
Under the setting sun, Naruto stared blankly at that figure, why did he feel an indescribable feeling of familiarity?

"that's your father..."

I don’t know when...A white-haired Jiraiya appeared next to Naruto.

Looking at the crying boy in front of him, Jiraiya was no longer prepared to hide this secret after all.

At this time, he extremely questioned the practices of the third generation and was regarded as a cancer in the village. The son of a hero could not hold his head up in front of outsiders and was cast aside by everyone.

"...Four generations....Fourth Hokage...is my father"

"Well, your father's name is Namikaze Minato, and your mother's name is Uzumaki Kushina. A few years ago, the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki was your mother, but when the seal was loosened on the day you were born, the out-of-control Nine-Tails would cause harm to the entire Konoha. The devastating disaster was that your father sacrificed himself to seal the Nine-Tails in your body....they are heroes...Is also your hero..."

After the words fell, Jiraiya said nothing more, looking at the sunset scenery in front of him without taking his eyes away.

But my peripheral vision kept scanning towards the children around me... he is gambling...



"my dad...Mom is a hero..."

"I am also a child with a father and mother..."

"dad...Mother...I really miss you guys..."

The tears accumulated over decades can no longer be held back at this moment... this child...I have never cried for my life experience.... this time...After all, I still couldn't hold it back..................

"Kai...", on the grass, Kakashi looked at the dying Kai in the video and didn’t know what to say.

"Hahaha, my eternal rival, this is youth!"

"Then we started doing five hundred laps on the playground, oohoo!"

"Continuously discipline oneself!"

"Hard work will never betray others!"

But as he spoke, Metkai's eyes couldn't help but become moist, recalling the figure who accompanied him countless days and nights.

Recalling the thumbs up... die...so what...

Because he has found the thing that his father spent everything on... guard! under the sunset...

"Kakashi! What are you sad about?"Kai suddenly yelled, and Kakashi was stunned by his rich voice.


"Isn’t it just to burn your youth by working hard to this day? As long as you believe in the path you are taking, stride forward, and then become a person who can make others watch with a smile."

"What's really important, no matter the pain...Sad or sad....We must work hard to the end, even if we lose our lives, we must protect it with both hands to the end! In this case, so what if you die!"

"What really matters, no matter pain or sadness...We must work hard to the end, even if we lose our lives, we must protect it with both hands to the end! In this way, even if you die, you will always have evidence that you lived as a man....."

"When new leaves sprout and the New Year arrives, it is the climax of youth that burns the hottest!!! My best friend!"

Under the setting sun, the shadows of the two people stretched infinitely, and Kakashi stared at the figure in a daze.

"...Father, everything you said is right...."

"Kai...really did it..."..............

In Wanjie, the screen lit up again, and everyone who thought it was over was stunned.

【In the deep pit, Uchiha Madara struggled to get up, half of his body had been destroyed,"Hahahahaha, cough, I was almost killed by you, you guy"】

【Laughter replaced the roar, and the pride on Madara's face could no longer be suppressed, this terrifying guy!!! One kick almost killed him!】

【but...He still survived!!!】

【His body was in ruins and he was already dying, as if he would die in the next moment. 】

Everyone in the world stared at Madara with their eyes wide open. They would not die even if they did this!

And the major ninja villages in Naruto couldn't help but want to find the right position to make up for this guy.

【For a moment, under the eyes of everyone in disbelief, Madara's destroyed body began to grow bit by bit, and the speed became faster and faster. Until he stood up, his body had completely recovered.】

【"Although you are already a candle in the wind, you have pleased me. This is my thank you gift. Before you turn into ashes, I will kill you!"Floating behind him are five black Tao-seeking jade formed by Yin and Yang escape. These Tao-seeking jade contain the power of all things. People without the power of the six ways will disappear into nothingness when they touch them. People with the power of the six ways can touch them at will. But now only Uchiha Madara can control it at will. Its power is so powerful that it can easily destroy a forest.】


【In the blink of an eye, a dark Jade of Seeking Dao blasted towards Kai. Once Kai, who was already on the verge of death, touched the Jade of Seeking Dao, he would turn into nothingness in an instant.】

【The pupils of the people present shrank suddenly, and they wanted to stop it, but they were unable to do anything. Qiu Daoyu's power was too overbearing, and his speed was beyond the reach of ordinary people!】

【"god..."Kakashi was furious and wanted to use his Mangekyou Sharingan, but after using it continuously, his eyes were powerless and he could only watch the Qiudao Yuma whizzing towards him.】


【Qiudaoyu was kicked away!!!】

【In the picture, a clearly visible figure appears, with a swirl mark behind him. In addition to these, the most striking feature is the six beard-like textures on his cheeks.】

【"thick eyebrow teacher...", the mysterious man spoke slowly, and placed his palm on Kai's heart. The Yang Escape, which represented the ultimate vitality, was input into Kai's body, and the life fire that was about to be extinguished burned again.】

【After doing all this, dazzling firelight filled the eyes of everyone present, and their bodies were surrounded by golden flames. Their hair and forehead protectors were surrounded by golden flames.】

【The third person in the six realms of the world...Come on stage!!! 】

The color screen went dark and the video ended.


Everyone watching was confused. Is this the end?

Then what?

How is Madara doing?

Where's Kai?

And who is that mysterious man?

Has the world been destroyed?

Watching the ending video, the major ninja villages in Naruto were cursing and numb. It was obvious that the new six-path person who suddenly appeared in the video, although I didn't know who it was, it was obvious that he also existed in Konoha.

In the future war, only Six Paths will be able to participate?

If you want to help me reluctantly, you have to be a near super shadow level existence?........

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