black sword, Ye, behind him, huge slashes can be seen everywhere, and the smoke that has not dissipated can be seen as the slash that has just been made.

As the world's number one swordsman, naturally there will be no pirates running around here without opening their eyes. There is only one reason....

"This kind of slash...", Hawkeye watched the girl in the video strike casually, but every strike was like a sword master's movement, slowly put down the black sword in her hand, and fell into silence.

These eagle-like eyes symbolize his talent for discerning the essence of things.

Naturally, it can be seen that although the girl's slashing is very strong, it is not the same as the slashing in their world.

Although he is now the world's greatest swordsman, his slashes cannot be as casual as this girl's, but every strike contains infinite sword intent.

"Is this the power of another world?", Hawkeye looked at the 'Word Spirit Judgment!' that was clearly mentioned in the video. His sharp eyes like an eagle fell into deep thought at this moment. Like the Devil Fruit in this world, it has all kinds of strange powers, but has obvious weaknesses. The same goes for this girl. What?

What's the price?

Hawkeye looked at the expressionless girl and couldn't help but guess......................

【On the sea, under the pressure of the girl, countless corpse guards began to flee. Under the light, there was blood stained red. The girl watched quietly and did not chase the escaped corpse guards. She was as calm as if she were playing a game. She could not see If he doesn't show any emotion, he seems to be an emotionless machine.】

【The water surface was turbulent. The girl put the knife in the sea water and wiped away the blood on the long knife. She gently rolled up her sleeves, revealing her exquisite wrist. She stretched out her hand and pressed it on the sea surface. The rushing sea water hit the girl's hand, as if in a play. It was like water, and seemed to be comforting something. The girl narrowed her eyes and stroked the surging seawater]

This made everyone in Wanjie a little confused, and some people speculated that this was some kind of psychological comfort.

Because after killing, there will be more or less the violence of killing in everyone's heart. If it accumulates too much, it will even gradually turn into one of those irrational killing machines.

Therefore, most people will have their own way of relief.

But the next moment, what happened made everyone’s eyes pop out.

【I saw that the surging sea surface calmed down in an instant, not just the sea surface! Everything around the girl became silent! A huge realm appeared on the girl's body, and everything in the realm was forcibly suppressed】

【I saw the girl clapping her hands rhythmically, and an even more nerve-wracking scene happened. The dark clouds in the sky actually collapsed!】

【The cold moonlight shines on the sea, and the ripples are fine. The sea surface is like a silver ingot with fine lines on the surface. The sea surface temperature is getting lower and lower, and the dancing silver waves gradually solidify. In just a few moments, with the boat as the center, the ice spread in all directions.】

【And those corpse guards were frozen in the sea, unable to struggle with their astonishing strength. In front of this calm and beautiful girl, these monsters made by alchemy were like toys and were allowed to be slaughtered.】

【What this girl is doing at this time seems to have gone beyond alchemy or word spirit, and has even reached a whole new realm....god...field of!】

【But the girl didn't pay attention to the changes around her. She lowered her head and hummed, but her voice was very soft, and no one could hear each other's voice. The girl's eyes seemed to penetrate the dark sea at night. Golden pupils looked down at the sea, at this moment...The girl is like a god who has fallen into the world!】

【The helicopter hovered above the sea, with a spotlight covering the boat and the girl on it. The huge rotor stirred up strong winds, but what was shocking was that the sea below was absolutely calm. Even the high wall-like frenzy in the distance could not invade this place. field】

【The girl hummed softly. Centered on her and the boat, the sea surface with a diameter of about one kilometer was completely frozen. A tsunami hit in the distance. The waves were tens of meters high, but they all broke away at the edge of the field. It was dark in all directions, and a ray of bright moonlight shone on the crystal sea.】

【Suddenly the iceberg sank with Eriyi, and huge waves were stirred up into the air dozens of meters high. This iceberg is like a huge ice cross spear, cutting straight through the sea water and falling to the bottom of the sea, with the most intense"cutting" will!】

"Isn't that the ability of General Qing Pheasant?"

"Yes, the ability to freeze the sea has only been seen in General Aokiji."

"Could it be that the great swordsman from another world ate a fruit similar to the power of General Aoki Pheasant?"

Navy Headquarters, looking at the girl in the video, everyone whispered in low voices

"...What's all the fuss about?" Listening to the discussion around him, Qingzhi reluctantly took off his blindfold.

This video can be seen even with the blindfold on, so he has been watching the girl's ability just now.

The girl's The ability is also frozen, but it is not strong. It can be said to be dwarfed by him in front of him.

But he can see that the girl's real ability is absolutely terrifying.


【in the dark sea....】

【The girl was gently hugged by the boy...】

【that second...】

【The girl's golden pupils revealed an unknown expression....】

【Golden flowers bloom messily in daily life full of disasters...】

【this feeling...I don’t know when...Quietly buried in the soil...】


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