【What an astonishing speed this is, Maki's eyes also changed. He stared at the man in front of him, unable to believe that this guy seemed to be joking.】

【"what did you say?"】

【"They are my students, don’t instill twisted ideas into them."】

【Finally, at this moment, a familiar voice came from behind, and everyone turned around to look. Sure enough, it was Teacher Gojo Satoru who appeared in front of everyone. And even the expression of the man named Xia Youjie standing in front of him changed from the playful smile at the beginning to a serious one.】

【Because in his eyes, this man was the only one who could threaten his power. In just one second, he returned to his previous smile, in order to avoid being aware of the changes in his mentality. He still smiles deliberately now】

【"Long time no see, Wu"】

【"Stay away from them, Jay. They are not guys who can be twisted at will."】

【But what I didn't expect was that at this moment, Xia Youjie actually showed a meaningful smile. Seeing his best friend's current smile, he began to gradually twist and become very arrogant.~】

【"I heard that there are many elite first-year students in this class. It turns out that you brought them all out. There are also special-level spellcasters, mutant spellcasters, and descendants of spellcasters. Zen-Yuanjia’s Crane End"】

【Obviously, in the eyes of this man, Maki is just a stinky monkey, because he did not detect any spell power on him, and when Maki heard the last words, he was completely filled with anger. , prepare to attack for the sake of the weapons in your hands.】

【"Watch your words and tone, my world doesn't need monkeys like you, do you understand?"】

【When Youta heard this, his face turned dark instantly, and he opened the arms around him. His expression also began to change, and this man's words made him feel sad. Very unhappy】

【"Sorry. I still don't quite understand what you are saying now. but. You insulted my friend so I won't help you"】

【Xia helplessly sighed, then said with a smile】

【"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you unhappy"】

【"So what do you do here?"】

【"Of course we are here to declare war! Everyone here. Please keep your ears open and listen. On the coming December 24th, we will start the Hundred Demon Night Walk after sunset. The location is the Curse Melting Pot, Shinjuku, Tokyo"】

【"and Kyoto, a magical resort. We will be divided into two places, and the curses issued by thousands of spells will be released. Needless to say, the orders given to them will of course be to kill everyone on sight."】

【"If you don't want to try to become hell, then try your best to stop us. Come on and curse each other!"】

【This man opened his arms and finally revealed his purpose and ambition at this moment. He was just unhappy with human beings and was bound to kill them all no matter what? Existing in a world where there are only magicians is what makes her happiest】

【At this moment, a girl behind made a very shocked cry.】

【"Sorry, your shop will be closed soon."】

【"It's already this time. Sorry, Gojo Satoru and the others are clamoring to eat crepes at Takeshita Shopping Street. So we took our leave first."】

【"Really, I don’t know what’s so good about a place full of monkeys."】

【"Do you think I will really let you go?"】

【When he heard this sentence, Xia Youjie suddenly stopped】

【"I advise you not to take action"】

【It was originally, but now a huge curse suddenly popped up from the ground, and this guy was completely like a big fat man like a meat ball. He clenched his fists and held a special spell and gesture in his hands. Just like a monk, only a big one-eyed monster appeared in front of everyone.】

【He let out an unprecedented killing intent, followed by a strong roar.】

【"Your love pictures are all within my killing range"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【When the few of them reacted, they found that they had been completely surrounded by countless small curses. In this state, they could not act rashly. Once they move, they will most likely be killed within a second. ]

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【On the other side, he had already withdrawn from Gojo Wuwang and looked towards the sky without saying a word. No one knows what kind of state and emotion are hidden under the bandages on the eyes.】

【It seems that he recalled what his good friend Xia Youjie once said to him, the weak survive.】

【"But the social form that should exist. The strong bullies the weak. Listen carefully, spellcasters do not exist to protect spellcasters."】

【"What big truth are you telling me?"】

【"I hate reasoning"】

【"You are the strongest because you are Gojo Satoru! Or is it because he is the strongest, so he is Gojo Satoru?"】

【"So what exactly are you trying to say?"】

【"If I can become your fantasy, maybe it can come true, don’t you think so?"】

【In the scene before them, they were in a sea of ​​people, standing in front of each other, and seemed to be engaged in something. Both sides continued to maintain their respective ideas. There are no obstacles in moving forward】

【"I have already decided on the path of my life. From now on, I just need to do my best and there is nothing else to think about."】

【Then Gojo Satoru watched helplessly as his friend gradually turned away from him, while Xia Youjie looked at the sunset at dusk, and at that moment he seemed to doubt whether what he had been doing was correct.】

【But these things are no longer important. Gojo Satoru was also lying flat on the window sill under the setting sun. He recalled what happened when he saw his friend today, and even speculated on what that guy was thinking.】

【But these things don't seem to be important anymore. She knew her friend very well, why did she leave? But when he was about to take action, he stopped himself. Since she has made her own choice, she might as well not stop her.】

【It wasn't until dusk and late into the night that Gojo Satoru slowly left.】

【"Xia Youjie, a super-level magician, is good at magic spells. He will absorb the natural curse that has no master-slave relationship to operate, and at the same time strengthen his own power, which will make him very powerful."】

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