【It is absolutely not allowed for his companions to be defeated in this state. At this moment, Youtai has completely strengthened his determination. He will never allow his companions to only protect himself again. He wants to become a A man who stands alone】

【At this moment, he quickly rushed towards the front position, and his potential was fully exploded. The power of the curse was wrapped around the blade, and the moment he rushed forward, his sword actually cut directly on the big curse. body, but it seems that the force he used was not very strong.】

【"No, it’s too shallow. No, it’s probably because he’s too hard."】

【Because he could clearly feel his hand shaking violently, which meant that the shock caused by the knife just now was unacceptable to his arm.】

【It was the huge beam of light that exploded now, which began to explode on his body, and blood began to spurt out from his body. That move had completely injured him. It was at this moment that he recognized himself more clearly.】

【"I can't beat such a powerful curse now, but"】

【I originally thought that this guy would fall into a low self-esteem mood again at this time, but what I didn't expect was that it quickly cheered up and randomly used the inertia of its body being blown away to directly drive its own body and quickly rush to where it originally landed. On the other side of the throat medicine there】

【He suddenly grabbed the bottle of medicine and quickly threw it in the direction of Gou Juan.】

【"Gou Juan is so gentle, I must.....repay him"】

【Finally, it exploded at this moment. The unprecedented huge potential made him ignite hope again. Goujuan in the sky also successfully grabbed the bottle of potion at this time. and took it all into his mouth】

【The BGM sounded in the scene, and before Goujuan landed, he was attacked by a curse. Seeing that a huge beam of light began to appear on his body, at this moment, he burst out with unprecedented energy.】

【While quickly dodging, he did three backflips in succession, dodging four beams of light, then opened his mouth and suddenly shouted:】

【"Squash it!"】

【But now, the powerful curse began to erupt, and the huge curse was completely crushed at this time, purple blood spurted out, Ichigo Yuta stood there, holding the knife in his hand, looking at the front The scene was a bit shocking. It was the first time for him to see such a powerful force.】

【"So strong!"】

【Although the load on his body is still very heavy after using this move, Inumaki can still bear it at least so far. The battle is over. Yiguyou ran to Inumaki too excitedly.】

【"It's okay, it's just a scratch."】

【It was now that Goujuan opened his hand. Showed a gentle smile】

【"mandarin fish"】

【"Thanks for your hard work"】

【The two high-fived excitedly, and at this moment, he finally looked past what had happened to him.】

【"Wait until Li Xiang's curse is lifted. Will I become an ordinary person? I can no longer stay at the Conjuring College, but before that, I want to help everyone as much as possible"】

【What he didn't expect was that the barrier was still there and had not been lifted at all until now.】

【And just in the distance, a mysterious man sat on the top ceiling, watching the beginning and end of the entire battle. He showed a very proud and ferocious smile.】

【"What a pity. I also want to see the legendary special-level magic spirit. We are both special-level. I really want to say hello quickly."】

【Right next to this man, there was a muscular curse lying on his back, and he spat out Yuta's student ID card from his mouth.】

【Obviously, he has noticed this student】

【"We have to find a way to return the things he dropped here."】

【On the other side, everything in the Conjuration College has returned to normal, and what happened now is no longer important. Inside the base on the other side, this man finally appeared in sight. 】

The world where the spell returns to the battlefield (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was also because Gojo Satoru had completely seen the man standing in front of him. He was very proud at first, but now he is completely serious.

"What happened? Why did Mr. Gojo suddenly become a different person?"

Hiruhito Kuzada was standing next to Gojo Satoru. She didn't know why Gojo Satoru suddenly changed his attitude, and even Fushiguro Megumi next to him didn't know.

"Xia Youjie."

The man who is called a best friend

【"How long has it been since we all united? By the way, let’s take a group photo after a long absence to commemorate this touching reunion. Where is my SLR camera?"】

【Xia Youjie said excitedly】

【"`.It's here"】

【Then the two people really started taking photos, and at this moment, right behind them, a very arrogant man in a suit suddenly ran over. He seemed to be quite rich, but he was lost. Running towards this side, shouting Xia Youjie’s name loudly】

【"Where is Xia Youjie? I want to find him. you guy"】

【"Isn't this Mr. Jinson? What's wrong with you? panicked"】

【"Quickly get rid of my deep curse. Do you know how much I paid you?"】

【"How much?"】

【"A total of 150 million!"】

【The woman next to me roughly calculated the specific amount he spent.】

【But it looked like he hadn't donated for half a year. This guy didn't have any more money, and Xia Youjie showed a disappointed expression (Zhao Qian's)】

【"Then there is no need to continue squeezing."】

【"what are you doing? What on earth are you talking about?"】

【"I mean different monkeys have different uses. Some monkeys can give me money, and some monkeys can give me curses."pure】

【"Now that you have no money, it is no longer useful"】

【Then she simply snapped her fingers, accompanied by the fat man's loud roar, but it was no longer useful. His face had begun to distort, and invisible invisible things were tearing at her face.】

【It was two curses that were beginning to dilute his body, and then there were more and more curses. His body began to undergo tragic deformation, and then a stream of blood spurted on the wall, and this guy's life ended. 】

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